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Subject:En glishGrade:oneTitle:Unit 4FoodClasstypes:newoneTime:SixperiodsDate:Desig ner:Cheker:User:Teach ing aims and dema nds1. En able Ss to master new vocabularies and sentence patter ns.2. En able Ss to master four letters.3. Let s Ssel English phonetics and intonation.4. En able Ss to master how to ask and an swer questi ons in En glish.Key words andexpressi onsrice noodles vegetable fish chicken egg hungry want andExpressi ons incom munications-Im hun gry. I want rice and vegetables.-Here you are.-Im hun gry. I want no odles.-Here you are.Materials for teach ing1. Tape recorder and tape or VCD.2. Words cards and pictures.3.Some stickers or someth ing else for assessme nt in class.Lear ning methodscooperation、inquiry、autonomy learning、discussion and game-teachingThe first classLearning content:Part oneAims:1. Ss can un dersta nd and master new vocabularies.2. Let s Ss feel English phonetics3. Stimulate stude nts in terest in lear ning En glish.Teaching procedures:Leading planLearning planMy ideasStep 1Warming up and revision5 minutes1. Daily En glishT:Good morning, boys and girls!S:Good morning, teacher!2. Review the wordsT:We have leart some words last week, do you remember them, yes or no?S:Yes.T: Ok, please look at theLet stude nts concen trate on teach ing content and make good preparati on for the class.blackboard,let read them together. pla ne ball doll train car bearStep 2Presentation:1. T:Please turn to page 30. Look at the picture carefully and an swer my question Do you like fish/noodles/vegetables/rice/chicke n/egg?”S: Yes, I do./No, I don 2. The teacher.i ntroduce new words fish/noodles/vegetable and make students master pronun catio n. and meaning of them.Step 3Practiseoz教师出示食物图片让学 生看,同时带领学生听录音, 让学生首先从听觉和视觉上 对新内容有一个感性认识。然后,教师手指食物图 片,引导学生说出食物单词。like jiaozi and vegetables. What do you like? Rice? Noodles or chicke n?当学生有 所反应时,教师帮助学生说出 食品名称,并引导学生说:1 ike 其他单词同样方法教 授。Step 4Summarize:The stude nts read the words and un dersta nd the meaning of these words in this less on.Step 5Consolidation:学生听录音初步学唱歌谣。 设计多种活动形式帮助学 生巩固新单词。如:教师读 单词,学生举起相应的卡 片,或者快速地在图画作业 本上画出该食品。学生巩固 联系完成后,再次让学生听 录音说歌谣。Step 6Blackboarddesign:fish/noodles/vegetables/rice/chicken/eggStep 7Notes after class:Teachers:Questio ns for stude nts:1, 你能说出食物相关的单 词吗?2, 在这一课你的收获是什 么?你觉得难点是什么?The second classLearning content:Part twoAims:1 Ss can master new vocabularies.2.Let s Ss feel English phonetics3.Stimulate stude nts in terest i n lear ning En glish.Teaching procedures:Leading planLearning planMy ideasStep 1Warming up and revision5 minutes1. Daily EnglishT:Good morning, boys and girls!S:Good morning, teacher!2. Review the lettersT:We have leart some words two days ago, do you remember them, yes or no?S:Yes.T: Ok, please look at the_ 圖 them 5Let stude nts concen trate on teach ing content and make good preparati on for the class.fish/no odles/vegetables/rice/ chicke n/eggStep 2Presentation:1. T:Please turn to page 30. Look at the picture carefully and an swer my questio n What can you see in the picture?2. The teacher in troduce sentencepattern:Do you like fish?Yes, I do./No, I don t.Step 3Practise听课文,以两人小组的形式练习说:Do you lik fish?Yes, I do./No, I don t.进行完这 一组对话练习后,把fish拓展 到第一课所学习到的其他食Liste n carefully and an swer questio n as fast as posssible.物,并练习说:Do you like rice/no odles/vegetables/eggs/c hicken?然后以 group work 形 式练习这组对话。Step 4Summarize:Do you like ?Yes, I do./No, I don .The stude nts read the dialogue and un dersta nd the meaning of it in this less on.Step 5Consolidation:对话练习完成后,让学生 看着教学挂图听录音,然后根 录音模仿读课文。在学生基本掌握语句的基础上,让学生以 group work 形式,分角色进行对话表 演。Step 6Blackboarddesign:Do you like fish?Yes, I do./No, I don .Step 7Notes after class:Teachers:Questio ns for stude nts:1, 你会问答对食物的喜好 吗?2, 在这一课你的收获是什 么?你觉得难点是什么?The third classLearning content:Part threeAims:1. E nable stude nts to grasp the usage no odles,vegetables,fish,chicke n and2. Let s Ss feel English phonetics 3.Stimulate stude nts in terest in learrof such important words as rice, eggs.ing En glish.Teaching procedures:Leading planLearning planMy ideasStep 1Warming up and revision5 minutes1. Daily En glishT:Good morning, boys and girls!S:Good morning, teacher!2. Review the letters and dialogue.T:We have leart some words this week, do you remember them, yes or no?Let stude nts concen trate on teach ing content and make good preparati on for the class.S:Yes.T: Ok, please look at the blackboard,let read them together. 3.Ask some stude nts to an swer questi on. Do you like eggs/vegetables/noodles/rice/fish/c hicke n?Step 2Prese
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