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Unit 1 Cultural Relics 详案课程标准:能从文章中获取和处理主要信息;理解文章主旨、作者意 图;通过文章中的线索,进行处理。考试大纲:理解文中具体信息;根据上下文推断生词的词义;作出判 断和推理;理解文章的基本结构;理解作者的主要意图、 观点和情感态度。教学目标:知识和能力目标:掌握并熟练运用课文的词汇来表达自己的意图。过程与方法目标:通过对文章的扫读、查读和精读等方式,获得相关 的信息来理解文章。情感态度与价值观目标让学生了解4界文化遗产,学会描述它们的 起源、历史和保护等方面情况。教学重点:从琥珀屋的历史入手,采用多种阅读方法,提高学生的阅 读能力。教学难点:在情景设置中,让学生运用所学的有关文化遗迹的词汇和 句型谈论文化遗产,表达自己的观点。教学方法:问题式教学、合作探究式教学、任务型教学教学过程:Stepl Leading inGuessing Game (The Great Wall、Taj Mahal (泰姬陵)India、The Mona Lisa )问题设置:Do they have something in common?2、What is cultural relics?设计意图:让学生对文化遗产有了初步的认识,激发学生对该课的 兴趣。Step2 Warming up介绍相关china、ivory carving、amber的文明遗迹。问题设置:Can you imagine a house made of amber?2、How much does it cost?设计意图:让学生感叹琥珀的美,惊叹于用琥珀打造的宫殿,从而引 起阅读课话题。Step3 ReadingTaskl Prediction设计意 图: What do you think the text may talk about according to the title?设计意图:引发学生兴趣,培养学生预测大意的能力。Task2 Skimming问题设置:Whats the main idea of each part?设计意图:培养学生快速获取段落大意的能力;Task3 Scanning问题设置:Paral:An introduction of the Amber RoomColor? Birthplace? Style? Material? Time of building it?Para2 : What happened to the Amber Room in 1716?Para3 : What did Catherine II use the Amber Room for?Para4 : True or False()Germany and Russia were at war in 1941()All things in the Amber Room were stolen.Para5 : The rebuilding of the amber roomWho? how? when? why?设计意图:培养学生快速浏览的能力,从而了解学生对琥珀屋不同时 期历史的了解。Task4 Careful ReadingI、可题设置:Read carefully and find out places、years and characters in the passage?1、Places.2、Years.3、Characters.What did these people do to the Amber Room?设计意图:通过对在不同年代、地点和琥珀屋不同的经手人物的详细 分析与梳理,使学生掌握课文细节,理清文章脉络,加深 对琥珀屋的认知。Step4 Summary问题设置:The clue of the story.设计意图:巩固琥珀屋的历史知识,理清文章的脉络。Step5 Role Play Suppose you are the guide of the Amber Room! You are going to introduce the Amber Room to us. What are you going to introduce?设计意图:培养学生总结归纳能力并进行口语锻炼。Step6 HomeworkRetell the clue of the story.
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