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五年级上册英语专项问答一、根据句子意思,完毕句子。1 _?Ourmthchr i youn an stic.2 _? Weae tw nwtecher.3 _? y Eglishteacher fro Hunan.4 _? No, ur princpl i a5 _? Yes, u scie eache isunn6 _? i my Chnese teacher.7. Doouik Engls? _.8. _?Its ednesday9. _ ? IewachTV on Saturdays.10. _? W havs clase a day.11. _? yfavoit dayi Friy12.hatd yuoe don weekend,boy? _12. _?Mikehas bef o Tuesdays.14. _?Id lkgplantfor dier15. _? havefishade-crams or lunch.16. _? Ilke mtton and green bens.Whats your aurte frui? _18 ofte read books on Sundays? _?M too.19. _? Ye,a veryhugry20. Are reeneans o vrit fod? _.21. _? No, I dont like grasnd orages.2.Are te sour?(两种回答) _2._? I can swepthe flo adempt trash24. Wat cn our mote do? (弹钢琴) _25. _? No, cant clean the blckor.26. _? No,I am n elpfultoe27.I cn mke teed, B _28. Canrobot washthclothes?_.9Wht in ouroom? _.30. at yur room like?_.31. _? 32. Mycutains a ellow.32. _? Yes,hee is nairondiioe.3s her irror veteed?(肯定) _.34. _? ey are on the shef.35. _? Yes,teeare many fish in the rver3. Arethere ay montains in the at park? _37. _? My Enlish eacrs MissChen.38. _? My other is nd.39. ? e o mth teaer.4 ?No, hes d4.I os sisterthin? o, 42. rstrong?Yes,I a.43.Is he yug and pretty? Ye, .4. Whstatgirlfavurt fod? _45. Canoutell e oura?(肯定) _4._?Hre is Chenie47. Isti our kitchen?(肯定) _8._? h rashbin ispur49. _? 50. n e thre gos50. _? Thereare eigtpears.51. _? Tepa are fifty yuan52. _? Its twe oclok.53. _? Its wm d windy.54. _? Im in,tak you.55. _? his five yars old.56. _? fathe is driver.57. _? Hesmy graa.58. muc is hatskrt? (40) _59at dos your sister lke?( 羊肉) _0.DoeAmie rape?(肯定)_6.s that youn ladyu teacher?(否认)_ Ae the lack boars? (肯定) _3 Are you anuse? ( 否认)_64. Dothe oftepay ball o aturdys? (肯定) _65Is thre a end tbl?(否认) _6 Ar ere anydeks n the ? (肯定)_
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