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剑桥国际少儿英语KB2-测试题剑桥国际少儿英语KB2测试题听力部分(20).听录音,并排序。10)()() ()()()()()()().听录音,判断对错。101. () I love orange juice.2. ()Thereisbread for breakfast.3. ()Thereisrice and chicken for dinner.4. ()Thereismilk and chocolate cake for lunch.5. ()Thereare cows in the bedroom.笔试部分(80)三.找出划线部分发音不同的选项。51.() A phone B potatoC friendDfamily2.()A how B whoC what D houseC_sister D sheepC orange D cow4. () A shoe B shop5. ()A clockB_on四.找出意义不同的选项。S1 . () A orange B bread2 .()AbikeB lizard3 .()AriceB chicken4 .()AduckB mouse5 .()Amummy B dad五,A用所学介词描述位置 (dC black D redC car D lorryD spiderD milkC frogD streetC baby D goatid, on, in, in front of, next to, under) 8B看图回答问题口 13,Wheres the woman with the baby?How many pineapples are there?0 How many cats are there?O A/heres the boy with the kite?What colour are the shoes in the shoe shop?9 Where are the lemons?O What colours the bus?1. The woman with the baby(is / are 选择一个)the park.2. There five ( pineapple/pineapples).3. are cats .(有只猫咪)4. The boy with the kite is in the.5. The shoes in the shoe shop(is / are 选择一个).(填写颜色的单词)6. The lemons(is / are 选择一个)in the fruit(商店).7. The bus(is/ are选择一个),(填写颜色的单词)六找出拼写正确的单词,讲其编号写在括号里. T1 . ( ) A gegsB eggsC gesg2 .() A uncleB uncelC nucle3 .( ) A epn4 .()Aceuji5 .()Abreda6 .()Achspi7 .()AsheB penC nepB juiceC juiceB beardC breadB cshipC chipsB sehC ehs七.填写正确的单词。1. pihcs kiccehn 5.10ftal2.imkl6. pakr3.tarew7. steert4.;10. sphoA My name is Linda.B Fine, thanks you.C Here you are!D So do I.E Hello!F Yes, there are.G NO, I don t.H Goodbye!I There are five cars.J Im cleaning my shoes.8. splee.9. hositapl八.找出正确的答语。10()1.What are you doing?()2. What s your name?()3. Hello!()4. Goodbye !( )5. Can I have some milk?()6. I love monkey.()7. How are you?( )8. Are there books on the desk?()9.Do you like tigers?( )10.How many cars are there?九.综合能力测试s a big brown soA阅读短文,判断正(误(为10Hello, my name s Suzy. I have got a beautiful house. There and a TV in the living room. My living room is very clean. There is an orange clock in the kitchen. It isice. Ther e is a green mirror in the bathroom. My bedroom is pink, but Simon s bedroom is blue. I like my bedroom, because I like pink.1. This is Meera s house.()2. There is a big brown sofa in the living room.()3. An orange clock in the living room.()4. Suzy s bedroom is pink.()5. A purple mirror in the bathroom. ()6. Suzy s got an ugly house.()7. There s a TV in the bathroom.()8. Suzy: I don t like my bedroom.()9. Suzy: My living room is very dirty.()10. Simon s bedroom is blue.()1.Where is the park?I t1 2 * * s s2,Where is the bookshop?Its school hospital3.Where.is.the.boy.riding.a.bike?He is the school.4.-WhereJs4he.shoe.shop?-Its
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