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2022年考博英语-东北大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题Passage OneNone of the much flaunted appeals of cigarette advertisers, such as superior taste and mildness, induces us to become smokers or to choose one brand in preference to another. Despite the emphasis put on such qualities by advertisers, they are minor considerations. This is one of the first facts we discovered when we asked several hundred people from all walks of life, why they liked to smoke cigarettes. Smoking is as much a psychological pleasure as it is a physiological satisfaction.What is the nature of this psychological pleasure? It can be traced to the universal desire for self-expression. (2) None of us ever completely outgrows our childhood. We are constantly hunting for the carefree enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew older, we had to subordinate our pleasures to work and to the necessity for unceasing effort. Smoking, for many of us, then, became a substitute for our early habit of following the whims of the moment; it becomes a legitimate excuse for interrupting work and snatching a moment of pleasure.Most of us are hungry for rewards. We want to be patted on the back. A cigarette is a reward that we can give ourselves as often as we wish. When we have done anything well, for instance, we can congratulate ourselves with a cigarette, which certifies, in effect, that we have been “good boys.”Passage Two(3) There is increasing media coverage surrounding carbon footprints. Businesses are facing mounting stakeholder pressure to show their commitment to measuring and reducing carbon emissions. As awareness amongst consumers is growing, organizations are being asked to report on the activities they are undertaking to reduce their carbon footprint. Until recently, most carbon offsets were commonly done by planting trees.Yet how effective are new trees in offsetting the carbon footprint? A new study suggests that the location of the new trees is an important factor when considering such carbon offset projects. (4) Planting and preserving forests in the tropics is more likely to slow down global warming. But the study concludes that planting new trees in certain parts of the planet may actually warm the Earth. The new study, which combines climate and carbon-cycle effects of large-scale deforestation in a fully interactive three-dimensional climate-carbon model, confirms that planting more tropical rainforests could help slow global warming worldwide.The research, led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory atmospheric scientist Govindasamy Bala, appears in the April 9-13 online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.According to the study, new forests in mid-to high-latitude locations could actually create a net warming. Specifically, more trees in mid-latitude locations like the United States and most of Europe would only create marginal benefits from a climate perspective. But those extra trees in the boreal forests of Canada, Scandinavia and Siberia could actually be counterproductive, Bala said.Forests affect climate in three different ways: they absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help keep the planet cool; they evaporate water to the atmosphere and increase cloudiness, which also helps keep the planet cool; and they are dark and absorb sunlight (the albedo effect), warming the Earth. Previous climate change mitigation strategies that promote planting trees have taken only the first effect into account.“Our study shows that only tropical rainforests are strongly beneficial in helping slow down global warming,” Bala said. “It is a win-win situation in the tropics because trees in the tropics, in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide, promote convective clouds that help to cool the planet. In other locations, the warming from the albedo effect either cancels or exceeds the net cooling from the other two effects.”The study concludes that by the year 2100, forests in mid-and high-latitudes will make some places up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than would have occurred if the forests did not exist.(5) The authors caution that the cooling from deforestation outside the tropics should not be viewed as a strategy for mitigating climate change. “Preservation of ecosystems is a primary goal of preventing global warming, and the destruction of ecosystems to prevent global warming would be a counterproductive and perverse strategy.” Said Ken Caldeira, from the Carnegie Institution and a co-author of this report.Directions: Each of the following two passages has some underlined parts. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese and write your translation on the Answer Sheet.【答案】Passage One(1)【参考译文】香烟广告商所十分炫耀的香烟吸引力中,如出众的味道和温和,没有一种引诱我们去变为吸烟者或偏好地选择一个品牌。尽管广告商强调此类品质,但是它们却是次要的考虑。这是我们在询问数百位来自各行各业的人为何喜欢吸烟时,所发现的最初事实中的一件。吸烟是一种心理享受,也是一种生理满足。(2)【参考译文】我们没有人能完全摆脱我们的童年。我们一直在寻找儿时那种无忧无虑的享受。随着年龄的增长,我们不得不把我们的乐趣置于工作和必须的不断的努力之下。于是,对我们许多人来说,吸烟代替了我们早年一时冲动的习惯;这成了打断工作、享受片刻快乐的正当借口。P
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