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江苏省淮海中学高三英语完型填充与阅读理解定期训练(31)一部分 完形填空 (共20小题;每题1分,满分20分)For mt eople, gradation is n ecitng day, but my adution dayanot.rmmber that weked two earago amil an fiends hafwn i from across he ountry t36 heceebratn. ujust k rynelse inm cls, I had wtched the37 trfrmbadt worse n ysenior year. Almost alf us raduatshad dege, but vyuncein 3 .The eeks ahead eret 39 . I knew m smal univrity ow couldt ofermeanopprtuntie, I packeupm c d do o Southern Caionia to fn ork.ButwhatIthoht would tae 4 draged ino two,andthen four, and 10 jobapliaos later, I oundmy n th eat se42 as I ws befor.Younow thafeeli heyou wake upi 43? Tht felin ecae a constant n my lf. Days feltke weeks, wees iknts, antosmany mntsfeltlike everlastng 44 n the mostanyngpa as nmatter owmutri, I ju culdnt seemo make an4 So wh di I dotoke my goo snse? cd t 4 . Soethng abou pting words o age adeeverythigseema little clearer alit bigter. Smeth abut writing avem . And ifou wt soething baly eugh,somtms alttlehpillyu 48 !I put my4 toa childrenbook.Beyondt Rivr was th sory o anlkely ro, a little fish, wh 50 toive up hi ream.And te one dy, whou nysor of writing dee or contats in the wriig wrld just alot of hardwr an ermiti Isofred a5 contrat (合同)fr fr k!Artht, tings slowlybegan to fall ito52 . I wa offered seondook eal.Then,aewmnths late, gt a teriew it heWaltisneyCompay andwa 53sorty ate.Dont gupEvn itin loo54 now, ot ie. I yo okhad, things wil ways ge etter. Ofentiesourreamlie in waitjust a ittle further upstea. al w ed is the 5t push eyond the rivr.36. A.atnB. holdC. prepare. joy37. . nirontB ecnmy.pporuityD. limte38. A. chiceB.danC. desireD.future39 A.uietB busy.easyD ong40. A.soB.utC. or. o41. . dayB. eekC. mnhD.yer42 A twnB drtionC. ituati D. habit43. A. piseB. earC. delihtD. eae44A glorB. oplat . lve. ai45.A. aoinmenB. prgrssC. commitmet decision6 A ad. thnC. writeD.nt7. A. hoB.isoC. pleasure D. npiation48. . lcB.indC.ury D. ed49. . dspprovalB.disageemenC. disisfacton D.isadntag50 refe.managedC.faileddecid51. A writing B. traating.pulsi. reviwn2A.ruiB. aceC. ieesD. deair5 A rearedB. paidC. fedD. ire54. A differtB. unimpot. srangD ogh55. A. ouageB. cancC imDdeam第二部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每题2分,满分分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMillios of Bris peop haediched the tradtiona thank ou an replac ith t lesformal hers, accrdn o a sure.Althug harae perso will say hank ounely ,0 tiesa year,o in thee are more ikey to throw n a cersr ta wr ts eded, ratherthnrisouigd fasoned.ein no say nce oninstea,whie youngergeneatios are ore lie to fer cool ththank you rci, fab d evn gacis were lso eda cmmon phas o us,amuh aprecie. One i tn who to part n tsvey 2,000 peplby theFood Nework UK for Tha You Day, wich isarkedn Ner 24, , said a frml thk yuwasnow not ote ededin yaconstion.More taone in te adultsad hey regulryotay tha ouf tey r in
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