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2022年考博英语-上海交通大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题The Japanese desire for marriage had been very strong. In the fifth world youth attitude survey (1 ) by the Management and Coordination Agency in 1993, over 70 percent of the Japanese (2 ) chose the answers One should get married or Its better to get married. Of the 11 countries surveyed, Japan was (3 ) only by the Philippines in the percentage of those advocating marriage (4 ) opposed to a single life.In recent years, however, there has been a spreading recognition among the Japanese public that something (5 ) is happening in peoples attitudes toward marriage.When they began to have adequate food, clothing and shelter after years of postwar shortages and thus became able to (6 ) their attention to other matters, the Japanese for the first time (7 ) a renewed look at the question of marriage. In the 1990s, people began to ask What on earth is marriage anyway? and to talk about marriage itself.In Japan, the proportion of men still unmarried in their thirties reached about 20 percent in the national census taken in 1985, and the (8 ) apparently exceeded 30 percent in 1995. The proportion of unmarried women in the 25-29 age bracket has been increasing (9 ) about 5 percent every five years until it is now nearly 50 percent.What are the real reasons women choose not to marry? Early on, two were (10 ) ; women were now better educated and more women were interested in working outside the home. Many women have become (11 ) independent, acquiring enough self-confidence to (12 ) a meaningful life outside of marriage. And (13 ) seems to be a wide gap in the way men and women view marriage. Women generally believe that, (14 ) womens roles in Japans postwar society have become diversified, men have essentially remained unchanged. (15 ) such circumstances, communication between the sexes is, in fact, far from easy.Besides that, in the postwar Japan, individualism has begun to take (16 ) . The 50 years since the end of the war may be regarded as the process of a (17 ) from the family-centered to the individual-centered way of thinking. In Japan today, society has matured to a point (18 ) it now tolerates a diversity of marriage styles which were unthinkable not very long ago. In the future, such tolerance is almost (19 ) to increase. But a headlong plunge toward unbridled individualism is also dangerous. The ideal (20 ) may be to achieve a complementary fusion of the collectivism of Japans traditional community and the individualism of the new age.问题1选项A.practicedB.conductedC.involvedD.devised问题2选项A.respondentsB.correspondentsC.counterpartsD.reflectors问题3选项A.surpassedB.precededC.disadvantagedD.defeated问题4选项A.whenB.whatC.lestD.as问题5选项A.importantB.commonC.excitingD.unusual问题6选项A.catchB.attractC.turnD.derive问题7选项A.madeB.tookC.beganD.learnt问题8选项A.numberB.amountC.figureD.data问题9选项A.toB.byC.withD.upon问题10选项A.citedB.dealtC.obligedD.occurred问题11选项A.monetarilyB.economicallyC.mentallyD.physically问题12选项A.takeB.faceC.leadD.feel问题13选项A.itB.thatC.whatD.there问题14选项A.sinceB.whileC.whetherD.when问题15选项A.UnderB.WithinC.OnD.At问题16选项A.interestB.advantageC.markD.root问题17选项A.rangeB.stepC.shiftD.drive问题18选项A.whichB.whereC.thatD.what问题19选项A.knownB.supposedC.proneD.certain问题20选项A.approachB.attitudeC.optionD.standard【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D第6题:C第7题:A第8题:C第9题:B第10题:A第11题:B第12题:A第13题:A第14题:B第15题:A第16题:B第17题:C第18题:C第19题:C第20题:B【解析】1.根据原文句意可知,这里指由日本管理协调局进行的第五次“世界青年态度调查”。devised指设计,计划。符合原文句意。2.名词辨析。respondents调查对象;correspondents通讯员;counterparts副本,相对应的人或物;reflectors反射体,反光片。根据上文的调查可知这里指被调查的对象,选项A正确。3.surpassed超过,一般与to搭配;preceded领先,在.前面;disadvantaged劣势,不利条件;defeated击败,打败。根据原文可知,这里指日本仅次于菲律宾。即被菲律宾打败,所以选项D正确。4.句意:在接受调查的11个国家中,只有菲律宾在提倡婚姻反对单身的比例上击败了日本。 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 这里的what做连接代词,指的是提倡婚姻的比例。所以选项B正确。5.根据句意:近年来,日本公众普遍认识到,人们对待婚姻的态度正在发生一些不同寻常的变化。选项D符合原文语境。6.根据原文可知这里指转移注意力,所以选项C正确。7.make a renewed look为固定搭配,指“重新审视”。8.根据句意:1995年这一数字显然超过了30%。number是一个数字,figure指有意义的数值,所以本题选项C正确。9.increasing by指增长了,按.增长,为常用搭配。10.根据原文可知,这里指早期引用了两个原因。11.monetarily财政上,在金钱问题上;economically在经济上;mentally精神上,智力上;physically生理上。根据句意可知,这里指女性经济独立,选项B正确。12.根据原文,女性经济独立,获得足够自信,没有婚姻也可以过上有意义的生活。选项A符合原文。13.根据后面的seems可以推断,此处应填入it。选项A正确。14.根据原文,这里将男性和女性的角色进行了对比,所以填入while最为恰当。15.Under such circumstances为固定搭配,指在这种情况下。16.take ad
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