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摘 要AutoCAD2006是当今最流行的设计软件,现代的很多工程设计院都使用CAD为各自项目做设计,因为它有许多传统的平面二维设计所无法比拟的优越性。平面二维CAD技术虽然能够提高作图效率但还是像传统的手工绘图那样用投影图来描述物体。而三维技术则利用计算机提供的一个模拟的三维空间使工程师们可以直接在这个三维空间里建造物体的模型,表达自己的设计意图,因此对几何形体的描述比传统的二维技术更真实、更准确、更全面。主要以三维设计技术为论述核心,借鉴三维设计在工厂设计领域中应用的技术特点和经验成果,开发探索在锅炉原理教学专业课上的辅助教学功能。三维设计技术在工厂设计领域已经普及应用,然而长期以来,锅炉原理专业课教学上,缺少直观逼真的大型锅炉三维教学模型,学生对于锅炉的原理理解比较抽象,难以直观领会和快速掌握教学内容。本课题的完成,将能够为锅炉原理教学提供详实的锅炉结构设备三维模型,在教学过程中为学生提供直观的大型锅炉结构设备的模拟组装过程,了解锅炉的结构与其各个设备的详细结构,使学生迅速而扎实地掌握锅炉原理的基础知识,加强对锅炉原理的理性和感性认识。针对300MW直流锅炉的本体结构,以及本体设备。其中包括:炉膛、水冷壁、燃烧器、过热器、再热器、省煤器和空气预热器等锅炉主要结构设备组成部分。以及整体锅炉框架等加深印象,对以后工作、学习都有着非常直观、深入的了解。关键词:三维设计;AutoCAD ;锅炉设备AbstractAt present ,auto CAD2006 is one of the most popular design softwares .Many contemporary engineeering design institues design their own projects with CAD.Because it has more incomparable superiority than the traditional two-dimensional design .Although two-dimensional CAD technology may improve the mapping efficiency ,but it describes the object with projection just as the traditional manual mapping .While three-dismensional technology utilizes a mock three-dimensional space provided by compture .The engineers may directly construct the model and express their design intention in this space .Therefore ,the description of geometric shape is more accurate and over-all than the traditional two dimensional technique .Boiler 3Dmodel design just utilizes the superiority of the design to help the people to understand acculatly the structure and dispositions of 300wm boiler ,which can deepen the impression to the main equipments ,such as superheater,reheater ,economizer ,air preheater and whole boiler framework .Go a step further to learn about directly and deeply latter work and study . This topic mainly take 3D(three-dimensional) design technology as the dissertation core, using the application technical characteristic and the experience achievement of three-dimensional design in the plant design domain for reference, in order to develop and search after the auxiliary teaching function in the principle of boiler teaching professional course. The application of 3D design technology already popularized in the plant design domain, however since long ago, there is not the direct-viewing and lifelike three-dimensional teaching model in the principle of boiler teaching professional course.The students quite have to abstract understanding regarding the principle of boiler.It is difficultly to direct-viewing comprehend and fast grasp the course content for them. This production of this topic, will be able to provide the full and accurate 3D model of boiler structure and equipment for the principle of boiler teaching, will provide the direct-viewing the simulation assembly process of boiler structure and equipment for the students in the teaching process,understanding the whole structure of boiler and each detailed structure of the equipment, grasping rapidly and solidly the the elementary knowledge of the principle of boiler, and strengthening geist and logos to the the principle of boiler. This topic main research and design content is the main body structure of 600MW boiler, as well as the main body equipment. Includes: steam separator, watercooling wall, burner, superheater, reheater, economizer and airpre-heater and so on.Keywords : three-dimensional design ;auto CAD ;boiler equipment目 录摘 要IAbstractII目 录IV第一章 绪 论11.1 CAD简介及其意义11.1.1 CAD的发展11.1.2 三维设计的优点21.1.3 AutoCAD的特点21.2 AutoCAD的三维功能简介41.3 Auto CAD 三维设计对于计算机硬件的要求51.4 配置适于三维设计的工作环境6第二章 Auto CAD2006的使用82.1 CAD系统的简单操作82.2 等轴测图的绘制102.2.1 等轴测图基础102.2.2 设置等轴测绘图环境112.2.3等轴测下图形的绘制112.3AutoCAD2006的三维空间122.3.1三维空间基础122.3.2笛卡尔坐标系122.3.3直角坐标、圆坐标和球坐标132.4三维模型的建立142.4.1三维建模概述142.4.2圆(circle命令)142.4.3维实体拉伸(Extrude命令)152.4.4差集(Subtract命令)18第三章 锅炉3D模型设计203.1 省煤器203.1.1省煤器的作用203.1.2省煤器结构203.1.3省煤器的布置203.2直流式煤粉燃烧器223.2.1煤粉燃烧器的作用223.2.2四角布置直流燃烧器的工作原理223.2.3旋流燃烧器(本次锅炉3D模型设计所选用的燃烧器)223.3过热器和再热器253.3.1过热器作用253.3.2再热器的作用253.3.3 300MW亚临界压力锅炉的过热器系统253.3.4 300MW亚临界压力锅炉的再热器系统283.4 空气预热器313.4.1 空气预热器的作用313.4.2空气预热器的换热方式313.4.3 空气预热器的分类31第四章 在设计过程中遇到的问题354.1水冷壁354.2 关于燃烧效果的火焰制作354.3本次锅炉3D模型设计数据上的不足364.4 管道连接中出现的问题374.4.1错误一374.4.2错误二38致 谢41参考文献42第一章 绪 论 1.1 CAD简介及其意义1.1.1 CAD的发展CAD技术最早可以追溯到本世纪40年代,它是20世界最杰出的的科技成果之一。近年来,CAD技术从最初的平面辅助绘图工具,迅速向智能化、三维化、集成化和网络化的方向发展。其中,三维技术以其突出的优越性,迅速成为CAD业界的发展主流。三维技术使工程设计实现了技术上的巨大飞跃,给工程技术人员的观念带来了强烈的震撼,为工程师们的创意和想象力提供了最为广阔的空间,并从设计中得到无穷的乐趣。国家科委牵头推动的CAD应用工程,以“甩图板”为主要目标,所谓的“甩图板”,其实仅是以计算机平面绘图替代手工绘图而已,这不过是CAD应用工程第一步,并非最终目标。CAD技术的应用必须向纵深方向发展,只有这样才能更好有效发挥CAD系统的潜力,提高应用CAD技术的效益。而三维技术的应用,是CAD技术的应用向纵深发展的必由之路1。目前,国内市场上销售的比较成熟的专业三维CAD软件有十几种,大多为国外的产品。如Pro/E、SolidEdge、Solidworks、I-DEAS、Unigraphics、MDT等。国内也有自主版权的三维CAD产品,如北京华正软件工程研究所的CAXA-ME制造工程师、广州红地公司的金银花、浙江天大公司和浙江大学的GS-CAD98等。这
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