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大连理工大学21春外贸函电在线作业三满分答案1. 若错过了信用证有效期到银行议付,受益人只要征得开征人的同意,即可要求银行付款。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A2. 厦门一公司从德国进口一批货物,运抵香港后拟从深圳口岸入境并转关至东莞,该公司应向( )检验检疫局办理报检厦门一公司从德国进口一批货物,运抵香港后拟从深圳口岸入境并转关至东莞,该公司应向()检验检疫局办理报检手续。A厦门B深圳C广东D东莞B3. (2007年4月)是完全把顾客的需求作为出发点,按顾客的需要和要求去组织产品开发、安排生产和(2007年4月)是完全把顾客的需求作为出发点,按顾客的需要和要求去组织产品开发、安排生产和销售。正确答案:市场营销观念市场营销观念4. Our company has wide experience _ the textiles line.A.onB.inC.aboutD.of参考答案:B5. 如果单件货物既超长又超重,则两者应相加计算附加费。( )如果单件货物既超长又超重,则两者应相加计算附加费。()错误6. 如果合同和信用证中均未规定具体唛头,则填写发票时,“唛头”一栏可以空白不填。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. 中国国际货运代理协会的宗旨之一是配合政府部门加强对我国国际货运代理行业的引导和管理。( )中国国际货运代理协会的宗旨之一是配合政府部门加强对我国国际货运代理行业的引导和管理。()正确8. 按功能划分,配送中心可分为( )。A城市配送中心B流通加工配送中心C共同型配送中心D第三方配按功能划分,配送中心可分为( )。A城市配送中心B流通加工配送中心C共同型配送中心D第三方配送中心正确答案:B9. In ( ) of quality, our make is superior.A.termsB.termC.connectionD.connections参考答案:A10. ( )年12月2日第六届全国人大委员会第十八次会议通过了中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法,( )年中华人民共和()年12月2日第六届全国人大委员会第十八次会议通过了中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法,()年中华人民共和国卫生检疫总所更名为中华人民共和国卫生检疫局。A1986,1995B1988,1996C1989,1997D1991,1998A11. 就买方承担的责任而言( )。 ADDPEXW BCIFFOB CFOBCIF DCFRFOB就买方承担的责任而言()。ADDPEXWBCIFFOBCFOBCIFDCFRFOBC12. 美国内陆运输条款有( )。 ACY-D BOCP CMLB DIPI ECFS-CFS美国内陆运输条款有()。ACY-DBOCPCMLBDIPIECFS-CFSBCD13. We should shows our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers.We should shows our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B14. Please see _ the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the Contract.A.to itB.to thatC.to it thatD.to it which参考答案:C15. 国际上主要的招标方式有哪几种?国际上主要的招标方式有哪几种?国际招标方式主要有公开招标和非公开招标两种。公开招标又称无限竞争招标,是指招标人在国内外公开发表招标公告,一切愿意参加投标的厂商都有机会购买招标文件,参加投标。非公开招标又称选择性招标,招标人不公开招标公告,而是根据具体的业务要求有针对性地邀请投标者,再由受邀者投标。公开招标竞争激烈,在国际招标中最为常见。16. 在国际商务单据的分类中,商业单据通常是指( )。A.商业发票装箱单和GSP产地证明书等B.商业汇票重量单和保险单等C.商业发票装箱单和商业汇票等D.商业发票重量单和装箱单等参考答案:D17. Enclosed is our S/C in duplicate, a copy of which please sign and return _ us for our file.Enclosed is our S/C in duplicate, a copy of which please sign and return _ us for our file.A.toB.forC.withD.in参考答案:A18. We are sending you the samples _ requested.A.beB.areC.asD.for参考答案:C19. Your early reply is ( ) appreciated.A.Very muchB.VeryC.MuchD.High参考答案:C20. Please note that the insurance on our CIF terms _ All Risks for 110 of the invoice value.Please note that the insurance on our CIF terms _ All Risks for 110 of the invoice value.A.makeB.takeC.coversD.ourselves参考答案:C21. You must be responsible for all the losses ( ) from your delay in opening the covering l/C.A.arisingB.risingC.arousingD.have arisen参考答案:A22. 提单上的收货人一栏具体表示方法有( )。A.运输公司是按出口方的托运单上所表示的要求填写,所以在制作托运单时,必须明确表明收货人应写谁B.当使用非L/L时,对出口方有利的做法是将收货人写成TOORDER或ORDEROFSHIPPER,除此之外,一般做成进口商,有时按进口商要求填第三方,如物流清关公司等C.由于记名提单表明收货人已经确定,不得转让,不利于出口商在进口商拒收货物或其他收汇困难时,转卖他人,当然如果交易属跨国公司内部的进出口,或与进口商关系密切,收汇有保证时可将收货人直接作成进口商D.使用信用证时,应按信用证中的有关规定做参考答案:ABCD23. When in trouble, you can turn to him for help.When in trouble, you can turn to him for help.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A24. Most of the students don&39;t know the important of the event.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B25. We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products _.We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products _.A.into requestB.out requestC.upon requestD.request参考答案:C26. 对于大批量交易的散装货,因较难掌握商品的数量,通常在合同中规定( )。A.品质公差条款B.溢短装条款C.立即装运条款D.仓至仓条款参考答案:B27. 中国仲裁规则规定,仲裁费用不论金额多少,将全部由败诉方承担。( )中国仲裁规则规定,仲裁费用不论金额多少,将全部由败诉方承担。()错误28. The (1) means that the shipowner promises to carry on board a specific ship a particular cargo fThe(1)means that the shipowner promises to carry on board a specific ship a particular cargo for a single or several voyages from one or more loading ports to one or more discharging ports.The payment paid by the charterer to the ship owner for cargo transport by sea is called(2)and the contact made by ship owner and charterer is called a voyage charter party. Under a voyage charter party, the actual operation of the vessel is left to the(3)There are the provision for the(4), demurrage and dispatch money etc. , in the voyage charter. There are more standard forms of voyage charter parties than any other form of contract of carriage.(5)is the most popular and widely used general purpose voyage charter party on a global basis for numerous types of cargoes.A$D$C$B$D29. We regret we cannot _ you in this respect.A.accommodateB.accumulatedC.populateD.appreciated参考答案:A30. 海运运费的计算标准有( )。 A从价法 B重量法 C体积法 D按件法海运运费的计算标准有()。A从价法B
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