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Revision for Unit 11走下楼梯 走上楼梯come/go down the stairs come/go up the stairscome/go downstairs come/go upstairs2一次性及时准时立刻时常at a time in timeon timein no timeat times=sometimes3不再no longer = not. any longer4向下看空旷的平原仰望天空在字典里查单词look down at the empty plain.look up at the skylook up the word in the dictionary look it up5超出 prep 无法形容beyond beyond description6占领城市capture the city7航离sail away8木马the wooden horse9装有轮子on wheels10打断某人 打扰某人interrupt sb. disturb sb.11遵守命令命令某人去做点菜,下订单按顺序为了(目的)obey orders/commandsorder sb. to do sth. order some foodin order in order to do sth in order that . 从句12拖拽 vdrag sth. into the city with ropes (pull hard)13市民,公民citizen 14庆祝 v. n. celebrate celebration15开。玩笑make jokes about sth.Are you joking/kidding?16确保。make sure = be sure17安全上锁 adv安全的 a安全 nbe securely locked secure security check 18除了(例外的)除了 (美中不足、瑕疵)除了。还有(=including)except except for besides19再 ,还wait for another hourWe need another five people20在黑暗中在午夜in the darknessat midnight21进入。报名参加enter the city/roomenter for the competition22抓住seize the captain seize the chance23成功地做到没有做到、失败succeed in doing sth. = be successful in doing sth.=manage to do = be able to do fail to do sth.24希腊人,希腊的希腊语希腊the Greeks =the Greek people speak GreekThe story happened in ancient Greece 25通过玩笑通过打仗through a trick capture the city by fighting 26铺床make the bed27清除,去除get rid of the rats28忙于be busy doing sth. =be busy with sth.29做到搞定管理manage to do sth.manage sth.management 30让我帮你一把let me give you a hand. No thanks, I am OK.31拒绝(婉言拒绝)接受拒绝reject sbs offeraccept sth. refuse sth. 32他怀疑皇冠不是纯金打造He suspected that the crown was not entirely made of gold. 33代替,体积大的物体排除水量大A big object will displace a lot of water.34睡眠v. n. 睡着困发的,昏昏欲睡的sleep go to sleep fall asleepbe sleepy适合 v适合 adj健康的 adjfit sb./sth.be fit for= be suitable forkeep fit包含,包括 vt包含 prepinclude sth.including 独立的 adj依靠 n独立 nindependentdepend on sth.dependence历史 n历史的 adjhistory historical现在完成时的特征词already, just, ever, never yet , before , lately , recentlyin the past/last years/monthsby now/so far/till now/up to nowIt is the first time that sb. have done sth.This is the biggest . that I have seen.瞬间动词-延续性动词buy have, borrow keep, begin be on,die be dead, join be in / be a member of,leave be away from ,end be over, open-be opencatch a cold- have a cold have gone tohave been tohave been inRevision for Unit 2 1河边the side of the river/street/roadboth sides of .either/each side of 2中等身高平均而言,of average height/weighton average3上了年纪的人 an elderly man an aged man the elderly/the oldold-elder-elder 4足够强壮,能撑竹筏be strong enough to control his raft5鸬鹚捕鱼是中国传统技能cormorant fishing is a traditional Chinese skill6呆在水下长达两分钟stay underwater for up to two minutes7需要网或者鱼竿捕鱼需要某人去做某事满足某人的需求require nets or a fishing rod to catch fishrequire/need sb. to do sth.meet ones requirements/needs8以便于 目的状语这么。以至于 结果状语so that.so . that .such . that too . to .enough to do sth.9上下跳动来回走jump up and downgo up and down the street 10惊吓某人 被吓住给某人一次惊吓frighten sb. sb. be frightened by give sb. a fright11使得某人有能力做有能力做做不到残疾的enable sb. to do sth.= make it. possible for sb. to do sth.be able to do = have the ability to do sthbe unable to do sth.disabled 12吸引某人到某处 v有魅力的 a 景点 n影响,使分心attract sb. to a place attractive attractiondistract sb. from doing sth.13剩下的the rest + n. = the other + n.14被。分割be divided between / among be divided into two parts15n. 种类v. 打字this type of work= this kind of worktype a letter 16保持健康 a适合。adj适合某人 vkeep fitbe fit for sth be fit to do sth. fit sb. 17出发,开始set off = start set out 18到达reach sp=get to=arrive in/at19在傍晚最新杂志几分钟后最近in the late afternoonthe latest magazineminutes laterlately20解释 v nexplain sth. to sb. explanation describe description21被加工成红茶be processed into black tea22被运输到很远be transported long distancestravel a long distance to reach the UK23世界大部分人喝绿茶the majority of the world drink green tea24悬挂 绞死hang-hung-hung hang-hanged-hanged25把鱼从鸟嘴里取出来remove the fish from the birds mouth26将可能不再有鸬鹚渔夫There will be no more cormorant fisherman There will not be any more cormorant fisherman 27被用来做。习惯于过去常be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth.
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