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Unit 1 My classroomThe fifth period教学内容BLets learn B. Colour and say教学目标1、能够听懂、会说句子:This is the new classroom. The door is orange.2、能够听懂、会说、认读单词:fan, computer, teachers desk, wall, floor。3、能够用学过的颜色单词和本单元单词对教室实行简单描绘。4、培养学生爱护学校公物的情感。重点难点1、能够听懂、会说、认读Lets learn部分的单词。2、能够对自己的教室实行描述。教学准备多媒体课件,教学图片,颜色卡片,单词卡片,小印章。教学过程Step 1 Warming up & Revision1、Sing a song播放课本第10页歌曲“We have a new classroom”动画,让学生跟着音乐演唱上节课所学的歌曲。并设置问题:Whats in the classroom?学生逐一回答,复习A部分所学的单词。2、 Lets do教师播放录音,让学生跟着录音说课本第5页上的lets do部分句子。Step 2 Presentation & Practice1、Lets review.教师通过课件出示教室的图片T: Its a new classroom. But its not very beautiful. I need some colours to make it beautiful. What colours do you like? 复习颜色单词,配合对应的颜色卡纸。2、Lets learn1)T: I have some new things in the new classroom. 教师利用课件出示fan的教学图片,缓慢读出单词,将图片贴在黑板上,带领学生按字母发音拼写单词。请学生one by one读单词,即时纠正错误发音。让个别学生读单词,并造句。同样的方式对computer,teachers desk, floor, wall进行教学。2)教师利用课件,出示所学词汇的图片,让学生看图,快速说出单词并造句。学生说单词的过程中教师鼓励学生按发音尝试拼词。3)Play a game.教师发给每组写有fan、computer、window、door、teachers desk、floor、light和wall的8张单词卡片,学生把单词卡片一一摆在桌子上,教师说单词,学生找出对应的单词卡并大声读出来,哪组的学生回答得最快、最准确,哪组获胜。4)教师播放Lets learn 部分录音三遍,让学生跟读,模仿并翻译Lets learn中的内容。Step 3 Extension & Consolidation1、教师展示自己提前涂好色的教室图片。教师示范描述自己设计的教师。S: Look! This is our new classroom. The door is _. The _is _.2、小组活动。教师组织学生按组为书中第8页Colour and say部分的图片涂色。涂色后引导学生按照下面的框架讨论介绍自己涂色的教室,每组派一名学生汇报。This is my new classroom. The door is _. The floor is _. The _is _. I like my new classroom.Step 4 Sum up and Homework1、Sum up what we have learned today and evaluate the performance of the students.2、Homework让学生试着用今天学过的单词和句子向父母介绍自己的房间。板书设计Unit 1 My classroomThis is the new classroom. The door is orange . teachers desk computer fan wall floor
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