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七年级第一单元测试卷1.Good morning!早上好!Good morning!早上好!2.Good afternoon1 下午好!Good afternoon下午好! .3. Good evening1晚上好!Good evening1晚上好!4. How are you? 你好吗?Im fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢。5.How is he? 他好吗?_Hes fine,thanks.他很好,谢谢。thanks=thank you 谢谢!6. Whats this in English?用英语这是什么? Its _an_orange.它是一个桔子。Its _a_jacket.它是一件夹克衫。7. Whats that in English?用英语这是什么? Its _a_quilt.它是一床被子。8. Spell it, please. =Please spell it= How do you spell it? 请拼写它。M-A-P.9. What color is your ruler?你的尺子是什么颜色的?Its yellow.它是黄色。10. How do you do!你好吗!How do you do!你好吗!11.缩写词:CD光盘 HB硬黑,铅笔芯 BBC英国广播公司 P停车场 kg千克,公斤 VOA美国广播公司 S小号 M中号 L大号 HK香港 NBA美国篮球球协会 CBA中国篮球协会12英语中共有26个字母,其中5个元音字母,21个辅音字母。 英语中共有44个因素,其中20个元音因素,24个辅音因素,另加4个辅音连缀(/ts/ /dz/ / tr/ /dr/)共48个因素。(课本75页) Unit 1 My nameGina.1.Nice to meet you !见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴!2.(1) Whats your name? 你的名字是什么?_- My names Mary./ Im Mary.我叫玛丽。(2). Are you Mary?你是玛丽吗?-Yes, I am.是的,我是。/No, Im not.不,我不是。3. (1). Whats his name? 他的名字是什么?_- His names Bob./ Hes Bob.他叫Bob.(2) Is he Bob?他是鮑勃吗?- Yes, he is.是的,他是。 /No, he isnt.不,他不是。4. (1) Whats her name? 她的名字是什么?_- Her names Mary./ Shes Mary.她叫玛丽。(2) Is she Mary?她是玛丽吗?- Yes, she is.是的,她是。 /No, she isnt.不,她不是。5. (1)Whats your first/given name? 你的名是什么?_-My first/given name is Bob.我的名是Bob。(1)Whats your last/family name? 你的名是什么?_-My last/family name is Green.我的姓是格林。6. Whats your phone number? 你的电话号码是什么?- Its 297-4823.它是2974823。7.Whats one and two? 一加二等于几?- Its three.等于三。8.短语:first name =given name名字 last name=family name 姓telephone number电话号码 middle school中学,初中中国-Chinese中国人,汉语 in Chinese用.选择题.(25分)( )1Whats your telephone number?_ 278106. AIm BIt CIts DIs it( )2. Nice to meet you , Tom . _. A. Hes Jim B. This is Jim C. Nice to meet you ,too D.I am Jim( )3.Whats your first name? A. Lily B. Lily Green C. Green D. Given name( ) 4. How do you do? _A. How are you! B. Good evening! C. Tannk you! D. How do you do! ( ) 5. Whats this_? A. in English B.english C. in english D. of English( )6Your pen is good! _. ATannk you BExcuse me CFine,thank you DYoure welcome.( )7Thats a girl, her name is_. AWang xiaoling BWang Xiaoling CWang xiao ling DWang XiaoLing( )8How do you spell ring? _. AIts a ring Br-i-n-g CR-I-N-G,ring Da ring( )9 _ ? Its nine. AWhat are seven and two BWhats seven and two CWhats your phone number DWhats your ID card number?( ) 10. This is Mr. Black and _ my English teacher.A. this is B. she is C. he is D. it isnt( ) 11. Whats your _?A .name B. given name C. family name D. phone number( )12. _ you Bob?A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be( )13How are you! _. AThank you BExcuse me COK,thank you DYoure welcome( )18_it ,please. R-U-L-E-R. Alook BSpell Cspell Dgood( ) 14. She _Mary?A. am B .is C. are D .be( )15, What color is it? _. A, Its a ruler. B. Its red. C. Its a yellow.( )16,This is orange.A, a B .an C. the D/( )17, Good afternoon! A. Good afternoon! B .Good evening! C. Good morning!. 完形填空(10分) This boy is Peter Smith. His _1_ name is Peter. His _2_ name is Smith. This is 3 school. His school _4_ number is 20048567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White 5_ a good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. Li Min is his good _6 at school. Look! _7_ a pencil box. Is the pencil box _8_. ? I _9_ know. Lets _10_ Li Min at 495-6548. ( )1. A. first B. family C. last D. one ( )2. A. first B. good C. last D. this ( )3. A. you B. that C. his D. it ( )4. A. computerB. name C. phone D. ID card ( )5. A. no B. not C. is D. am ( )6. A. father B. friend C. boy D. class ( )7. A. Whats B. Thesere C. ThatsD. The names ( )8. Li Min B. Li Mins C. Li Min is D. The Li Min ( )9. A. dont B. isnt C. am not D. do ( )10. A. ask B. call C. write D. look . 从II中找出与I意思相同的选项(10分)I栏 II栏() 1.Good morning. A. A backpack.() 2.Nice to meet you. B. My names Lily.() 3.Whats this in English? C. How do you do。() 4.How are you? D. Yes, she is.() 5.Is she your sister? E. She is my sister.() 6.Whats your name? F
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