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本科生毕业设计题 目:3G移动通信时代电子商务 中的移动支付研究=本科毕业设计诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业设计,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 作者签名: 二 年 月 日3G移动通信时代电子商务中的移动支付研究摘 要:随着3G时代的到来, 己经不仅仅局限于提供通讯和娱乐服务,高带宽无线数据通道可实现高质量的可视通话、视频监控、高速上网等功能,使 变成最便捷与即时的多媒体终端,进而推动了 移动商务的快速发展。移动商务离不开支付,用 代替现金、支票及信用卡来进行支付,将改变支付手段的应用,也会改变消费者行为方式,造就一场支付领域内的革命。因此,有专家称未来移动支付将会成为消费者生活中不可或缺的一部分。 移动支付是在交易活动中以 作为支付手段, 即将 与信用卡号码链接起 来通过 代替信用卡来支付交易费用,它具有方便、安全、成本低廉等优势,但目前的消费观念、技术支持、利益分配、手续繁杂等多种因素制约了移动支付的快速发展。我国移动支付在现有技术条件下主要有虚拟支付和移动现场支付两种基本模式。移动支付提供商应着力于创新商业模式,实现产业共赢;正确定位,积极开发市场;强化技术支撑,确保交易安全;加强行业协同,规避政策风险;利用新技术,抢占新市场。关键词:3G;电子商务;移动支付Research of Mobile Payment In the E-commerce of the 3G eraAbstrack:Along with the 3G era arrival,the handset already not merely limited in provides the communication and the entertainment service,the high might bandwidth wireless data channel realize high grade visible functions and so on telephone conversation,video frequency monitoring,high speed surfer,caused the handset to turn most convenient and the immediate muitimedia terminal,then impefled the handset to move commercial the fast development .The motion commerce cannot leave the payment, replaces the cash,the check and the credit card with the handset carries on the payment means the application,also will be able to change the consumer behavior way,will accompfish in a payment domain the revolution.therefore some experts called the future will move the payment to be able to become the consumer to live an indispensable part. The motion payment service is one may bring the economic efficiency,the brand benefit and the social efficiency new service for motion payment industry chain all quarters, also is moves the electronic commerce the important constituent,has the extremely giant market space.Only from the domestic users expense custom,the social credit environment and the legal environment condition,all sorts of diffculties which in the motion payment industry chain forming process faces looked that,may recognize our country moved the payment service market to be still in from the guidance and the cultivation to the hign speed development transitional stage.But looked from the global migration payment industry,regardless of is the developed market or the emerging market, is opposite in the fixed telephone network and the bank mesh point regional distribution uneven condition,the motion payment has in the entire region the application potential. Our conceivable migration payment industry will be able to obtain a broader development,and will change peoples life truly,including will touch the people who these foemerly placed the remote districts. Mobile payment takes mobile phone as a means of payment in a transaction.It has advantages of convenience,safety and low cost.But,at present,there are some factors constrain the rapid development of mobile payment,such as concept of consumption technological support and interest distribution.In the light of current technological condition,there are two basic mode,virtual payment and mobile on-site payment. Enterprises that provide services of mobile payment should first,reform business mode and realize a win-win situation;second,positively develop appropriate market;third, strengthen technological support and ensure transaction safety;fourth,strengthen industrial coordinates and evade risk of policy;and fifth,take advantage of new technologies and take over new market.Keywords:3G ;e-business;Mobile payment目 录第1章 绪 论11.1引言11.2选题的背景与意义11.3国内外研究现状21.4本章小结3第2章 电子商务42.1 电子商务概述42.2移动支付概述62.2.1 基本概述62.2.2 移动支付的分类72.3 技术实现形式82.4 本章小结10第3章 方案对比与选择113.1 移动支付技术实现的主要方案113.2方案选择123.3本章小结12第4章 移动支付技术的实现134.1 SIMpass134.1.1产品介绍134.1.2产品形态134.1.3 可支持的应用项目144.1.4 SIMpass两种形式154.2 SIMpass技术154.3 SIMpass广阔的前景17第5章 SIMpass技术的应用195.1 应用举例195.2本章小结21第6章 移动支付的安全226.1引言226.2移动支付安全性问题226.3移动支付安全解决方案226.3.1WPKI技术原理236.3.2 WPKI的加密算法和密钥246.3.3通过实名论证获取数字证书246.3.4移动支付安全交易流程246.4本章小结26第7章 总结与展望277.1总结277.2移动支付展望277.2.1近距离支付与空中支付将并存277.2.2 SIMpass技术将成为最受欢迎的近距离无线支付技术287.2.3移动支付产业链将密切合作287.2.4移动商务成为电子商务中的一个重要分支297.3进一步的研究工作29致 谢30参考文献31 第1章 绪 论1.1引言走过了2010年,移动支付在我国也逐渐成熟起来,不仅行业标准出台在即,在世博会、亚运会等大型活动上也成功实现规模化应用。近来业界传出消息,中国电信、中国联通两大运营商都在筹备成立支付公司以更好的开展移动支付业务。1.2选题的背景与意义有资料显示,在所有的新兴 应用中,结合智能卡及RFID的 支付与应用 进行安全防卫以及 文化传媒是最被用户看好的应用之一。在未来一两年内,我国8亿多 用户将有一半用户通过 完成交各类支付交易。一直以来,在移动支付这个公认的蓝海就存在着金融机构、电信运营商和第三方支付的相互融合、协调发展的问题,标准若统一意味着我国移动支付之路渐趋明朗,也意味着整个支付产业有望步入快速上升通道,利好产业链各方。早在2010年初的中国移动支付产业论坛上,工信部科技
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