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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)课时跟踪检测(二)Learning about Language & Using Language.单句语法填空1I find it my duty to help you finish the work.2It will be a week before I recover from a bad cold.3Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree. 4Her actions disagree with her words.5Whoever wants to join in the activities should sign your name here.6How did you get along in your driving test?7She did not fall in love with Jack when she met him.8My friend has suffered from poor health for years.完成句子 1Wait until the students settle_down (安下心来) before you start the lesson.2I imagine you are_tired_from_the_journey (旅途劳累了)3She packed_up_her_things (打好包) and left.4He is a kind boy and gets_along_well_with_his_classmates (和同学们相处得很好)5I tried to telephone you but I couldnt_get_through (打不通)6More and more young people join_in_learning_a_certain_skill (加入到学习一门技术的行列)7I was_very_grateful (非常感激) and determined to repay him one day.8Why not_stay_for_a_cup_of_tea (不留下喝杯茶呢)?.完形填空Once a gentleman was traveling on a train.He felt _1_ and got off at a station in search of water.When he reached the water tap (水龙头), the _2_ started. He ran back but _3_ it.It was getting _4_ and he decided to spend the night at the station. He asked the ticket office about the next train and was told it would be on the next _5_.So he decided to find a place for a days _6_.He went to the nearby hotels to ask for a room but found _7_.At last he _8_ a small house.He asked the _9_ whether he could stay in his house for a day.The owner immediately _10_, then served him food and gave him a room to stay. _11_ he did not ask anything in return (作为回报)At seven, the gentleman heard a _12_ at the door.The owner opened the door.The gentleman saw a man dressed in _13_ clothes enter the house and _14_ the owner to pay his debts (债务)The gentleman came to know that the owner was in need of _15_.The next morning he left a pack in the drawer of the room and _16_.When the owner found the pack, he saw that there was a _17_ written to him, which read:“You _18_ me but did not expect anything from me.Yesterday evening I heard the _19_ between you and the stranger and _20_ that you were in need of money.This is what you need.”1A.sleepyBthirstyChungry Dtired解析:选B由下文的“in search of water”以及“reached the water tap”可知,他感到“口渴(thirsty)”。2A.passenger BofficerCtap Dtrain解析:选D由下文的“asked the ticket office about the next train ”可知,在这位先生刚到达水龙头处时,“火车(train)”开了,他跑回去,但还是“错过(missed)了”。3A.caught BlostCmissed Dpassed解析:选C4A.dark BcoldChot Dbright解析:选A天“黑(dark)”了,他决定在火车站过夜。下文的spend the night是提示。5A.week BmonthChour Dday解析:选D由下文的“find a place for a days”可知,下趟火车是在“第二天(the next day)”。6A.work BstayCfun Dtravel解析:选B由下文的“ask for a room”可知,他决定找个地方“住(stay)”一天。7A.one BnobodyCnone Dlots解析:选C转折连词but说明他到附近的旅社去找房间,可是“没有找到(none)”。下段的At last之后的内容也是提示。8A.built BrepairedCenjoyed Dreached解析:选D最后,他“来到(reached)”一个小房子前。9A.owner BmanagerCdriver Dguest解析:选A由“stay in his house”可知,他问房屋的“主人(owner)”是否可以在他家住一天。10A.accepted BchangedCagreed Drefused解析:选C由下文的“served him food and gave him a room to stay”可知,房主“同意(agreed)了”。11A.So BButCBecause DUnless解析:选B由下文的“but did not expect anything from me”可推知,此处上下句之间为转折关系。12A.knock BsoundCnoise Dcall解析:选A由“The owner opened the door.”可知,绅士听到“敲门声(knock)”。13A.cheap BstrangeCexpensive Ddirty解析:选C由“pay his debts”推知敲门的人应该是衣着华丽,很有钱。14A.invited BhatedCasked Dpromised解析:选C来人“要求(asked)”房主偿还所欠的债务。15A.advice BmoneyCtime Dwater解析:选B由debts可知房主需要“钱(money)”。下文的you were in need of money也是提示。16A.stayed up Bcame upCgave in Dwent away解析:选D由left一词以及下文他的留言可知,绅士留下一个包裹,然后就“离开(went away)了”。17A.note BstoryCdiary Djoke解析:选A房主看到有一张“便条(note)”,上面写着,“你帮助(helped)了我,却不向我索要任何东西。”18A.cheated BsupportedChelped Dunderstood解析:选C19A.quarrel BconversationCbargain Ddiscussion解析:选B昨天“我”听到了你和陌生人之间的“谈话(conversation)”,“知道(learned)”你需要一笔钱。20A.planned BexplainedChoped Dlearned解析:选D.阅读七选五The following is a fathers advice to his son/daughter, who has just graduated from high school:First of all, congratulations on your graduation! Graduation from high school means that a new stage of life is ahead of you. _1_Clean your own room and do your own laundry. _2_ Cleanliness is indeed close to godliness (高尚)Dont mistake knowledge for wisdom. No matter how much information or knowledge you have accumulated (积累), youll never make sound judgments if you dont have wisdom. _3_ If you can imagine the possible future outcomes of your present decisions and actions, you can avoid mistakes. And if you can reflect (思考) on the mistakes you have made, you can avoid making the same mistakes again and again. Such is wisdom.Dont complain.When you tak
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