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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)www.ks5u.com.完形填空Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her 1 concert. She had been waiting for this 2 for years and years.“Now it is here at last,” she thought.“How beautiful her 3 is!” The song made her 4 back to the days when she was Lauren􀆳s 5. As a young 6, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied 7 in France, Italy and in the United States.“You can become a fine 8 in the future,” her teacher told her.“But you must be 9 to study hard and work for many years. There will be 10 time for anything but music in your life.” Dorothy was 11 at that time and she was 12 that music was all she wanted or needed to 13 her life. For almost a year Dorothy 14 of nothing else. Then she 15 David, a young engineer traveling Europe. They soon fell in 16.David asked her to be his 17. Dorothy also wanted to marry David.But she loved 18, too. She didn􀆳t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said,“If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can 19 do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return. Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her 20.【语篇解读】Dorothy Brown是一位母亲,年轻时曾学习音乐,但由于认识 David并结婚而影响了自己在音乐方面的发展,因此她让女儿来完成自己的心愿。现在看到女儿即将登台演出,她非常感慨。1.A.sorry B.successful C.first D.wonderful【答案与解析】C由下文的“这一时刻她等了好多年”来看,这里说的是女儿的第一次演出。由于演唱会还没有开始,结果未知,因此可排除选项 A、B和D项。2.A.dance B.moment C.show D.party【答案与解析】B由下文知道,Dorothy Brown也曾学习音乐,但由于认识 David并结婚而影响了自己在音乐方面的发展,现在正好让女儿来完成自己的心愿。因此,她盼望这一“时刻”好多年了。3.A.voice B.face C.dress D.life【答案与解析】A由文章可知今天女儿Lauren将举办演唱会,故此处说的是她的“声音”真美。4.A.take B.bring C.go D.come【答案与解析】C女儿的演出使她想到了自己和女儿一般大的时候的事情。下面是回忆自己以往学习音乐的情况。go back to“回忆起”。5.A.age B.friend C.mother D.teacher【答案与解析】A从下面的“当还是一个年轻姑娘时,Dorothy想成为一名歌唱家”来看,Dorothy在和女儿差不多大的时候也曾学习音乐。6.A.musician B.composer C.lady D.girl【答案与解析】D当 Dorothy还是个小女孩时,她想成为一名歌唱家。7.A.French B.music C.piano D.dance【答案与解析】B由上下文可知“她曾在法国、意大利和美国学习音乐”。8.A.actress B.student C.singer D.dancer【答案与解析】C由上下文可知,此处是老师告诉她以后有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家。9.A.prepared B.learning C.driven D.waiting【答案与解析】A前面说“你有能力成为一名出色的歌唱家”,现在话锋一转,“但是你必须做好努力学习很多年的准备”。be prepared to do sth表示“做好准备做某事”。10.A.some B.any C.no D.enough【答案与解析】C这是老师继续说的话:“在你一生中要把全部时间用于音乐,不能用在其他方面。”11.A.eight B.eighteen C.eighty D.eighty-eight【答案与解析】B从Dorothy遇到了 David并与他结婚等来看,当时她的年龄不可能是8岁、80岁或 88岁,所以Dorothy为 18岁比较合理。12.A.lucky B.sure C.afraid D.fond【答案与解析】BDorothy只有18岁,她确信音乐是她生活的全部内容。13.A.fill B.live C.lead D.take【答案与解析】A听了老师的话,再加上当时她只有 18岁,她确信音乐是充实她生活的全部内容。fill one􀆳s life意为“充实某人的生活”。14.A.heard B.knew C.talked D.thought【答案与解析】D有接近一年的时间,Dorothy什么也不想,这里说的是她一心扑在音乐上。15.A.saw off B.learned fromC.heard of D.met with【答案与解析】D前面说她有一年的时间把心思全放在学习音乐上,这里说的是“接着她遇到了在欧洲旅游的 David”,这动摇了她学习音乐的念头。meet with意为“遇到;偶然碰到”。16.A.love B.feeling C.music D.touch【答案与解析】A从下文 David要她做他的妻子及 Dorothy也想嫁给他来看,这里说的是他们见面后不久就相爱了。fall in love (with sb)“爱上(某人)”。17.A.assistant B.teacher C.wife D.student【答案与解析】C从上文“他们相爱”可推测,此处说的是“David要她做他的妻子”。18.A.him B.engineeringC.herself D.music【答案与解析】DDorothy也想嫁给 David,但是她也爱音乐,她不知道该怎么办,并在嫁人与学习音乐之间产生了矛盾。19.A.always B.never C.ever D.constantly【答案与解析】B David说学习音乐和结婚,二者不可能兼得。can与never连用,表示“不可能”,接both表示半否定。20.A.thought B.hopeC.purpose D.will【答案与解析】B从上下文特别是“Now Lauren became a singer instead of her”可推测,Dorothy想成为歌唱家的愿望由女儿来完成了,故此处用 hope。will往往含有“遗嘱;遗愿”的意思,在此处不太合乎情理。.单项填空1.Bill suggested a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.A.having heldB.to holdC.holdingD.hold【答案与解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:比尔建议就假期为上海世博会做点什么事开个会。suggest后接动名词作宾语。2.I enjoy English aloud in the morning and my oral English has greatly improved.A.practising to readB.practising readingC.to practise readingD.to practise to read【答案与解析】B考查非谓语动词。enjoy和practise后面接的宾语为动词时,都应用动名词形式。 3.Have you considered your job as a teacher?Yes.I like the job because a teacher is often considered a gardener.A.to change; to beB.to change; beingC.changing; beingD.changing; to be【答案与解析】D考查固定用法。consider作“考虑”解时,后常接动词-ing形式作宾语;作“认为”解时,后常接含有名词、形容词或to be的复合结构。4.Nowadays no one can avoidby all kinds of advertisements.A.to be influencedB.being influencedC.influencingD.having influenced【答案与解析】B考查非谓语动词。avoid doing sth“避免做某事”。根据句意用being done的形式作宾语。5.He apologized for to inform me of the exact time of the meeting.A.his being not ableB.him not to be ableC.his not being ableD.him to be not able【答案与解析】C考查非谓语动词。动名词的复合结构的否定形式作介词for的宾语。6. is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou X spaceship successfully.A.That B.What C.It D.As【答案与解析】B考查名词性从句。what引导主语从句,同时在主语从句中作主语。如果选择it,需要去掉句子中的第2个is,此时it作形式主语,that引导真正的主语从句。7.Your skirt needs
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