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阅读理解(社会文化类)完形填空(记叙文)+概要写作.阅读理解(2018湖南师大附中月考)A generation ago young people longed to become lawyers and doctors.Now they desire to be the next Oscar winner or famous pop star.But one university psychologist has pointed out that this is playing havoc with our selfimage and sense of selfworth.Over recent years people around the world have been suffering from an increasing fear of their own “insignificance”, according to Dr Carlo Strenger of Tel Aviv University.He began a project on the phenomenon 10 years ago,after noticing an increase of fear in his own patients.His findings,presented in a new book,notes hundreds of research projects that have recorded an unprecedented(前所未有的) increase in levels of anxiety and depression.By using a wideranging framework Dr Strenger thinks he has given the accurate cause.“The impact of the global entertainment network on the individual is to blame,” he said.“A new speciesglobal manis born and we are defined by our close connection to the global entertainment network,which has turned ranking and evaluating people according to wealth and fame into an obsession(狂热).”As humans we naturally measure ourselves by those around us,but now we live in a “global village” where we are comparing ourselves with the most “significant” people in the worldand finding ourselves not good enough.He added that in the past being a lawyer or doctor was a very reputable profession.Today,even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media.“This creates highly unstable personality and an unstable society,” Dr Strenger said.In his book,The Fear of Insignificance: Searching for Meaning in the Twentyfirst Century,Dr Strenger attracts new popspiritualism that promises instant change and instant relief.Instead of solving an existential unease,such resources just create ever growing disappointment.Instead,Dr Strenger says people should stop measuring their achievement through the cultural fantasies of rich and famous people.The remedy(治疗方法) is a process that he calls “active selfacceptance” through a continuing search for selfknowledge through life.The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement.“People should invest time and thought in their worldviews in the same way they invest in medical studies and law school,” Dr Strenger advises.1.What does the underlined part “playing havoc with” in the first paragraph probably mean?A.Determining. B.Improving.C.Damaging. D.Protecting.2.According to the text,what leads people to feel insignificant?A.Too much pressure from career.B.Global entertainment network.C.Lack of support from family.D.Financial problems.3.What should people do to remove the fear of “insignificance”?A.They should stay away from famous people.B.They should try to make their dreams come true.C.They should compare themselves with successful people around.D.They should take time to develop correct worldviews.4.In which column of a magazine may the article appear?A.Health. B.Fashion.C.Family. D.Technology.完形填空(2018江西百所名校联考)In 1988,I began to work as a flight attendant. 5 my wings was my childhood dream that I had set for myself after my first plane ride at the age of five.Like so many others before me,I fell in love with the romance of airplanes and 6 others.I have flown hundreds of flights since graduation,but one 7 among them.We were flying from Los Angeles to Washington D.C.,when I found a young mother 8 with her baby.Everything was a 9 ,and the mother told me that she had no more diapers(尿布) or other 10 on the aircraft.Through her tears,she 11 me that they had missed their flight the 12 night in Los Angeles.Since she hadnt 13 to miss the flight,she was 14 to use up most of her 15 and whatever money she had to 16 herself and her baby.As she stood in front of me,crying,I could see the hopelessness on her face.I 17 rang the flight attendant call button and asked for 18 from the other flight attendants.They brought cloth towels from first 19 to assist in cleaning up both mom and the baby.I gave her a sweater and a pair of pants.As she thanked me for all I had done she said 20 ,“Youre not the flight attendant,but youre a sky angel.” Touching my flight attendant wings,she 21 ,“And those are your angel wings.”Though I am no longer a flight attendant,my “angel wings” are 22 on display in my office.And each time I see them,I am 23 of that young woman,her son and the 24 that she gave me on that special day.5.A.Producing B.DesigningC.Imagining D.Earning6.A.calling B.guidingC.helping D.rescuing7.A.goes away B.stands outC.comes up D.sets off8.A.struggling B.playingC.communicating D.competing9.A.mess B.mistakeC.trick D.joke10.A.friends B.fortune
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