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浙江大学2002级临床医学七年制专业妇产科学期末试题(A)一单选题(50分)1. Which of the following contraceptives increases the risk for development of pelvic inflammatory disease?A. condoms without spermicideB. oral contraceptiveC. intrauterine deviceD. diaphragmE. vasectomy.2. The most common form of contraception used by couples in china isA. pillsB. condomC. permanent sterilizationD. IUDEnatural family planning3. Single type of BBT shows:A. abortionB. onset of laborC.ovulationD .unovulationEectopic pregnancyQuestion 4 to 6 are based from the following passageA woman, 48 years old , has the history of twice pregnancy and once delivery. In recent several years, the period of menstruation has turned to be irregular, and the quality varied from small to large. After two-month-cessation, there has been persistent vaginal bleeding in late half month, with large volume, and accompanying with weakness and dizziness. So the patient came here to see doctor. And then, the physical examination and bimanual examination were performed. The gynecologist found no particularly positive sign, the pale face and the uterine slightly enlarged and softened. Additionally, a series of investigation were also carried out for her. Red blood cell count was 2.01012,hemoglobin concentration is 60g/L.The pathological results of diagnostic curettage are : simple hyperplasia endometrium.4.Which diagnosis is possible of the following?A. Anovulatory functional bleeding, during perimenopauseB. Carcinoma of endometriumC. Cervical cancerD. Atrophic vaginitisE. Myoma of uterus.5. For the patient, all of the following the treatment you should perform, except what?A. Prescribe the progestrone and testerone,B. Hysterectomy and bilateral singo-oophorectomyC. Correct the anemiaD. Anti-infection agentE. blood transfusion6. which of the following is false about endometriosis?A. commonly occurs in women of reproductive ageB. the symptom may not palliate or disappear after pregnancyC. the most common location is ovariesD. Endometriosis should be suspected in any patient of reproductive age complaining of pain or infertilityE. the endometrium of abnormal growths occur very rarely malignant change7. Which of the followings about threatened uterine rupture is correct?A. often seen in uterine hypotonic dysfunctionB. present pathologic retraction ringC. the fetal presentation could be engaged in the pelvic inletD. fetal heart tone is clearE. has irregular uterine contraction8. Which of following management fits for choriocarcinoma best?A. hysterectomy B. Chinese medicineC. immunotherapy D. chemotherapyE. radiation therapy9. which of the following is the good-prognosis designation of patients with GTN(Gestational Trophoblastic neoplasiaA. brain or liver metastaseB. onset following term gestationC. prior unsuccessful chemotherapyD. serum HCG titers greater than 4000IU/LE. none of them10. Which hormone(s) can increase body temperature after ovulation:A. testosteroneB. estrogenC . dexamethasoneD .progesteroneE T311某女,40岁,已婚,突发下腹疼痛2小时而行急诊,诊断为卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转,其蒂的组成是A 骨盆漏斗韧带,输卵管,卵巢固有韧带,园韧带B 骨盆漏斗韧带,输卵管,园韧带C 骨盆漏斗韧带,输卵管,卵巢固有韧带D 骨盆漏斗韧带,卵巢韧带,园韧带E 骨盆漏斗韧带,输卵管12一24岁妇女,月经规则, 为6/35天一次,末次月经为8月20日,推算其排卵期应大约在:A 9月4日B 9月7日C 9月9日D 9月11日E 9月15日13关于骨盆径线,下述错误的是A 髂棘间径是两髂前上棘外缘间的距离B 骶耻外径18cm时有可能骨盆入口狭窄C 粗隆间径可间接推测中骨盆横径长度D 坐骨结节间径3.5mmol/L,本病例首选的处理方法:A 给20%甘露醇250ml静脉快速滴注B 立即肌注冬眠合剂半量C 立即停用硫酸镁,并给10%葡萄糖酸钙10ml缓慢静注D 静脉滴注低分子右旋糖酐500mlE 静注速尿40mg20羊水过少为A 2000mlB 2500mlC 300mlD 200mlE 1000ml21中骨盆狭窄时主要会导致A 胎头跨耻征阳性B 持续性枕后位或枕横位C 胎膜早破D 胎位异常E 胎先露入盆受阻22初产妇,孕40周,宫口开全、产妇屏气已1.5小时无进展,仍未见胎头拨露,胎心152次/分,宫缩50/23,应立即采取的措施是A 肌注度冷丁B 静滴催产素C 给吸氧D 剖宫产E 阴道检查23与产后宫缩乏力性出血无关的因素是A 产程延长B 双胎妊娠C 羊水过多D 巨大儿E 胎膜早破24下述哪项适用于诊断胎儿宫内窘迫A 宫缩时胎儿110次/分B 臀产式羊水中混有胎粪C 胎心电子监护示早期减速D 胎儿头皮血PH值7.20E 胎动每小时35次25关于子宫内膜癌的转移途径,错误的是A 初起时癌灶沿子宫内膜生长扩散B 可直接蔓延至颈管,侵犯宫颈及阴道C 位于宫体上段或宫底部的病灶可转移至腹主动脉旁淋巴结D 癌灶扩散至宫颈管后可转移至盆腔淋巴结E 血行转移较多见26以下哪种肿瘤不是卵巢体腔上皮来源的肿瘤?A 浆液性囊腺瘤B 粘液性囊腺瘤C 卵巢内膜样肿瘤D 透明细胞瘤E 卵泡膜细胞瘤27关于浆液性囊腺癌病理特点哪项是正确的?A 约占卵巢恶性肿瘤的25%B 多为单侧C 多呈囊性D 半实质性、质脆、可见出血、坏死E 单层立方或柱状上皮乳头分支较粗
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