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如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!安岳中学 高2019级 英语 学习资料时间: 2.28 班级: 姓名: 一、晨读早记 每日半小时英语朗读(以必修二课文阅读材料为主)A.每日金句:Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobiles,trains,planes and buses need energy , too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. This burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air,causing air pollution.空气污染是现代世界的主要问题之一。现代工业国家的工厂运转需要大量能源。汽车,火车,飞机和公共汽车也需要能源。几乎所有这些能源都是燃烧产生的 燃烧产生废物,其中一些残留在空气中,造成空气污染。B. 佳篇欣赏: 抗击肺炎英文励志佳篇 开校第一堂课,齐声背诵We are facing a darktime right now.Some of usare stuckat home.Some of us are stuck far away from home.Some of us have lost their jobsAnd some have toshut downtheir businesses. Some of us are cutting down their expense. Andsome cant even pay their rent and bills. Some cant go back to school andsome cant go back to their jobs. And some of us are still working day and night,no matter howexhaustedthey are or how dangerous it is. Some of us have become infected and theywere isolated fromtheir families, their loved ones and have to be alonein the wards.Oreven worse, it is their children, parents or loved ones that are infected. And they dont even have a chance to say goodbye.The virus isrampaging.The numbers are increasing.The rumors are spreading.The fear is growing.It seems thatall of a sudden,the whole country lost itsvitalityandprosperity.如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!You are not the only one who is worrying.You are not the only one who is fearing.You are not the only one who is struggling.We are facing a dark time right now.Our country is facing a dark time right now.This is a war. This is a war without guns, bombs or smokebut its a war with virus, doubt, fears,rumors anddiscriminations. but we shall be fighters. My dear fellows, not just the doctors, the nurses, the policemen and scientists who should fight. All of us should be the fighters in the war. We shallfight againstfear.We shall fight against uncertainty.We shall fight against doubts.We shall fight against selfishness.We shall fight against rumors.We shall fight against discriminations.This is going to be afierceandcruelwar. But dont be afraid. We are gonna win this war together in the end. Our people may get sick. We city may get sick. But we as a brave nation will never ever get sick because we have the spirit, history and determination to win.Weve been on this planet for over 5,000 years. Wevewitnessedmuch darker moments. Weve been through much cruellertrials. No matter its the war,invasion, starvation, poverty or natural disasters, weve always survived. Weve alwaysstood up back on our feet. Weve always won in the end. And welldefinitelywin this time. We dontknow how long this will take or what cost we have to pay. There is one thing we are 100 percent sure that is we are going to win this war in the end because thats what we have been doing for the past 5,000 years. And thats what makes us the greatest nation ever. It is only by going through darkness that we can separate the greatest from the great. In each dark time, weve always fought together No matter how strong our enemy was or how impossible it seemed to win, we just keep fighting because we are all fighters.When all of this is over, well have another great and heroic story to tell our children, our grandchildren and they will tell the next generations. And thats how we pass the greatspirit on and keep it alive forever.1.exhaustsed/zstd/adj.If you areexhaustsed, it means youareso tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left. 使精疲力竭如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!2.ramapage/rmped/v.When people or animalsrampagethrough a place, they rush around there in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction.横冲直撞3.vitality/vatlti/ n./n./If you say that someone or something hasvitality, you mean that they have great energy and liveliness. 活力4.prosperity/prsperti/n.Prosperityis a condition in which a person or community is doing well financially. 繁荣5.trial/tral/n.If you refer to thetrialsofa situation, you mean the unpleasant things that you experience in it. 磨难写在后面的话:在前面的话作为一名普通的中国公民我深爱着我的祖国所以当我看到日益严峻的疫情使得我们的国家和数亿同胞深受其害让我感到心痛我希望可以尽上自己的一份绵薄之力却不知该从何入手我想到了或许语言可以让我们重新燃起希望和信心可以给我们继续战斗下去的勇气所以我创作了这篇英文演讲稿并且制作了这个视频如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!为什么要用英文来写?因为我希望不仅可以让国人同胞看到也可以让其他国家那些关心我们、帮助我们,甚至对此刻的中国不怀好意的人看到我们有必胜的精神、历史和决心!如果这个视频可以给你带来哪怕一点点的感动和鼓舞我觉得就足够了也希望你可以将这个视频传播给更多的人让我们共同携手、共同战斗一起赢得这场没有硝烟的战争吧!正如王毅外长前几日在慕尼黑安全会议上所说:黎明,正在到来;曙光,就在前方。Dawn is breaking andwe are seeing light coming through.二维词推进100 天突破高考 3500 必备词汇Day 32根据提示完成下列句子(each - electronic)1. Everybody is _
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