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Chapter 9 Module 5 Hopes and Fantasies Period 2Part 1: Words and Phrases:1. see a film2. the Monkey King3. magic stick4. finish my homework5. Thats fantastic!Part 2 :Grammar:Exercises:用适当的介词填空:1.on 2.for,in 3. after 4.against 5. Among 6. at 7. by, on 8. On 9.for 10. at, for 11. from 12. in 13.at 14.in,in 15. in 16. to 17. in 18. with, with 19. forPart 3: Summary Exercises一、判断下列单词划线部分是否相同, 如相同, 在括号内写“S”, 如不同, 把与其他四个词不同的那个词的编号写在括号内。BBEAC, DEDCA二、单项选择。CCABB,ABBDB三、完形填空。BCBDC,BDBCC四、写作1. Tom hopes he can become a doctor.2. Mr. Lion wishes it could become the king of the animals.3. Janet hopes he can become stronger than the tiger.4. Lily wishes she could become a dancer.Part 4: 小升初联考特训2009年西外入学考试笔试卷五、按要求写单词。31.fifth 32.worse 33.boxes 34. ugly 35.their 36. caught 37.her 38. beginning 39.us 40.beautiful六、 选择填空。BBCBA,ABCBC七、读短文写单词。into,meal,field, then,anybig ,over,countries,London,medals八、完形填空。CDABA,BDBCA九、句型转换。71. Where did you go this morning?72.Dont litter here.73. Does your father work in a toy factory?74.Im making a cake in the kitchen.75.How many English Chinese dictionaries does Jack have?76. Jack didnt borrow any books last week.77.He needs a lot of fresh water.78.Everyone knows Yaoming in China.79.This bed is more comfortable than mine.80. She asked me what my name was十、选择正确的答案完成对话,阅读下面对话并根据上下文选择能填入空格的正确选项。BADCC, BCADD十一、根据实际情况用英语简要回答问题。请将答案写在“答题卷”上相应题号后的横线上。91.Washington D.C. 92.Winter 93.The Peoples Republic of China.94.Asian Games 95. Sunday 96. Its 290.7933. 97.Uncle. 98.March 12th.99. In Salzburg(萨尔茨堡). 100. In Jinzhou(锦州),China.十二、根据提示用英文完成句子。 请将答案写在“答题卷”上相应题号后的横线上。101. is one year older than me.102. Who is the most beautiful103.there are five desks in the classroom.104. two plus two is four.105.on September 1st,1998.106. read an interesting book.107. will go to Macao.108. Im doing my homework.109. Tonys freinds friend110. a pair of十三、阅读理解。(A) BCBDD (B)DCCCBChapter 10 小升初特训&Conclusion Test of Module 5 to 6Part 1: 新视野一、词形变换。1.Swimming 2. dressed 3. eating 4,painting 5. will be 6.Dont forget 7. to do 8. to have 9. play 10. doesnt do 11. to go 12. knives 13. less 14.salty 15. thin 16.does,write 17. finishing 18. giving 19. healthy 20. salty 21.advice22. mangoes,shelves 23. tomatoesPart 2 :Grammar:一、人称代词:2、根据中文意思,把句子补充完整。(1)My,him (2) We,our (3)His,yours (4)theirs,yours (5) us,them (6)us,her (7)me (8)mine,yours (9) She,her (10) he,you (11)he,usPart 3: Summary Exercises一、语音题。DDCCD二、适当形式填空。1.visitors 2. twelfth 3. Teachers 4. players 5. feet三、完形填空BCCBD,ABBCC四、阅读理解。 CBACDPart 4: Module 5-6 测试模拟卷一、听句子,选出句子含有的信息。 AABBBCABBB1. You were a small healthy baby.2. Lets digthe hole.3. Robin Hood helped the poor.4. From then on, the farmer didnt work any more.5. I wish I could be the Monkey King. 6. The leaves of the trees turn yellow in autumn.7. I didnt go to the park yesterday.8. Please lend me your story book.9. What kind of books does she like?10. Must I return the book on time?二、听句子,写出句子所缺的单词、数词用阿拉伯数字表示。1. Planting Day, 2. dig put, 3. borrow dictionary, 4. far away from, 5. watched match, 6. June 16th, 7. 81999569, 8. comfortable, 9. dreamed get, 10. could Monkey King三、听句子,给图编号。EADCBA. The woman is waiting for the bus.B. The old man is sick. The boy feels sad.C. The boy is digging a hole.D. The girl wished she could fly in the sky.E. The girl wishes she had a lot of money.四、听短文,指出下面的句子是否与短文一致,如一致,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。TTFFT Mr Smith works in a big supermarket. One day, a little boy came to him and told him that he was lost. Mr Smith said, “Dont worry, I can help you to find your mother.” They walked around the market. But they couldnt find the boys mother. Then they came to the front door. Mr Smith asked the boy, “Now, do you see your mother?”The boy answered happily, “No, but I see my father. We came together, my mother is at home.”五、选出与其他三项不属于同一类的一项。CBBBC六、写出下列动词的过去式。went made caught felt got drew took met sat fell sang laughed七、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。CAABD,DADCB八、补全对话。be,Me, climb, could, wont, parents, play/ practise, like, played,too九、根据实际情况回答问题。(略)十、读短文,根据短文选择正确的答案,把所选的答案的编号写在括号内。FTFTFT, 十一、读短文,判断F/T。FTFFT十二、根据提示,写出你一周的计划。(略)轻松一刻:A. catch a cold 着凉 B. dead-end street 死路 C. kiss ass 拍马屁 D. top banana 大老板 E.the apple of ones eye掌上明珠Chapter 11 小升初特训二&省实天河真题Part 1: Grammar:感叹句Exercises一、 选用what, what a(an), how填空1. How 2. What a 3. How 4. What an 5. How 6 .What 7. What8. What 9. How 10. What二、选择题。1-5 BADCA 6-10 AACDA三、句型转换1. What a 2. What fine 3. What a ; How s
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