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中考二轮复习不定代词专项练习学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_题号一总分得分评卷人得分一、单选. wa bornbeingda all thins. You ca o well in hins troughhard wor. As an Engish learne, yuat e ecllnt withoutenghratic.A.Eerybody B.ombody . by2Whato you thn fthseo boos?_ f tmaeinteesting.n vereadtem severltimes.ABthB.eiterC.NnD. Ethr3Thr is _ wrog wit m omuter. t entwork n . I llbuy e one.A.nthng. . smig. . veyhin 4Mum,I m hungry.I there to at?Ye, youca have somebreadonthe table.A. mthng B nohing C.anytin5es y nglh ecer h wthou n QQ?Yes, omtimes Its_ w njoy oingat en.A. anythn B.something C vythng D nothing6.“I don ink I am iffren from ese.I am jt hson f aarmer,”Mo Yn aid.anyoneB.noboy C. smone D veroe7.Tee w o two antigsforsale andhe boht_. all. yC. bthD sme8The is oly one tcet for Lcy and Ssan So _ oftem will go tote ovie. eihe . neier C.both My host amiy tried to co _ forme when Istuid n New ealand.A. dferentsomething B. differenntingC somthingifferent Danthng dierent1 familhas two gs.One i it, _ is back.A.oerBanher C e other Doters11Ournlsheacher ot u many newboo._of tm is veryinesig.A.AllB othC. EeD.Eah12.Dont be agry wth yurkidwhen he kes ie again,i ou?No, I on. now that o us ae perfecater llA. n B. neither C. each D. al13hic of thetwo Tshirtsil outke?Il ke One is frm bothern t oher is or msef. eher B. oh . niter D. l14-Ming, ass Is_ here? -No,sir. om i abent. . anboy B. everody C nbody . soebody 15.tesms gra!Is rom Inia.Wud yu le_?Ait B.thi Cme D.1ttl16._ is waitig ry a h te. wans o ythanks to ou.Smebo B.Anybod C.verybod .obod7Whch of heosujetdoyo like,rt ormusc? . Th ae raly iterestig.A.eiher B Bot C. None D. l 18.-Ww! Yuve got so many clohes.-Bt _of thare i faon nw.all B. ot C.neithr D. n1l h olunteers were very tired, bu of hm oka rest.hywere busy looing for te mssipepleA.neithr B allC. ohD. none20-Whchdyouprefer, a CD layer oa walan?-_ I pefer portabe optr. A BothB.Eihe. NoeD. Nihr21oudonthaea dri. Can et y _?A. somtin . anyhing C nthing .evrythin22Tom peaksChinese better tan _lsein is cls.A.o one B aoherC. nyneD the one23I hve to tll you. aythg ineeig B smeting inretng intereting anythig D. ntresig somehng24Tre abl totloenltooneanther hevr _ of hm eel hur.A. either. th. smeD. all25.rhas everbn sc a butifullage _ n h world. nherB eerywereC. soewhreD. ohre26.Whhelped tty tidy up the edrom jt now?_ heleanedit aly herlA. Somb B.Noody C Eeyody D.nyby27. We arrivdhe tationto early and ad to go, owe s ere andtted wt each ter.A.somewheB.awhe. eewheD nwre28He thiks imslf omebody, w tnk i_Anobo B aybod C soed D. everybody29.L had abad somachahe Butth dotor aid hee w _wit her.A.ew nothig B.serious somthingC.verhingserious D.nothin erious0ook!Therar lotofol peole n the park.he look readSome ae paying hecad, _are chtingA.anther teother .ther D. otes31Would y like ta rcoffe? _is k. Id like ter.A.Both B. Neither CEher D. All2Summer oig.I wantto o _oole, t. nothin . anoy C.sotn . swher33I prefe peking to lstenig iEnish earing.h, real? I think ou shl o wll in_ of thm. A oh .ni
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