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四川成都都市高中中20111级第二次诊断断性考试试英 语本试卷分分第卷(选选择题)和和第卷(非非选择题题)两部部分,共共14页页,全卷卷1500分,考考试时间间1200分钟。第卷答案案涂在答答题卡上上,第卷答案案写在第第卷上。第卷(选择题题,共1100分分)注意事项项:1答第第I卷前,考考生务必必将自己己的姓名名、准考考证号、考试科科目用44B或55B铅笔笔涂写在在答题卡卡上。2每小小题选出出答案后后,用44B或55B铅笔笔把答题题卡上对对应题目目的答案案标号涂涂黑。如如需改动动,用橡橡皮擦干干净后,再再选涂其其它答案案,不能能答在试试题卷上上。第一部分分:英语知知识运用(共两两节,满满分500分)第一节:语法和和词汇知知识(共共20小题题;每小小题1分分,满分分20分)从A,BB,C,DD四个选选项中,选选出可以以填入空空白处的的最佳选选项,并并在答题题卡上将将该项涂涂黑。1.WWaitter! _? I ccant eeat thiis. Its ttoo sweeet. A. OOK BB. AAll rigght C. Yess D. Paardoon2. Thhe pphonne iis rringgingg. Whho ccoulld _ bbe? It is alrreaddy mmidnnighht.A. hhe B. it C. thhis D. theere3. JJohnn pllayss baaskeetbaall welll, _hhis favvoriite spoort is baddminntonn.A. sso B. orr C. yeet D. foor4. Haave youu knnownn eaach othher forr loong?Noot vveryy loong. _ wee caame to thiis sschoool, acctuaallyy.A. AAfteer BB. SSincce C. Wheen DD. BBefoore5. II caant gget himm thhrouugh beccausse tthe linne iis _.A. eengaagedd B. cooverred C. taakenn DD. sstoood6. OOverrpoppulaatioon iis aa teerriiblee thhreaat tto tthe humman racce. Yett itt iss prrobaablyy _a tthreeat to thee humaan rracee thhan envviroonmeentaal ddesttrucctioon.A. nno mmoree BB. nnot morre CC. eevenn moore DD. llitttle morre7. TThe meeetinng iis uusuaallyy heeld outtsidde tthe claassrroomm, wwithh thhe sstuddentts _ oon bbencchess.A. hhaviing seaatedd B. seeatiing C. seeateed D. havvingg beeen seaatedd8. Im aafraaid youu_ tooo haard. Yoou sshouuld takke aa vaacattionn. Teell thaat tto tthe pille oof ppapeers on my dessk! AA. aare worrkinng BB. hhad beeen wworkkingg C. hhavee beeen worrkinng DD. wworkk9. Youu arre llatee. YYou havve jjustt miisseed tthe mosst iimpoortaant parrt.Oh, _ A. sorrry to heaar tthatt.B. noothiing impporttantt. C. thaatss alll rrighht.DD. wwhatt a shaame!10. Youu haave madde aa feew mmisttakees iin yyourr coompoosittionn buut _ yyou havve ddonee weell.A. ffirsst oof aall BB. oon tthe whoole CC. oon tthe othher hannd D. geenerrallly sspeaakinng11. Thee Woorldd Wiide Webb iss jookinnglyy thhe WWorlld WWidee Waait, beecauuse it _ be verry ssloww soomettimees.A. sshouuld B. musst C. wiill DD. ccan12. Thee tiime is nott faar aawayy _ evveryyboddy wwilll haave sommewhheree too liive in thiis ccounntryy.A. aas B. whhen CC. wwhicch D. unntill13. Whhy aare youu laate agaain? Im vveryy soorryy, bbut my carr _ haalfwway forr noo reeasoon.A. bbrokke ooff BB. bbrokke ddownn C. brreakk upp D. brrokee ouut14. Mr. Joohnsson hass maade it knoown thaat mmuchh off hiis ccolllecttionn _ too thhe sschoool.A. hhas lefft BB. iis tto lleavve CC. lleavves D. is to be lefft15. _, I thiink, annd tthe proobleem ccoulld bbe ssetttledd.A. IIf yyou douublee yoour efffortt BB. SSo llongg ass yoou kkeepp upp yoour spiirittsC. MMakiing greeat efffortts DD. AA biit mmoree effforrts16. Youu thhougght I wwas thee booss? Whhateeverr gaave youu thhat _?A. newwsBB. iideaa CC. pposiitioonDD. rrighht17. Wheen wwokeen uup, he fouund he wass sttanddingg onn _ seeemeed tto bbe aa smmalll piiecee off roock.A. tthatt BB. wwhicchC. whhatDD. iit 18. Havve yyou eveer bbeenn too thhe UUnitted Kinngdoom?No. Id llikee too, _.A. tthouugh B. yett C. eittherr D. tooo19. Whaat ccaussed thee accciddentt annd wwho wass reespoonsiiblee foor iit _ a mmystteryy too uss.A. is rremaaineed B. arre rremaaineed C. rremaain DD. rremaainss20. Sixx ocloock in thee moorniing? Noo, ddont rringg mee upp thhat earrly. I _.A. ssleeepB. willl ssleeepC. am sleeepiingD. willl bbe ssleeepinng第二节 完形填填空(共共20小小题;每每小题11.5分分,满分分30分分)阅读下面面短文,从从短文后后各题所所给的四四个选项项(A、B、CC和D)中,选选出可以以填入空空白处的的最佳选选项,并并在答题题卡上将将该项涂涂黑。One aftternnoonn I touuredd ann arrt mmuseeum whiile waiitinng ffor my hussbannd tto ffiniish a bbusiinesss mmeettinggI wass loookiing forrwarrd tto aa 211vieew oof tthe spllenddid arttworrkA yyounng 222viiewiing thee paainttinggs aaheaad oof mme 223 nnonsstopp beetweeen theemseelveesII waatchhed theem aa moomennt aand deccideed tthe laddy wwas doiing alll thhe ttalkkinggI admmireed tthe manns 244forr puuttiing up witth hher 25 strreamm off woordssDiistuurbeed bby ttheiir nnoi
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