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奥巴马上海演讲奥巴马出生于夏威夷。父亲是肯尼亚一名黑人经济学家,母亲是一名白人女教师。2008年11月4日美国东部时间晚间11时,计票结果显示奥巴马以349票领先麦凯恩163票当选为美国第44任(第56届,第43位)总统。他也成为美国历史上首位非裔美国人总统。之后奥巴马在竞选总部芝加哥发表了题为“美国的变革”的胜选感言,称美国变革的时代已经到来。Obama speech in shanghai ,Barack Obama met students from Shanghai on a three-day visit to China. Obama Says U.S. Welcomes China as Global PlayerPresident Barack Obama said during his youth town hall meeting in Shanghai that the U.S. does not seek to contain Chinas rise, but welcomes it as a strong and prosperous member of the community of nations. Video courtesy of Fox News. Xinhua focused on comments delivered earlier in which Obama stressed that Washington would not seek to contain China and welcomed a strong prosperous and successful member of the community of nations. The Xinhua report also noted Obamas comments that the world was fundamentally interconnected and that gains in prosperity, jobs and security need not come at the expense of other nations in a zero-sum gain. One countrys success does not come at the expense of another, Obama was cited as saying in the report. China watchers said many local and regional news outlets would rely on Xinhuas take, in keeping with the practice of deferring to the state-run broadcaster for political reportage. In a speech delivered at the beginning of his first visit to China, Obama speech in shanghai Video said the free flow of information makes societies stronger and can help channel opinion to the political leaders. The forum with Obama, at the citys Museum of Science and Technology, lasted about an hour and saw the president field eight questions, some of them emailed from within China to the U.S. embassy in Beijing. Obamas comments were not broadcast on national television, but a local network in Shanghai carried the speech via its TV station and Web site, according to The Wall Street Journal. The state-run Xinhua news agency didnt carry a national live broadcast on its Web site as promised. Instead, it carried a translation of the speech, the report said. Obama Shanghai said that people in positions of power may be uncomfortable when confronted with criticism but that it makes our democracy stronger and it makes me a better leader because it forces me to hear opinions that I dont want to hear, The Journal reported. Xinhua focused on comments delivered earlier in which Obama stressed that Washington would not seek to contain China and welcomed a strong prosperous and successful member of the community of nations. The Xinhua report also noted Obamas comments that the world was fundamentally interconnected and that gains in prosperity, jobs and security need not come at the expense of other nations in a zero-sum gain. One countrys success does not come at the expense of another, Obama in Shanghai was cited as saying in the report. China watchers said many local and regional news outlets would rely on Xinhuas take, in keeping with the practice of deferring to the state-run broadcaster for political reportage 。
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