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Lesson73(一)A boy who played truant travelled 1,600 miles. He hitchhiked to Dover where he slept in a boat, only to find himself in Calais next morning. A lorry driver gave him a lift and something to eat and the boy got off near Paris, he stopped another car, but instead of not being taken to Paris, he was taken to Perpignan. After being picked up by a policeman, he was sent home by authorities.(二)A boy played truant and travelled 1,600 miles. After hitchhiking to Dover, he slept in a boat. Next morning, he found himself in Calais where a lorry drive gave him a lift and something to eat. On getting off near Paris, he stopped another car which didnt take him to Perpignan but to Paris. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent home by authorities.Lesson74(一)After a bus stopped by a river bed, film stars descended, they dressed in dark glasses and old clothes so as not to be recognized. They carried picnic things to a shady spot and sat down. Just then, Jeriff appeared and said rudely: You must leave here because camping is not allowed there. Even when they told him who they were, Jeriff didnt believe them.(二)A bus stopped by a river bed, a party of film stars descended, they dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, in order that they wouldnt be recognized. They carried the picnic things to a shady spot, everyone had sat down when Sheriff appeared and asked them rudely to leave, as camping is not allowed there. They told him who they were but Jeriff didnt believe them. Lesson75(一)A plane crashed in the mountains but the only passengers, a woman and baby daughters didnt hurt, and it was extremely cold in midwinter, so she put the children in a case and covered them with clothes. When the planes passed next morning, she stamped SOS in the snow. This was seen by a pilot who sent a message to the nearest town and they were rescued by a helicopter.(二)When a plane crashed in mountains, the only passengers, a woman and her baby daughters didnt hurt. However, it was in midwinter and extremely cold, the woman kept close all night. On hearing planes next morning, the woman stamped SOS in the snow which was seen by a pilot, he sent a message and they were rescued by a helicopter.Lesson76(一)In the end of news bulletin, the television announcer showed viewers fields of Calabria when grew Macaroni for six hundred years. Harvesting began earlier this year and the whole village were working hard before September rains. The crops were processed in the factory. After the harvest, there was a famous competition which Signor Fratelli has won since 1991. That was the end of bulletin on April 1st.(二)In the end of news bulletin, the television announcer showed viewers fields of Calabria. Here Macorroli grew for six hundred years. This year, harvesting began earlier, the whole village were working hard before the September rains so that the crop was processed in the factory. After the harvest, there was a famous competition. This Signor Fratelli has won it since 1991. With that end of bulletin, it was April 1st.Lesson77(一)Doctors operated a mummy: an Egyptian woman who died in 800B.C. Doctors wanted to find out whether she died of a rare disease. After removing a section, doctors sent it to a laboratory. During the operation, they unexpectedly found a small wax figure of the god Duamutef which was inside the mummy. Though they were afraid that the mummy would fall to pieces, the mummy survived the operation.(二)Doctors operated on a mummy: an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. In order that they could find out if she died of a rare disease, they removed a section of the mummy which was sent to a laboratory. Inside the mummy, they unexpectedly found a figure of the god Duamutef. They were afraid that the mummy would fall to pieces, but it survived the operation.Lesson78(一)Having read an article about smoking, the writer decided to smoke last cigarette. He didnt smoke for a week and his wife suffered terribly, because he had a bad temper and a large appetite. Meanwhile, his friends kept on offering him cigarettes and they were amused to see his sweets. When he went to a party, he accepted a cigarette which was offered by his friend and since then things returned to normal. (二)The writer read an article about smoking and he decided to smoke last cigarette. He didnt smoke for a week and his wife suffered terribly because of her husbands bad temper and large appetite. Whenever his friends offered cigarettes, they were amused because he produced sweets. However, at a party, he accepted a cigarette from his friend. Now, things returned to normal.Lesson79(一)The plane took off and flew over the city. When gaining height, the plane had to return to the airport. Meanwhile, a flight attendant told them to keep clam. After disembarking, they learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been plant
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