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1第1题when they heard how well the new crpration was doing in the computer business, they took a calculated _ nd invested most of their capital in it.A. venture; B. opportunity; C. risk; D. chance您的答案:C2第2题there was a nobility about this simple-minded person which was _.A. most engaged; B. the most engaging; C. to be most engaging; D. most engaging您的答案:D3第3题the roof of the house wasPRACTICALLY falling in nd the front steps were rotting away.A. virtually; B. essentially; C. always; D. basically您的答案:A4第4题Owing to the efforts of conservationists nd environmentalists, few people are UNAWARE OF the problems of endangered species.A.A. indifferent to; B. ignorant of; C. opposed to; D. contrary to您的答案:B5第5题The film on golden pond portrays to a certain extent theMENTALITY of the old people.A.A. activities; B. ideas; C. opinions; D. attitude of mind您的答案:D6第6题i detest those who like toPOKE into other peoples private affairs.A.A. pry; B. push; C. chat; D. gossip您的答案:A7第7题theCOLD-BLOODED assassination of the duke was the sensational news in todays papers.A.A. warm; B. humane; C. callous您的答案:B8第8题befre you start a business, you have to raise the necessary _.A.A. asset; B. investment; C. capital; D. income您的答案:C9第9题the weather frecast fr today predicted _ weather with sunshine, rain, snow nd wind nd that is just what londoners have had.A.A. variable; B. various; C. variant; D. varied您的答案:A10第10题at last we found the tramps lying there, _.A.a. sick nd exhausted; b. to be sick nd exhausted; c. to be sickening nd exhausting; d. in exhausted sickness您的答案:A11第11题there were so many people _ him in the crowd that he could not hold the camera steady while trying to take a picture of martin luther king, jr, the fremost leader of the civil rights movement.A.A. jostling; B. agitating; C. obstructing; D. jerking您的答案:A12第12题when the wind died down, the sailboatDRIFTED towrd the beach.A.A. headed; B. floated; C. hurried; D. returned您的答案:B13第13题After an unhappy love affair, emily dickinson was said to have lived like a HERMIT, shut away in her family home in amherst, massachusetts.A.A. heroine; B. recluse; C. invalid; D. lunatic您的答案:B14第14题that car model has become OBSOLETE.A.A. outmoded; B. out of stock; C. popular; D. modern您的答案:A15第15题the congregation at last sundays sermon showed noPROPRIETY when they giggled at the sight of a person in an outlandish dress.A.A. politeness; B. courage; C. decency; D. capability您的答案:C16第16题his new plan isIDEALISTIC but not practical.A.A. romantic; B. fantastic; C. realistic您的答案:C17第17题the riginal building was erected in 1710 but this structure has been largely transfrmed nd _.A.A. increased; B. extended; C. augmented; D. stretched您的答案:B18第18题the dorway of the eskimo igloo was so low that we had to _ down to enter.A.A. incline; B. bend; C. drop; D. bow您的答案:B19第19题beautiful as it is, synthetic silk will not SUPPLANT cotton apparel.A.A. replace; B. remove; C. misplace; D. take away您的答案:A20第20题biologists haveASCERTAINED that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.A.A. investigated; B. hypothesized; C. considered; D. verified您的答案:D21第21题peter is so wrried about the test that he plans to study all night. tell him he shouldQUIT wrrying nd get some sleep.A.A. stop; B. relinquish; C. keep on您的答案:C22第22题as the medicine took _, the nervous patient became quieter.A.A. action; B. force; C. effect; D. influence您的答案:C23第23题there is no evidence that any member of the ministry of education is _ in the affair.A.A. aggravated; B. complicated; C. connected; D. insinuated您的答案:C24第24题my daughter was so _ in the tv programme that she frgot to turn the microwave oven off.A.A. distracted; B. attracted; C. enchanted; D. engrossed您的答案:D25第25题one of the problems our government has to deal with is the _ of the growing number of plastic containers.A.A. dissolution; B. disposal; C. disappearance; D. disposition您的答案:B26第26题the artifacts displayed in the museum will _ the imagination of succeeding generations of artists.A.A. fire; B. heat; C. burn; D. raise您的答案:A27第27题CURRENTdeographic trends, such as the fall in the birth rate, should favourably accelerate economic growth in the long run.A.A. modern; B. rapid; C. contemporary; D. nowadays您的答案:C28第28题VENDERSmust have a license in shanghai.A.A. Everyone employed in food service; B. Anyone who is employed in hotels; C. Everyone engaged in selling; D. Anyone who works in a canteen.您的答案:C29第29题so long as we have jim, a man with exceptional ability in management, things will be wrking well even if we come _ unexpected difficulties.A.A. up with; B. up against; C. round to; D. in on您的答案:B30第30题we could have provided that manual labourer w
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