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P330.2)Use the “useful expressions”1. 部长在讲话中提及上升的失业率是不明智的.It was unwise of the minister to refer to the rising unemployment rate in his speech.2. 那个年轻人看上去十分机灵,精力充沛,人们立刻喜欢上了他。The boy seemed to be such a smart and energetic young man that people there took to him immediately.3. 当时我没有意识到他们的恶毒打算,接受了那个工作。At that time, as I was not aware of their sinister motives, I took up the job.4. 如果你不按教授的指导去做,你的实验注定要失败。Your experiment is bound to fail if you dont strictly follow the professors instructions.5. 要求博士生除了英语之外,还要学习一门第二外语。In addition to English, Phd candidates are required to learn a second foreign language.6. 他给老板解释说他睡过头是因为他的闹钟早晨没响。He explained to his boss that he had overslept because his alarm didnt go off in the morning.7. 国庆节前夕教育部设宴招待为我国作出巨大贡献的外国专家。On the eve of National Day, the ministry of Education gave a banquet in honour of the foreign experts who had made great contribution to our country.8. 他的棋一直下得很好,小时候就如此。He has always excelled at chess, even as a young boy.9. 读了大约20分钟后,两人之间的生疏感渐渐消失了。After they talked for about 20 twenty minutes, the feeling of strangeness between the two men began to wear off.10. 让我们为香港和澳门的繁荣而干杯,祝愿他们的明天更美好。Let us drink to the prosperity of Hong Kong and Macau, may their future be bright.2)Use develop, come and go.1. 你要是遇到困难,去找学生会帮助你。Go to the students Association for help when you run into difficulties.2. 到一定时候年轻人会明白生活里充满了绒裤盛衰。In time young people will come to know that life is full of ups and downs.3. 如果面试进行顺利,我期望两个星期内得到答复。If the interview goes well, I expect to get an answer in two weeks.4. 大多数澳大利亚人不愿意开发他们所有的土地,他们想让很多的国土保持原样。Most Australians dont want to develop all their land, they wish to keep much of it as it is.5. 一家人正在看他们喜爱的脱口秀节目,突然屏幕上什么也没有了。The family were watching their favorite talk show when the TV screen went black.6. 近年来相当一些城市居民培养起了对古典音乐和芭蕾舞的爱好。In recent years, quite a number of city people have developed a taste for classical music and the ballet.7. 原子弹在广岛爆炸时,顷刻间成千上万的建筑物倒塌,变成了废墟。When the A-bomb exploded in Hiroshima, tens of thousands of buildings went crashing in ruins in an instant.8. 我们希望在新的千年里所有国家都能以空前的速度发展。We hope that in the new millennium, all countries will develop faster than ever before.9. 中国政府鼓励留学生学成回国,并作出了承诺,他们来去自由。The Chinese government encourages those who have completed their studies abroad to come back, and has promised that they will be free to come and go as they please.11. 他坚信他的梦想总有一天能够实现的。He firmly believes that his dream will come true some day.友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! /
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