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有关家庭的英语对话相关家庭的英语对话阅读 英语对话教学能激发和保持学生学习英语的爱好,为学生提供充足的语言交际实践的机会,能培养学生的交际能力,使学生勇于大胆开口说英语,达成学以致用的目标,使得英语课堂教学更出色。xx精心搜集了相关家庭的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!相关家庭的英语对话1Ricky: How is your baby getting along?你家宝宝最近咋样?Amy: I took on a nanny to keep him company. He enjoys himself.我雇了保姆陪她,其乐陶陶。Ricky: You hired a nurserymaid?你雇了保姆?Amy: Er.Yeah, and a nerserymaid offerring escort service.嗯.是的,而且是提供三陪服务的保姆哦。Ricky: What on earth.did you say?你到底.说什么?Amy: Let me see. Here is a lovely photo.我看看.这有张它们的可爱照片。Amy: How is it?它怎么样?Ricky: So its a pet dog!原来是宠物狗狗!Amy: It doesnt matter. The important thing is to be harmonious and lovely.没关系,关键是要友好,要有爱。Ricky: Thats imperative!那是必需的!相关家庭的英语对话2Xiao Dong:Are you married?你结婚了吗?Matt:Yes, you?结婚了,你呢?Xiao Dong:Yes, Im married too. Do you have any children?我也结婚了,你有孩子吗?Matt:Yes, Ive got three daughters and a son.有,我有三个女儿,一个儿子。Xiao Dong:Gosh - a big family! Ive only got one son.天哪,真是是个大家庭! 我嘛,只有一个儿子。Matt:Well, I come from a big family I have two sisters and two brothers.你看,我自己就是从大家庭里过来的,我有两个姐妹两个弟兄。Xiao Dong:Oh really? My familys very small. Its just me, my mum and my dad. And I dont even have any aunts or uncles! How many cousins do your children have?真的?我们家只有我母亲,我父亲和我。我连叔叔姑姑或姨舅全部没有。你有孩子有多个堂表兄妹?Matt:Oh lots Um, let me think nine altogether.很多 嗯. 让我想想看. 一共9个相关家庭的英语对话3大嘴:I saw a photo on internet just now ,its a photo of a big family.刚刚在网上看到一张照片,是一个大家庭的全家福。脸盆:There must be so many people in it .照片里肯定有大家吧。大嘴:Yeah ,150 members of Gao in Dechang county took the photo firstly.是的,德昌县高家150多人第一次拍成了“百人全家福”。脸盆:How great the family is!真是个庞大的家庭啊!大嘴:It includes five generations from the aged to babies.五代人同照,从耄耋老人到吃奶的婴儿。脸盆:Its rare to see such a big family .这么大的家庭在世界上极少见呢。大嘴:Yeah ,it was the first time to gather together for them since 600 years.是啊,这也是高家600年来全家人第一次聚会。脸盆:They were offered the opportunity because of the improvement of our living standards.现在生活水平提升了,为她们提供了这次机会。大嘴:Yeah ,dramatic changes took place in the big family in hundred years .是的,这个大家庭在百年里发生了翻天覆地的改变。脸盆:They must be so excited .她们一定全部很快乐。看了“相关家庭的英语对话”的人还看了:1.有关家庭的英语对话阅读2.有关家庭family的英语对话阅读3.有关家庭family的英语对话4.有关家庭生活的英语对话5.有关家庭日常英语对话精选6.有关父母的英语对话阅读
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