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2020年人教版英语八年级下册Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world Section A(3a-3c)【学习目标】1. 学习并掌握词汇:southwestern, thick, include, condition, succeed, achievement, in the face of, force, nature, even though, take in2. 学习目标语言:1). The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. 2).Its also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. 3). People want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. 4) The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.3.情感态度目标:鼓励学生在实现理想的道路上勇于面对困难,永不言弃。重点:1. 学习重点短语及句型。 2。 能够概括文章的段落大意难点:能够概括文章的段落大意。【学习准备】学生:完成预习案。教师:编制导学案、制作多媒体课件、制作教具等。【预习案】使用说明&学法指导:1.正确拼读P51单词并牢记; 2.预习3a-3c,勾重点短语和句子并翻译;3.熟读3a课文,理解段意。 4. 15分钟独立完成。I预习导学A、 预习课本p51新单词并背诵,然后检查自己的预习效果。1. 西南的_ 2. 厚厚的_ 3.包括_ 4. 冰冻的_ 5. 条件_ 6. 成功_7. 挑战_8. 完成_9. 力量_10. 大自然_ B、认真预习3a-3c, 翻译下列短语1.世界上最危险的运动之一 2. 贯穿3. 吸入空气 4. 面对5. 即使 6. risk their lives7. challenge themselves 8. the forces of nature9. give up trying to achieve our dreams. 10. include freeing weather conditions and heavy storms3. 自读、小组内互读单词和词组。【探究案】Step1 Talking in groups.小组交流预习成果,师生互动解决预习中的困惑Step2 Presentation and Learning. 1. Do you hear of Qomolangma ? What do you know about it?2. Do you know who has reached the top?3. What do we learn from the climbers?Step3 Language ability practice1. Read the article quickly, match each paragraph with the main ideas.2. Read the article carefully, then complete the chart in 3b.3. Read the article again, answer the questions in 3c.4. Read the article over and over again, find out the sentences that you dont understand, than discuss them in your group.Step4质疑探究(先结对探究,然后小组长组织讨论,共同解决探究中遇到的问题,8分钟)探究点一:辨析succeed,success与successfulThe first Chinese team did so in 1960,while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.第一个中国队登上山顶是在1960年,而首次登山成功的第一个女人是1975年来自日本的田部井淳子。(P51)例句:1.If you try hard,you will succeed.如果你努力,就会成功。2.At last he succeeded in solving the problem.最后他成功地解决了这个问题。3.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。4.The performance was successful.演出很成功。succeed,success和successful的区别:1.succeed v. 。succeed in doing sth. 2.success n. 3.successful adj. 【即学即练】1.我父亲并不是一个很成功的人,但他很爱他的家人。My father was not a very man,but he loved his family very much.2.你面试成功了吗?Did you in the interview?最后,他成功的到达了山顶。At last, he was to reach the top of the mountain. (be to do sth)=At last, he in reaching the top of the mountain. ( in doing sth)探究点二:Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.观察上面例句,思考并总结:hard, cover用法探究点三:The first people to reach the top (第一批到达山顶的人) The first woman to succeed( 第一个成功的女人)To do在这里有用法即学即练:汤姆总是第一个到校,最后一个离校 _.探究点四:辨析include与includingEven more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.甚至更严重的困难还有寒冷的天气条件和暴风雪。(P51)备选例句:1.The price includes postage charges.价格包括邮费在内。2.I hate animals,including dogs.我讨厌动物,包括狗。include和including的区别:1.include是 ,可以在句中充当 。2.including除了是include的现在分词/动名词之外,在日常运用中一般被当作 使用,和其后的名词/代词一起形成介宾短语,意思是“包括在内”。 即学即练:1.这个名单上包括他的名字。The list his name.2.在教室里有40名学生,包括我。There are 40 students in the classroom, me.探究点五:take in , It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.1.The poor man had nowhere to live in,so we took him in.2.On weekends the Smiths usually drive to the countryside and take in the fresh air there.3.I couldnt take in why you are angry.take in的意思:1. 2. 3. 【即学即练】翻译句子之前,首先要理解单词的含义。Before you translate a sentence,you should first the meanings of the words.Step5展示探究成果要求:组长分派展示任务,展示时要面向全体同学,声音洪亮、吐字清晰;板书整洁位置适中;有感情、动作得体大方,要展示自己最精彩的一面,同时提出组内未解决的问题,全班共同探讨解决。其他同学认真倾听,积极思考,准备质疑,相信你一定会成功。Step6教师点拨:对组内未解决的问题进行精讲评析后,要求学生对学习任务进行记忆。Step7复述P51短文,分组展示。Step8学以致用,拓展提升.A. 单项选择( )1. The _of Lei Feng encourages us to help others. A. work B. advice C. spirit D. information( )2. What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? -Oh, its one of _films Ive ever seen. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting( )3. Mum, Im tired of doing too much homework every day. - Oh, dear, without hard work, you cant _your dreams. A. choose B. come true C. encourage D. achieve( )4. We should challenge ourselves _ A. in the face of difficulty B. at face of difficulty C. in the face of difficulties D. at the face of difficulties( )5. My brother succeeded _onto t
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