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课后作业(八).单句语法填空1Not everyone thinks that the government is being_(particular) generous.2We all believed that his_(fail) resulted from not working hard enough.3His arguments sound_(convince) but they are only based on theory.4As we all know,our country is very_(mountain)5We could hear the wind_(whisper) in the trees.6My first_(react) to the news was relief,but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.7The teachers_(explain) brought about our misunderstanding of the problem.8We should always keep in mind that many traffic accidents arise from_(drink) driving.答案1.particularly2.failure3.convincing4mountainous5.whispering6.reaction7explanation8.drunk.短语填空react to,in a mess,in a whisper,amuse oneself,slide into,on one occasion,be particular about,burst into laughter,look up,in the open air 1Her room is_,which is unexpected to me.2How do you think a manager should_an employees unsatisfactory work?3The kids_by playing hideandseek.4We all_while watching the babys funny behaviour.5A thief_the Accountants Office and stole about 60,000 yuan.6She earns only 1,000 yuan a month but_her clothes.7She said it_,so I didnt hear.8_,she called me in the middle of the night.9The scenery_is beautiful beyond expression.10If trade_we may be able to have the shop painted next year.答案1.in a mess2.react to3.amused themselves4burst into laughter5.slid into6.is particular about7in a whisper8.On one occasion9.in the open air10.looks up.完成句子1The wife_her husband so that she wouldnt wake up the sleeping child.妻子对丈夫低声地说话,这样她就不会吵醒正在熟睡的孩子了。2The students_the new teacher.学生们对这位新老师的反应很好。3Do you hear someone_in the classroom?你听见有人在教室里练习唱歌了吗?4Do your parents_your friends?你的父母有兴趣了解你的朋友吗?5You_her the bad news.你本不该告诉她这个坏消息的。答案1.whispered to2.react very well to3practising singing4.take an interest in5should not have told.完形填空About the year 1900,a small,darkhaired boy was often seen waiting outside the back entrance of London theaters.His name was Charlie Chaplin.He looked thin and hungry_1_his blue eyes were determined.He was hoping to get work in show business.When Chaplin couldnt get_2_,he wandered about the city_3_.He found food and shelter_4_he could.Sometimes he was_5_to a home for_6_who had no parents.He was cold and miserable there and the children were beaten for the_7_fault.By the time he was thirty,Chaplin was the greatest,bestknown and bestloved_8_in the world.Chaplins films have_9_a large audience in various_10_.Even people who dont understand English can_11_Chaplins films because they are mostly_12_.It isnt what he says that makes us laugh.It depends upon little_13_that mean the_14_thing to people all over the world.Having lived in America for forty years,Chaplin _15_to Switzerland.There he died on Christmas Day 1977.He once_16_himself as a citizen of the world,_17_of any particular country.He once wrote,“You have to believe in yourself.Thats the_18_of success.Even when I was in the childrens home,when I was_19_about the streets trying to find enough food to_20_to keep alive,even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world.”语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,文章就卓别林童年时期的悲惨经历、其电影的风格及成功的秘诀进行了简要介绍。1A.but BandCor Dbecause解析空格后的“determined”和前面的“thin and hungry”形成对比,故此处用but表示转折。答案A2A.chance BopportunityCwork Dtask解析“work”与上一段的“He was hoping to get work in show business.”对应。答案C3A.shops BstreetsCfactories Dhomes解析由于没有工作,卓别林在城市的“大街(streets)”上徘徊。答案B4A.whenever BhoweverCwhatever Dwherever解析因为没有工作,所以他到处流浪,寻找吃的东西和住所。答案D5A.sent away Bsent forCsent up Dsent off解析be sent away to“被遣送到”,符合上下文语境。send for“派人去请”;send up“发射”;send off“寄出”,均不符合语境。答案A6A.boys BgirlsCchildren Dadults解析由“who had no parents”可知是children。答案C7A.little BfewCleast Dslightest解析由前文的“cold and miserable”可知那里的孩子生活得不好,孩子们会因为“极小的(slightest)”错误而被打。答案D8A.comedian BtragedianCdirector Dartist解析由下文“It isnt what he says that makes us laugh.”可知他是个“喜剧演员(comedian)”。答案A9A.attacked BattractedCpaid Denjoyed解析他的电影“吸引(attracted)”了一大批观众。答案B10A.places BcountriesCtheaters Dfilms解析由后面的“Even people who dont understand English can.”可知他的电影吸引了不同“国家(countries)”的观众。答案B11A.see BwatchCenjoy Dvalue解析enjoy“欣赏”,符合上下文语境。答案C12A.silent BnoisyCquiet Dstill解
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