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八年级英语下学期第一次阶段性检测试题无答案人教新目标版一、选择题1(本题1分)_ do you know about Sunshine Town at different times? _.AHow; Very wellBHow much; A lotCHow; Lots ofDHow much; Very much2(本题1分)Many college students _ for further study at present.Ago to abroadBgo abroadCgo to aboardDgo aboard3(本题1分)He hates traveling. He likes to stay in a place.AsafeBsafetyCsafelyDsave4(本题1分)-When did you study in France? - _.ATwo years agoBFor two yearsCIn two yearsDAfter two years5(本题1分)You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work.ApatientBstrictChonestDactive6(本题1分)Hes always _ at home, but he doesnt feel _.Aalone; aloneBlonely; lonelyCalone; lonelyDlonely; alone7(本题1分)What are you packing so many books for, Grandma?Ill _ to the kids in West China.Agive them upBgive them awayCgive them offDgive them in8(本题1分)If you get there,please_.Acall us onBcall us upCcall us toDcall us off9(本题1分)-Could I _ a dictionary from you. David? - Sorry , I _ it to my cousin yesterday.Alend; borrowedBborrow; lendCborrow: lentDborrowed; lend10(本题1分)Her father likes _ dinner but hates _ the dishes.Amaking; makingBdoing; doingCmaking; doingDdoing; making11(本题1分)Do you agree _ me, Nick?AatBaboutConDwith12(本题1分)Your English book is in your backpack. Please _ and read it.Ataking it outBtake out itCtake it outDtaking out it13(本题1分)Without proper lessons, you coulda lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive upBcatch upCpick upDkeep up14(本题1分) Which would you like, coffee or juice?. I only need some water.ANeitherBEitherCBothDAll15(本题1分) Lets go hikingstaying at home, shall we? Good idea!Ain order toBas well asCinstead ofDin addition to16(本题1分)I wont gohe es back.AuntilBwhileCwhenDwhy17(本题1分)He works hard in ordergood grades.AgetBgettingCto getDgot18(本题1分)Does your school provide youbreakfast?AwithBofCforDin19(本题1分)Tina was too sleepy. She fell asleepshe was reading a book at the table.AthenBuntilCifDwhile20(本题1分)- Where is David, do you know?- I saw himwith our teacher when l passed the playground just now.AtalkedBtalkCtalkingDto talk二、完型填空(本题10分)Mrs. Green has a busy job. She is very _ after work every day and wants to have a good sleep. But Mr.Green is a soccer fan (足球迷). He watches soccer on TV very _ every night, and sometimes he _ at two oclock. Mrs.Green asks him to sleep early, _ he doesnt _ her. He loves soccer so much! These days, Mrs.Green felt very _. She decided to go to the _ yesterday. Mr.Green went there with her. When Mrs. Green visited the doctor, Mr.Green had to _ outside the doctors office. After a moment, Mrs. Green came _ with some _ in her hand. She said to Mr.Green, “I get two kinds of medicine from the doctor. One is for me and the other is for you. “For me?” Mr. Green was surprised 21AtiredBhungryCsadDheavy22AoftenBloudlyClateDhard23Agets upBgoes to bedCplays soccerDcries24AandBbutCsoDthen25AseeBlook atChearDlisten to26AwellBweakChappyDhot27AparkBmarketCpoolDhospital28AwaitBwalkCexerciseDeat29AinBbackCoutD/30AfruitBmeatCmedicineDwater三、阅读单选(本题20分)Coffee has played an important role in peoples lives for thousands of years, and today coffee is grown and enjoyed worldwide, it is still one of the favorite drinks in the world. Many people in the world begin their busy day by drinking a cup of coffee or several cups of coffee. They have always said that a cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the right way.Do you know what in the coffee makes our bodies and brains (头脑)active? It is caffeine (咖啡因). Caffeine may increase a persons mental and physical abilities (精力和体力). For example, two cups of coffee will make you breathe (呼吸) faster andaugmentbody temperature. All this makes your heart beat faster, and doctors warn that this may be a little dangerous.Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, chocolate and some other foods. A little caffeine is probably not harmful. But too much caffeine can make people nervous and sleepless.31“A cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the right way.” What does it mean ?AA cup of coffee helps them do the right job.BA cup of coffee helps them act in the right way the whole morning.CA cup of coffee makes their work more interesting.DA cup of coffee makes them full of spirit for the work the whole day.32The underlined word “augment ” means _
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