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北京语言大学22春高级写作补考试题库答案参考1. They daren&39;t ask for they are afraid _.A.of laughing atB.to be laughedC.of being laughed atD.have been treated参考答案:C2. Smoking in this five-star hotel is ( ).A.declinedB.preventedC.prohibitedD.refused参考答案:C3. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university _.A.has been acceptedB.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.were accepted参考答案:C4. His first attempt failed, ( ).A.his second attenpt did eitherB.so did his second attenptC.neither did his second attenptD.so his second attenpt did参考答案:B5. They didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.A.untilB.whileC.as soon asD.if参考答案:A6. Under good treatment, Linda is going to beginning to _and will soon recover.A.pick upB.pick outC.turn upD.show up参考答案:A7. She turned_early to work this morning.A. inB. onC. upShe turned_early to work this morning.A. inB. onC. up参考答案:C8. _ the houses were knocked down in the earthquake.A.The number ofB.A great many ofC.A great deal ofD.A great many参考答案:B9. randomly选择能代替的选项( )A.aimlesslyB.carelesslyC.intentionallyD.speedily参考答案:C10. To ( ) a living a person must be able to convince the company that he can do the job required.A.getB.earnC.chaseD.create参考答案:B11. He close a tie which would ( ) his suit.A.suitB.go withC.fitD.agree参考答案:B12. The black people in South Africa still have a long way to go before they win the complete _ of their right.A.demonstrationB.successC.recognitionD.competition参考答案:C13. He has been a valued ( ) of our company for many years.A.customerB.professorC.buinessmanD.client参考答案:D14. Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land.A.no such aB.not suchC.aD.no such参考答案:D15. They hope to_ signs asking tourists not to step on the grass.A.put downB.put outC.put upD.put off参考答案:C16. With the rapid growth of the population and the rapid decrease in available natural ( ) to support life on earth, all people are in danger.A.sourcesB.resourcesC.mattersD.materials参考答案:B17. if he is careful and serious enoughA.ThereforeB.ButC.AndD.Asif he is careful and serious enoughA.ThereforeB.ButC.AndD.As正确答案:B本题考查连词的用法。该句要表达的意思是:但如果他足够小心,足够认真的话。此处与前文形成转折关系。从正反两方面说明人们怎样才能生活得好,因此只能用转折连词but。故此题选择B。18. By the time her husband comes back from abroad next year, she ( ) here for three years.A.livesB.will liveC.will have livedD.has lived参考答案:C19. I am sorry I broke your mirror. -Oh, really _.A.Its Ok with meB.Dont be sorryC.I dont care at allD.It doesnt matter参考答案:D20. She was so fat that she could only just _ through the door.A.assembleB.appearC.squeezeD.gather参考答案:C21. What did you ( ) my book? I cant find it.A.do aboutB.do withC.leaveD.put参考答案:B22. Do you think that the students will ( ) from this of teaching?A.interestB.valueC.benefitD.advantage参考答案:C23. George doesn&39;t like ice-cream, _?A.isnt itB.doesnt itC.is it notD.does he参考答案:D24. Michael ( ) wild when he went shopping in town for the first time.A.wentB.ranC.becameD.grew参考答案:B25. The Rules for Making Good Biluo Chun Tea 1 Draw cold water fronl the tap; 2 When the kettle boilThe Rules for Making Good Biluo Chun Tea1 Draw cold water fronl the tap;2 When the kettle boils,heat the teapot,keeping its inside as dry as possible;3 Put the tea in the teapot.The amount will vary according to the number of people and the strength which they like their tea.As a general rule,use one teaspoonful for each person and an extraone for the pot;4 Pour the boiling water on to the tea and stir well;5 Place a cozy over teapot;6 Leave the tea to infuse for five minutes;7 Put milk and sugar(if required)in the teacups;8 Start pouring the tea into the cups and then,half filling them,and then top up the teapot with freshly boiled water.Fill the cups and then up the teapot again if the second cup of tea is required.“碧螺春”茶的泡制方法 1 从水龙头取一壶冷水; 2 将水烧开后,先将茶壶预热,并使里面尽量干燥; 3 将茶叶放入茶壶。其分量按人数及浓淡喜好而定。原则上每人一茶匙,茶壶本身也要占一茶匙; 4 往茶壶内注入沸水,搅拌均匀; 5 茶壶用保温盖盖上: 6 为使茶叶出味,先放置5分钟; 7 根据喜好,加入奶和砂糖; 8 先在每个茶杯中注入半杯茶,再把新开的水加入茶壶至满,然后注入杯中。还要添加时,可再次加水,多冲一杯。 26. I can hardly _ my eyes; the pet is so lovely.A.believeB.believe inC.trustD.trust in参考答案:A27. A: Would you like me ( ) the radio a bit? B: No, its all right. Im used to ( ) with the radio on.A.to turn up; workB.to turn down; workC.turning up; workingD.to turn down; working参考答案:D28. Either my father or my brothers _ to the party.A.are going to comeB.a
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