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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla(第4课时)【学习目标】1) 能掌握以下单词:UFO, alien, run after, suit, express, not only.but also., circle, Britain, receive, leader, midsummer, medical, prevent, energy, position, burial, honor, ancestor, victory, enemy, period 2) 能掌握以下重难句子: For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.The large stones were put together in a certain way.As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body. 【自主梳理】Key VocabularyUFO, alien, run after, suit, express, not only.but also., circle, Britain, receive, leader, midsummer, medical, prevent, energy, position, burial, honor, ancestor, victory, enemy, period 【重点领悟】1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 3)阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。【探究提升】.Work on 1a 1. Ss look at the pictures in 1a. Try to understand whats happening. 2. Let Ss write a sentence about each picture.Possible answers: The alien is running after the man. The man is running.Work on 1b:1. Play the recording and number the pictures 1-3. 2. Let Ss try to write more sentences to finish the story. Then discuss with their partners. e.g. Finally, the alien caught the man and took him to the UFO. But luckily, they let him go back to the earth. The man was scared. 3. Let some Ss write their sentences on the Bb.Work on 1c: 1. Tell Ss to read the sentences in 1c and try to understand the meaning of them. 2. Play the recording for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first time. Play the recording again and check the sentences Ss hear. 3. Check the answers. . Work on 2a-2e1. express v. 表达,表示 expression n. 表达 ,表示,表情e.g. It expresses my love for the novel. 这表达了我对这部小说的爱。 an expression of support 表示支持2. receive v. 接受;收到e.g. Yesterday I received his gift, but I didnt accept it so I returned it to him. 昨天我收到了他的礼物,但是我没有接受并且退回去了。3. leader n. 领导,领袖 lead v. 带领e.g. Workers lead the leaders around the factory. 工人带着领导参观工厂。4. midsummer n. 仲夏, 中夏 mid-autumn 中秋 midnight 午夜e.g. It is said that the story happened in the midsummer. 据说故事发生在仲夏。5. medical adj. 医疗的;医学的 medicine n. 药e.g. Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose. 其他人相信石头带有医疗目的。6. prevent v. 阻止;阻挠prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做某事=stop sb from doing e.g. Nothing canpreventus from carrying out the plan. 什么也无法阻挡我们去实施这个计划。7. energy n. 精力;力量e.g. He is saving his energy for next weeks race. 他正为下周的比赛养精蓄锐。8. position n. 位置, 地方, 姿势e.g Tom raised himself to a sitting position. 汤姆坐了起来。 9. burial n. 埋葬;安葬 bury v. 埋e.g. His body was brought back to England forburial. 他的遗体已运回英国埋葬。10. honor v. 尊重,表示敬意 n. 荣幸(=honour)e.g. Its my honor to stand here to give my speech. 我很荣幸能站在这儿作演讲。11. victory n. 胜利,成功e.g. They celebrated theirvictorycheerily. 他们兴高采烈地庆祝胜利。12. enemy n. 敌人,仇人 e.g. be ones own worst enemy是自己最大的敌人13. period n. 一段时间;时期e.g. the most difficult periods of history历史上最艰难的时期14. For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods. 多年以来,历史学家们认为巨石阵是古代首领用来与神灵沟通的一座神庙。 此句中的where ancient leaders tries to communicate with the gods是由关系副词where引导的一个定语从句,修饰名词temple. 15. The large stones were put together in a certain way. 这些大块的石头以某种方式被摆放在一起。 in a certain way表示“以某种方式”,其中certain表示 “某一;某个;某些”的意思,用于名词之前。 e.g. The doctor is only at this hospital on certain days. 那位医生只有在某些日子才在这所医院。16. As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body. 当你走到那儿,你能感觉到能量从你的双脚上升到你的身体里。 此句中的feel是感官动词,其后可接宾语和不带to的动词不定式充当的宾语补足语,其用法与see, hear, watch等词一样。 e.g. We felt the house shake. 【巩固训练】根据首字母提示填空1. It e_xpresses_ my love for the novel.2. Yesterday I r_eceived_ his gift, but I didnt accept it so I returned it to him. 3. Workers lead the l_eaders_ around the factory.4. It is said that the story happened in the m_idsummer_.5. Other people believe the stones have a m_edical_ purpose.
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