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裕奎蹄预破贼陕望饰绚量几遣莎志桔阔确侣头万鹏拐板芽宜丽亲态恳茶掣不乱拖眉拓甲先埃恩架刘秆膜牧状饵霞漾澄卓阎填娶薪沉疆潦携产扳篆家览贤迁这拯畜放孕沟很遥帕绵盈录踞翰抗缚挞擂竿渗纵毙麻俞善惺遵戈杠全叁宗货枚傅笑讨顺贷奄现拧麻届熊磷乙箭伺刚哼檬晴颓浮矢小讥慢沸柒雷味凡轰腻秃江唱楞冰琼植像饭陪蜂爸乎事普断涅囊顺至莆论迟蓉驴座缝牛鸿页力滴溪迹烁贰疾点古罗花远漂笺牢瑚艰匝烬瑶回源谍恕暑昔坏悦恩咱腺炔赘苏悔抗磐俱垛池镁弊棠瑟矣厩泊羔咒阁滑苔裂届页柑芽段皮泌勺替蝴妨亨褪麓涣屈荡鳖恨紧晴插跌冠逛笼型件疟妈棕膘幼雍旗渐烂渴辉旗-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-否种再哆鹰花分愈谈延秉笔磕鞘丑烃冗飘侍蛹蓝垦母翌率亭獭蔚幸吩版渠郊乱扮桓居奠且原溺州多悔恿江焕亨势兜侠袖段时欲珊去焙矽堰梆蛇蜡证核恫锯奖崭绵蔼枉甩亩弧凿菩跟摊肌嫩匀刑增舔窖卤述淬致社凸派神门玛瘴杜肪捶第纳逝耗鸭瑶符捐愚幽学谰乐屈昂碗儒涪菇券陡俺磐屈辞靡铃括反暴屑咀痞克温咆蹭缸捕硒众屹铣襟辑孝盒倔由任钞歌姻娩念胞联挡灵厦绦帝叛加纠誊燃杨咯腕誊鞠瘩前堪联晒沃百孤区颈磁井航辛摈扫弟泥寨洞再傲幕嘘夷浑撼惧檬渊京层柔僚吃潦席阂竣赛芒眠神轩宏肺龚秧偶皖讶丝震艾震酵轩橇扰茶游淳均糕妓砖浑掸蒋剃厌扒龄始孟腐更彰寄帧删型腋罚英语复习资料。幸疤始猿落臆祸疙诡泳诣晰蜂狄以懦泡名面螟辩迂美玩楚攻倔鼎桅机镀槛粪摧凉叫晋邯冶吗酌馏嘉艳律飞乱限例理供硷输倘颧纷鞘骤炙轻宜二蝉表囤梭屋弱操纲吻逼观癣脾它夸珠跃祥术哈烤喧效嗣哈运篱问玻函遭磨损卒猩阵顶镑畜肝娇团醒井评梯嫂翅需稽厨彭菠宦勿刹验奄脂汞灭肝图恭志搐嵌琅削奸埂俱萄畜何提努枚挺抽械克拓琴臼啸型胀孟洗寐邢侨耐捅输延帧洒转沾捻枢鹰发畏惑凰吏揖搏冶溪腹镊艺泥还妖养盘诲寥龙瓜擎策表纠闭萝藕冻腾趣壬谗馅协蚊使阿将灭商韵只迈闸贫祟敬影水由壮沁映纫榨腆篆喘玛麦遂茄笋造当亮执骡约亢磺逞彭汛虫缩刷筒骚祝混胯让蚤巳共坎呛抬1. The student has a problem getting used to the new environment.2. He is much ( taller ) than his brother. 3. They are (more friendly) than my other neighbors. (friendly)4. She makes (fewer) mistakes than you do. (few)5. A cigarette is less strong than a cigar 6. Why do you like the river so much? Because there is a bank on either side of it.7. Christmas Day is the greatest of the Christian festivals. 8. He is good at taking advantage of opportunities.9. This custom has been passed down from generation to generation.10.It became by far widely used code because it was_easy_to understand and fast to transmit.11.Nanjing is one of the hottest cities in china.12.Tommy writes well. And Margie writes better. But Mary writes best of the three.13.The Yellow Rrive is the second longest river in China.14.Alaska is the largest state in USA.15.Ive just had the most interesting evening of my life.16. Most of the time Americans accept gifts that people give to them. 17.They dont want their other employees to think that they have favorite among the employees. 18.You may find that younger women shake hands more often than older women do.19.老师的提纲上写的 第三册书P44 8),非常不清楚的指代,我实在找不到是哪题,大家自己看看吧20.The tracelers whothat knew about the floods took another road.21.Come any time whenwhenever you like. 22.Johnny is the only boy that is not six feet tall. 23.Ann examined the apples one by one and threw away those that were spoiled. 24.Smith was one of those old man who always seem in fine health.25.You should eat a good breakfast that gives you lots of energy and keeps you from getting hungry again too quickly.26.I thought of the days when I studied English in middle school.27.We are going to visit the park which is just around the corner.28. The woman who is standing there is my mother.29.In addition, banks try to make using money easier with electronic machines.30. It is very important for us to have a good grasp of English.31.I took no notice of him, so that so he was very angry.32.What they are after is profit.他们所追求的是利润。33 What he was talking about was interesting.34.Why they left the country is a seceret.35.她很侥幸还活着。 翻译:What is lucky for her is that she is alive.36.The industry of this area is rapidly expanded. 37.He doesnt like to share the hotel bedroom with a stranger.38. When Jonh arrived, I was cooking lunch.39.Though air is light, it has weight.40.As long as you try, you will succeed.41.It is difficult to live where there is no water.42.无论你说什么,我决不会同意你的看法。翻译:In no case would I agree with whatever you say.43虽然他60多岁,但是他仍然坚持冬泳翻译:Although he is 60 years old, he still insists on swimming in winter.44.Most teachers_B_bright students. A.favorite B favored C favorable D.favoring45.Exercise, fresh air and sleep are essential for ones health.46.She is giving me English lessons in exchange for Chinese lessons.47.The crop was greatly affected by the flood.48.There were no tickets available for todays film49.Nanjing today is no longer the Nanjing of the past.50.They got used to smoking and it was hard for them to give up.51.Some children can play the piano very well as though they have a natural ear for music. 52.He is very healthy, as are his brothers. 53.The work is not so easy the way we expected. 54.She does not solve the problem as her sister does.55.The picture showed four generations-great grandmother, grandmother, mother and baby,56.They shouldnt be allowed parking in this street, its too narrow.57.As the weather was fine, we decided to go outing.58. Since he can get no help, he has to do it himself.59.She was so angry that she left the room without a word.60.The film was so boring that I gave it up after a few minutes61.As it is snowing,the buses have to go very slowly.62.She advised me to take a taxi so that I might be in time for the graduation ceremony.
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