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Unit Three Module One(一)一、Word checkpoints2 - -1、尴尬的,难为情的 adj. 2、匹配,相称 v. 3、考虑 adj. 4、压力 n. 5、体形,身材n. 6、无价的,珍贵的adj. 7、包含,容纳v 8、手术n. 9、损害,伤害n. 10、效果,作用 n. 11、成就n. 12、有吸引力的 adj. 13、冒险n. 14、算数,有效v 15、控制v 16、遵循,依照v 17、惭愧的,羞愧的adj. 18、痊愈v 19、精确的,准确的adj. 20、建议,忠告n. 二单词拼写(10) 21. I could see a tall f_ near the door.22 In a few days Mr. Green had r_ strength of body.23. He is a f_ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.24. The speech c_ some interesting ideas.25. Smoking can be h_ to your health.26. The storm did a lot of _ (损坏,损害) to the crops.27. Meeting adults_(使窘迫) the shy child.28. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great _(成就).29. He took a _ (冒险) when he crossed the old bridge.30. Take the medicine _(定期地) three times a day.三动词填空(10)31. Tom has lots of close friends, Kate _. (include)32. Hi, Jack! Long time no see. How are you? (not recognize)Oh, Martin! I _ you. I am fine. Lets have a drink, shall we?33. The doctor suggested Xiaoming _ every day. (exercise) 34. The firefighter risked _ to save the little boy from the burning house. (kill).35. If I _ his advice, I could have passed the exams. He had asked me to learn the lessons by heart. (follow)36. Mr. Johnson is one of the foreign experts who _ in our city now. (work)37. The girl sitting next to me has been considering _ on a diet. (go)38. I was really _ by the _ story. (touch)39. I am now in hospital recovering from liver failure. I regretted _ those weight-loss pills. (take)40. He is considering _ his plan. (change)四、Important sentences41、Im trying to _ _ because Im ashamed of my body.(减肥)42、You have damaged my whole afternoons work. You should _ _ _ (为感到羞耻)your behavior ”, shouted the painter to his son.43. 事实上,一天紧张的工作和娱乐之后,我们的身体需要休息。_ _ _ _ _, after a busy day of work and play, our body needs to rest.44. 在一个美好的海滩假日之后,你会感到轻松、充满精力。After a good holiday on the seaside, you will feel _ and _ _ _.45、观众们安静地坐着, 等待演出的开始. The audience sat quietly, _ _ the show _ _.46、健康的饮食习惯加上经常锻炼是保持健壮的唯一途径。 Healthy eating _ _regular exercise is the only way to become fit. 47、行走和骑自行车就算,在学校里进行体育运动也算Walking and riding your bike _ and _ do school sports. 48、_ _ _ _ _,(事实上) loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to _ _.(发胖)49、I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I dont _ _ any more.(锻炼)50、对于那些了爱看电视的青少年来说, 大量的时间被浪费掉了.After those teenagers who like to watch too match TV, _ _ _ _ _ is wasted.五、Multiple choices(15个)51、1How did you find your visit to the museum, John?_.A. By taking a No.3 busB. Oh, wonderful, indeedC. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way 52. They believe that _ they will defeat the football team.A. one day B. the other day C. any day D. either day53. Carol said the work could be done before October, _personally I doubt very much.A. it B. that C. when D. which54. He was unsuccessful, _ _?A. was he B. wasnt he C. did he D. didnt he55. To his disappointment, what he said didnt _ on his child.A. act B. serve . C. work D. last56. Her spoken English is better than _.A. anyones B. anyone else C. anyone elses D. anyones else57. They are considering _ to a new house.A. moving B. to move C. move D. to moving58. The boys drank _ milk, which made them uncomfortable.A. a great many B. a large amount of C. much too D. a large number of 59. The room _ window is open is mine.A. which B. its C. that C. whose60. Dont turn on the radio _ your mother allows you.A. unless B. because C. if D. and 61. Abraham Lincoln, _ led the United States _ these years, was _of the greatest presidents.A. he, for, a B. whom, in, one C. who, at, who D. who, through, one62. He reached London in 1994, _, some time later, he became a famous actor.A. when B. where C. which D. who 63.
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