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n 更多资料料请访问问.(.)中国石油油天然气气集团公公司20007年年度职称称英语水水平考试试I. VVocaabullaryyDireectiionss: TTherre aare 20 inccompplette ssenttencces in thiis ppartt. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee ONNE aanswwer thaat bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce andd maark youur aanswwer on thee Annsweer SSheeet.1. YYourr sppeecch cclasss wwilll giive youu ann oppporrtunnityy too _ coonfiidennce.A. rrewaardB. wwinC. ggainnD. eearnn2. FFiltterss annd llow tarr toobaccco aree cllaimmed to makke ssmokkingg too soome exttentt saaferr, bbut theey ccan onlly mmargginaallyy reeducce, nott ellimiinatte tthe_.A. iincoonveenieencees.C. hazzarddsC. hharmmoniiesD. hhatrredss3. NNew envviroonmeentaal ttaxees oon ccarss, ggasoolinne, andd woood prooduccts werre_.A. rrepooseddB. ddispposeedC. iimpoorteedD. eexpoosedd4. MManyy sttudeentss fiind thaat iif ttheyy trry tto sspeaak ffastt, ttheyy maake morre mmisttakees. So, hoowdo wwe bbalaancee _ annd fflueencyy inn sppokeen EEngllishh?A. aaccuuraccyB. eemerrgenncyC. ffreqquenncyD. eeffiicieencyy5. UUnfoortuunattelyy waar _ iin tthe Midddlee Eaast on Octtobeer 66, 119733.A. bbrokke ooutB. bbrokke ooffC. bbrokke tthrooughh D. bbrokke aawayy6. AAnyoone whoo reefusses tooo offtenn too liisteen tto tthe othher sidde oof aa quuesttionn riiskss beecommingg _ miindeed.A. tthinnB. nnarrrowC. tthicckD. ssorrrow7. _ iis tthe mottherr off innvenntioon.A. NNeglligiibleeB. NNeeddlesssC. NNeceessiityD. NNeceessaarilly8. WWithh ann arrea of appproxximaatelly 2255,2122 sqquarre mmilees, _ to 6611,0000 ssquaare killomeeterrs, Albbertta iis tthe fouurthh laargeest proovinnce in Cannadaa.A. aalikkeB. llikeelyC. eequiivallenttD. uunifformm9. AA coomplletee reefinningg innstaallaatioon mmustt inncluude alll neecesssarry_.A. ffacuultiiesB. ffraggmenntsC. ffaciilittiessD. ffairrly10. As liffe iis ffulll off sttriffe aand _, wee neeed friiendds tto ssuppportt annd hhelpp uss ouut oof ddiffficuultiies.A. cconffirmmC. cconfflicctC. cconfformmatiion D. cconffineemennt11. My mottherr haas lliveed _ ssincce mmy ffathher dieed 220 yyearrs aago.A. ssinggleB. aalonneC. ssoleeD. lloneely12. Lett uss sttartt a lonng mmarcch ttogeetheer oon ddifffereent roaads _ thee saame goaal.A. rrefeerriing toB. tturnningg tooC. bbeloongiing toD. lleaddingg too13. Todday thrree outt off foour Ameericcanss _ toownss, ccitiies or subburbbs.A. llivee thhrouugh B. liive inC. llivee upp tooD. llivee onn14. Geoologgistts, _ somme nnonggeollogiistss, bbeliievee thhat knoowleedgee off thhe cconcceptts oofgeollogyy caan hhelpp too fiind pettrolleumm.A. iin rreplly ttoB. iin cconttrasst ttoC. iin ppropporttionn tooD. iin rrelaatioon tto15. Ameericcanss _ a lott off allcohhol in thee foorm of coccktaailss.A. cconssumeeB. sswalllowwC. ddispposeeD. eexhaaustt16. Thee _ inn Allberrta is pleeasaant, paartiicullarlly iin ssummmer.A. cclimmateeB. wweattherrC. sseassonD. sspacce17. Lovve mmakees tthe worrld_.A. ggo bbyB. ggo fforC. ggo aafteerD. ggo aarouund18. Wasshinngtoon wwas _ by Freenchh arrchiitecct PPierrre LEEnfaant in thee laate 18tth ccentturyy.A. llaidd doownB. llaidd ouutC. llaidd assideeD. llaidd offf19. _ alll off yoour Ameericcan gueestss, II wiish to thaank youu foor tthe inccompparaablee hoospiitallityy.A. IIn hhonoor oofB. IIn pplacce oofC. OOn bbehaalf ofD. OOn aaccoountt off20. We feeel wwe aare happpieest wheen wwe _ aand excchannge ideeas witth oone anootheer.A. ccharrtB. cchattterrC. cchasseD. cchattII. Graammaaticcal StrructtureeDireectiionss: TTherre aare 20 inccompplette ssenttencces in thiis ppartt. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre AAre fouur cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC annd DD. CChooose thee ONNE aanswwer thaat bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce andd maark youur aanswwer on thee Annsweer SSheeet.21. Thee reewarrd wwas nott allwayys ggiveen tto eeverryonne, norr _ too thhosee whho ddeseerveed iit mmostt.A. wwas it givvenB. itt waas ggiveenC. givven it DD. wwas givven it22. Chiinas 111thh _ pllan _ greeat empphassis on thee ennvirronmmentt. A. fiive-yeaars, pllacees B. fiive-yeaar, plaace C. fiive-yeaars, pllacee D. fiive-yeaar, plaacess23. Thee sttudeentss _ thhe eexerrcisses, thhe tteaccherr weent on to expplaiin tthe texxt. A. dooingg BB. ddid CC. hhaviing donneD. to do24. If we stuudy dayy affterr daay, theere is notthinng _ ccannnot be achhievved. A. thaat BB. wwhicch C. whoom
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