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Unit 9 Things and PeopleChoose the correct answers.1.People usually buy aspirins at .the chemistssupermarketpost office2.A lot of Westem people go to the once a week to buy food and drinks.chemistscafesupermarket3.He likes helping people. He is .kindconfidentintelligent4.Mary likes going to parties and meeting new people. Mary is .quietshyoutgoing5.David enjoys talking.He never stops talking.He is .talkativeintelligentstupid6.Jane puts on weight if she doesnt exercise. He has to .work it output it onwork it off7.John can always make people laugh.He is very .funnyshyserious8.Im going to the newsagents to buy some .milknewspapera cup of coffee9.A:Where do you usually ?B:At the gym.traingowork out10.Rose cant find her bag. She is it.findinglooking afterlooking forChoose the correct answers.1.A: So, you have a boy friend. ?B: He is tall and hes good-looking.How does he look like?What does he look like?How tall is he?2. A: ?B: You cant take the number 56 bus.Where is the bus stopHow can I get thereWhere do I get off3. A: get on?B: You get on at the greengrocersWhere do IHow toWhich bus do I4.A: a newsagent here?B: Yes,there is. Its just over there.Where isIs thereHave you got5. A: ?B:Hes got short brown hair and short beard.What does he look likeWhat is his hair likeHow is he6. A: ?B: She is very outgoing.Whats Mary likeWhat does Mary look likeWhat does Mary like7. A: get off the bus?B: You get off opposite the station.How do IWhere do IWhen do you8. A: , Im looking for the chemists.B: Yes. Theres one opposite the cafe.SorryHelloExcuse me9. A: the bank?B: Its between the cafe and the newsagents.Where isDo you live nearDo you know10. A: Is there a supermarket near here?B: .Its just around the corner.Sorry, I dont knowYes, there isNo, there isntRead and choose the correct answers.Hu Ping gets up late and decides to go out. He wants to go to the gym today. So he goes to the shops and waits for the bus. He gets on the bus. Pays his fare and sits down. He gets off at the station and walks to the gym.On his way to the gym he comes across Li Lin. They go in together. They stay at the gym all morning and then decide to go back to Li Lins flat together to have something to eat. They stay in and listen to music all aftermoon and then he goes back home.1. Hu Ping is a gym owner.TrueFalse2.Hu Ping goes to the gym by bus.TrueFalse3.Hu Ping works out at the gym by himself.TrueFalse4.Hu Ping and Li Lin have their luch together.TrueFalse5.Li Lin and Hu Ping are friends.TrueFalse6.Li Lin and Hu Ping have their lunch at a restaurant.TrueFalseListen and fill in the gaps.1. W hats Nigels height?1 metre 851 meter 551 meter 752. Whats Nigels hair like?long and fairshort and darkshort and fair3. Whats the color of Franks beard?greybluebrown4. What does Frank like doing?fishingskiingswimming 韩非子名言名句大全,韩非子寓言故事,不需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除!1、千里之堤,毁于蚁穴。韩非子喻老2、华而不实,虚而无用。韩非子难言3、欲速则不达。韩非子 外储说左上4、不吹毛而求小疵。韩非子大体5、胜而不骄,败而不怨。商君书战法6、民之性,饥而求食,劳而求快,苦则求乐,辱则求荣,生则计利,死则虑名。7、以子之矛,攻子之盾。韩非子难一8、欲成其事,先败其事。9、道私者乱,道法者治。10、巧诈不如拙诚,惟诚可得人心。韩非子说林上11、塞翁失马,焉知非福。韩非子说难12、长袖善舞,多钱善贾。韩非子五蠹13、明主之所导制其臣者,二柄而已矣。二柄者,刑德也。何谓刑德?曰:杀戮之谓刑,庆赏之谓德。14、凡奸臣皆欲顺人主之心,以取亲幸之势也。是以主有所善,臣从而誉之;主有所憎,臣因而毁之。凡人之大体,取舍同者则相是也,取舍异者则相非也。15、人主之患在于信人。信人,则制于人。16、故为人臣者,窥觇其君心也无须臾之休,而人主怠傲处其上,此世所以有劫君弑主也。17、夫妻者,非有骨肉之恩也,爱则亲,不爱则疏。18、智术之士,必远见而明察,不明察不能烛私;能法之士,必强毅而劲直,不劲直不能矫奸。19、与死人同病者,不可生也,与亡国同事者,不可存也。20、主失其神,虎随其后;主上不知,虎将为狗。21、偏借其权势,则上下易位矣。此言人臣之不可借权势也。22、故人行事施予,以利之为心,则越人易和;以害之为心,则父子离且怨。23、故明主之治国也,明赏,则民劝功;严刑,则民亲法。24、夫民之性,恶劳而乐佚。佚则荒,荒则不治,不治则乱,而赏刑不行于天下者必塞。25、故治民无常,唯法为治。法与时转则治,治与世宜则有功。26、明君无为于上,群臣竦惧乎下。27、探其怀,夺之威。主上用之,若电若雷。28、小信成则大信立,故明主积于信。赏罚不信,则禁令不行。29、以肉去蚁蚁愈多,以鱼驱蝇蝇愈至。30、爱臣太亲,必危主身;人臣太贵,必易主位。31、群臣为学,门子好辩,商贾外积,小民右丈者,可亡也。32、天下之难事,必作于易;天下之大事,必作于细。33、圣人之治民,先治者强,先战者胜。34、道在不可见,用在不可知。35、涵掩其迹,匿其端,下不能原;去其智,绝其能,下不能意。36、千乘之君无备,必有百乘之臣在其侧,以徙其民而倾其国;万乘之君无备,必有千乘之家在其侧,以徙其民而倾其国。37、黄帝有言曰:上下一日百战。38、臣主之利相与异者也。何以明之哉?曰:主利在有能而任官,臣利在无能而得事;主利在有劳而爵禄,臣利在无功而富贵;主利在豪杰使能,臣利在朋党用私。39、人主之道,静退以为宝。40、故群臣陈其言,君以其言授其事,事以责其功。功当其事,事当其言,则赏;功不当其事,事不当其言,则诛。41、自胜谓之强。(能够战胜自己的人才是强者)42、自见之谓明。(能够认清自己的人才是明智的)43、是以志之难也,不在胜人,在自胜也。故曰:自胜之谓强。(订下心愿,志向是难的,不在胜别人,而在战胜自己的懒怯疑。)44、一手独拍,虽疾无声。(一只手击掌,即使再用力也不会有声音)45、立志难也,不在胜人,在自胜。46、举世有道,计入有计出。(做事情要有一定的原则,既要算计得道的,也要算计失去的)47、故去喜去恶,虚心以为道舍。(所以应该将亲近好厌恶等情绪一并抛弃,才能成功地使用权谋之术)48、君无见其所欲。(君主不应该表露自己的喜好)49、去好去恶,臣乃见素;去旧去智,臣乃自备。(君主隐藏自己的好恶,才会得见臣下
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