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Unit 5-8重点短语和句子重点短语1. watch them swim around 看着他们游来游去 sleep on my knees 睡在我的膝盖上2. be soft and small 既柔软又小 hold it in my hand 握在我手里3. feed sb sth 给某人喂某物 each sb to do sth= teach sb how to do sth 教某人做某事4. run after a ball 追逐 with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大的5. look after= take care of 照顾 do wonderful tricks 做精彩的把戏6. need a gentle touch 需要温柔的抚摸 look around for sb 四处寻找某人7. hide under the chair 藏在椅子下面 make some trouble 若麻烦8. a special friend of mine 我的一个特殊朋友 be nice to sb 对某人友好9. something else 其他东西 pick up sth with your hands 用你的手捡起某物10. put them in clean water 把他们放在干净的水中 weigh up to 400 grams 重达400克11. make some noise 发出噪音 walk the dog= take the dog for a walk 遛狗12. brush the fur 梳理皮毛重点句子1. Please bring me something to eat 请带给我一些吃的2. I like watching them swim around 我喜欢看着他们游来游去3. He can sing, and I want to teach him to speak 他会唱歌,我想教他说话4. My dog is the cleverest animal of all 我的狗是动物中最聪明的5. Ill look after them till the end 我将照顾他们到永远6. We dont have to feed her too much 我们不需要喂它太多食物7. She doesnt need a gentle touch 她不需要温柔的抚摸8. Goldfish are easy to look after 金鱼很容易照顾9. Shes nice to everybody 她对每个人都友好10. Theres nothing wrong with keeping a snake if you like it 如果你喜欢蛇,饲养它是没有问题的11. They can grow up to 20 centimetres long 他们能长到20厘米长12. How do you look after your dog? 你是怎样照顾你的狗的呢?13. She weighs about 2 kilograms 她重达2千克14. She is friendly and quiet 她既有好又安静7b Unit7 重点短语和句子重点短语1.信不信由你 believe it or not 留神,当心 look out 2.植树 plant trees 打扫公园 clean up the park 4.给某人让座 give a seat to somebody 为希望工程收集物品 collect things for Project Hope5.拜访敬老院 visit an old peoples home .给某人寄某物 send sth. to sb.6.能够做某事 be able to do sth.=can do sth. . 为。付款 pay for7.为。募捐 raise for 足够勇敢的 be brave enough8.从。中救出。savefrom . 独自在家 be at home alone = be at home by oneself 9.在隔壁 next door . 严重受伤 be badly hurt10.把。倒在。 pourover .听见有人呼救 hear someone calling for help11.跑到浴室 run to the bathroom 79岁的孙夫人 the 79-year-old Mr Sun12.发现他的邻居在厨房里 find his neighbour in the kitchen .冲进厨房 rush into the kitchen13.扑灭 put out . 那时 at that moment14.住院两个星期 be in hospital for two weeks .听说关于他的新闻 hear the news ahout him15.小心某物 be careful with sth. 听起来危险sound dangerous16.使。远离。keep sth. away from 阻止。以避免。stop sth. from doing sth.17 .用。伤害某人 hurt somebody with 在报纸上 in the newspaper 18. 玩火柴 play with matches 发现,查明 find out19. 着火 be on fire 一个玩乐的好地方 a good place to have fun20. 讲流利的英语 speak good English 用你的手机打电话 make a call on your mobile 21. 把某物忘在家里 leave sth. at home 用他的眼睛烧东西 burn things with his eyes22. 没问题 no problem 看透墙 see through walls23. 飞行快如光速 fly as fast as light 听见远处的东西 hear things far away24. 用他的手拦住火车 stop a train with his hands 进入校队 get into the school team25. 多读多说 read more and speak more 努力学习这门功课 work hard on the subject26. 写出好作文 write good articles 尽他全力 do/try his best27. 做得好 do well in/be good at doing sth. 在学校的演出里 at school shows 28. 努力练习 practice hard 弹钢琴 play the piano29. 推荐某人获奖 recommend sb.for 学得快 learn things quickly30. 为俱乐部做大部分的电脑活 do most of the computer work for the club31. 把每件事计划得好 plan everything well 参加活动 take part in activities 重点句型1. 你当时害怕吗?Were you afraid at that moment?2.他足够勇敢,从大火中救出了他的邻居。He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.3.他跑出去,看见很多烟从隔壁冒了出来。He ran outside and saw a lot of smoke. 4.她的左腿严重受伤,不能出去。Her left leg was badly hurt and couldnt get out. 5.他把水倒在衣服上来保护自己。He poured water over his clothes to protect himself6.他把湿毯子盖住孙夫人,帮她逃了出来。He put a wet blanket over Mrs Sun and helped her out.7.后来一些消防员赶来扑灭了火。Later some firemen came and put out the fire.8. 一些家庭甚至不能支付笔和本子。Some families arent even able to pay for pens and notebooks.9.我没有时间考虑它。I have no time to think about it. 10. 小心烟火Be careful with fireworks. 11.-我可以在这抽烟吗-对不起,恐怕不行。-Can/Could/May I smoke here? -Sorry, Im afraid you cant.12.顺便问一下,你可以带你的照相机吗?By the way, can you take your camera with you?13.太惊奇了!他的眼睛就是像X射线。How amazing! His eyes are just like X-rays.14.这学期她没有尽力。她需要在地理方面更好。This term she doesnt do her best. She needs to do better in geogr
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