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Unit3 Lesson 2 Parties 预习与检测一.翻译下列词组1.热烈地接待某人_ (give a warm reception to)2.向某人申请某物_ (make an application to sb for sth)3.工薪阶层_ (the salaried class)4.向某人祝贺_(congratulate sb on sth)5.决不,任何时候都不_(at no time) 6.曾经; 一度 _ (at one time)7.盼望; 期待 _ (look forward to )8.将某物应用于某物_(apply sth to sth) 二.根据首字母或汉语提示填空1. Ann is a _(可爱的) girl. We like her very much.答案: lovely2. He didnt _(接受) her gift yesterday.答案:accept3. I had no _(机会) to tell her about it.答案: opportunity4. As the wages were low, there were few a_ for the job.答案: applicants 5. These songs are popular among t_. 答案:teenagers知识探究一.重点单词1. snack n.C 快餐;小吃,点心He ate a snack before resuming work.他吃了一份快餐而后继续工作。拓展: snack vi.吃快餐;吃点心 (+on) The boy often snacks on chocolate.这男孩常常吃巧克力。at a snack bar 在小吃吧或小吃店 运用:完成句子(1) 他想吃点东西。He feels like _ _.答案: a; snack(2) 作为点心,水果比巧克力更有益于健康。 Its healthier to _ _ fruit rather than chocolate.答案:snack on3)我们在小吃店喝咖啡、吃三明治 。We had coffee and sandwiches _ _ _. 答案:at the snack-bar2. reception n.1) 接待,招待会Usually there is a wedding reception when people marry.当结婚的时候,通常会举行婚宴。2)接待会;欢迎会;宴会 We gave a reception to our new manager.我们为新经理举行了欢迎会。3) 接受;接纳;感受,反应UHis calm reception of the bad news surprised his friends.他听到坏消息镇定自若,令他的朋友们惊奇。4)接待处UPlease leave your key at/in reception.把你房门的钥匙留在接待处。拓展:(1)receptionist 接待员(2) receptive adj. 乐于接受(新观点的) (3) reception desk 接待处 (4)give a warm reception to sb 热烈地接待某人 (5)get a warm reception from sb 受到热烈的接待运用:选择填空 (1)On their arrival, they were_. A. received a warm reception B. friendly received C. held a warm reception D. given a friendly reception 答案:A receive a warm reception 意为“受到热烈的接待”。 (2)A grand wedding _will be held in the hotel. A. conference B. gathering C. course D. reception 答案:D wedding reception 意为“婚宴”。用适当的介词填空(1) They gave a reception _ the new members last night.答案: to(2) They arranged to meet _ reception at 7 oclock.答案: in/ at 3. smart adj. 漂亮的; 时髦的; 潇洒的You look smart in the new suit.你穿这套新衣服很帅气。拓展:smart adj. 还可以表示:1) 整齐的,整洁的The boys in their smart school uniforms marched at the head of the parade.身着整齐校服的男学生走在游行队伍的前列。2) 伶俐的,机警的;精明的The boy is smart and can take care of himself.那孩子很精明可以照顾他自己。3) 轻快的,敏捷的,活泼的She walked along at a smart pace.她轻快地向前走着。 smart n.1) 剧痛,刺痛UCThe smart of the wound kept me awake.伤口的疼痛使我不能入睡。2) 痛苦,难受CU3) 耍聪明(或时髦)的人Csmartly adv.潇洒地;整齐漂亮地;伶俐地;机敏地The sweater is smartly knit up. 这件毛衣织得很漂亮。运用:翻译下列句子(1)她总是穿着得体,因为她是个时髦的人。答案:She is always smartly dressed because she is smart.(2)他们仍然感到被击败的痛苦。答案:They could still feel the smart of being defeated. 4.salary 薪水,工薪 Li Lei is on a salary of $1500.李雷月薪1,500美元。 拓展:pay ,salary, wages ,fee和income的辩析: pay普通用语,是指所有为某人付出的劳动或服务而支付的报酬,如: They are demanding higher pay.他们要求涨工资。 salary指按月发放专业技术人员或管理人员的工资,如: His salary is $1000.他的工资是1000元。 wages通常指按周发放给非专业技术人员的,短期工作者的工资,如: She gets wages 0f¥100 a week.她每周100元工资。 fee 通常指为获取某一专业技术服务而支付给律师、医师等专业技术人 员的服务费、酬金、手续费工等,如: Lawyers often charge too high fees. income 指所有的收入,如: The government must help people on low incomes. 政府必须帮助低收入者。 运用:选择填空 (1)He had to live a hard life with _, so Tom does a second job. A. such a low salary B. such low a salary C. so little salary D. so much salary答案:A salary 为可数名词。“such+ a/an +adj. +单数名词” 为一固定结构。 (2)My boss kept his word and_ my salary today. What good mews! Congratulations! A. rose B. raised C. reduced D. cut答案:B 根据句意可知。5. retirevi.1) 退休;退役He retired last month and now lives a quiet life.他上个月退休了,现在过着安静的生活。2)退出;退隐 (+from/to) The man retired to the country.那男子退隐到乡下去了。3)后退,撤退Our armies have retired to mountains. 我们的军队撤退到山里。4)就寝He retired to bed at 8 oclock last night.他昨晚8点就就寝了。拓展:retire n. 退隐 retire vt.1) 使退休;令退役The company retired him as soon as he reached sixty.他一到六十岁公司就让他退休了。2)使退却,撤回The general decided to retire his troops from action.将军决定将他的部队撤出战斗。运用:翻译下列句子那个退休工人每天晚上9点就寝。答案:The retired worker retires to bed at 9 oclock every night. 6.applicant n.应征者,申请者 There are 15 applicants for the job.有15人申请这个职务。 拓展:(1)apply v.申请,应征 (2) make an application to sb for sth.向某人申请某事物 (3) make an application to sb.to do sth.向某人申请做某事 (4) apply to sb. for sth向某人申请某事物 (5) apply to sb to do sth 向某人申请做某事 运用:选择填空 Li Lei has been employed by the big company. oh. how lucky he was! It is said that only_ finally chosen. A. one of the fifty applicants was B. one applicant of the fifty were C. one of the fifty applicants were D. one applicants
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