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航海英语三副新题库02.3 航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)201The Mariners Handbook _ general information affecting navigation and is complementary to the Sailing Directions A.giving B.give C.gives D.given KEY:C202Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? _. A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY:A203A lashing used to secure two barges side by side,lashed in an X fashion,is called a _. A.scissor wire B.towing wire C.breast wire D.cross wire KEY:A204A lashing used to secure two barges side by side,lashed in an X fashion,is called a _. A.quarter line B.back line C.peg line D.jockey line KEY:D205A latitude line will be obtained by observing a body _. A.on the prime vertical B.on the celestial horizon C.at lower transit D.on the Greenwich meridian KEY:C206A life float on a fishing vessel must be equipped with _. A.a painter B.red smoke flares C.a jackknife D.a signal mirror KEY:A207A life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn on a ship when a person is _. A.working on the rig floor B.working over water C.working on the pipe racks D.operating line throwing equipment KEY:B208A lifeline must be connected to the liferaft _. A.at the bow B.at the stern C.in the middle D.all around KEY:D209A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water _. A.should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder,holding the righting straps and leaning backwards B.should be righted by standing on the life line,holding the righting straps leaning backwards C.will right itself when the canopy tube inflates D.must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself KEY:A210A light signal consisting of three flashes means _. A.I am in doubt as to your actions B.My engines are full speed astern C.I desire to overtake you D.I am operating astern propulsion KEY:D211A light used to signal passing intentions must be an _. A.all-round yellow light only B.all-round white light only C.all-round blue light only D.alternating red and yellow light KEY:B212A line of position derived from a loran reading is a section of a(n) _. A.straight line B.arc C.parabola D.hyperbola KEY:D213A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a _. A.circle of equal altitude B.parallel of declination C.parallel of altitude D.vertical circle KEY:A214A list man would expect to see any of the following light signals EXCEPT _. A.two red lights B.one green light C.one white light D.one amber light KEY:D215A list signal of one white light indicates that the vessel is _. A.on an even keel B.listing about 1 to the side the light is displayed on C.listing over 5With the light displayed on the high side D.listing,and the chutes should be directed to the side where the light is displayed KEY:B216A low HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) number such as 2 indicates a _. A.poor fix B.good fix C.poor signal quality D.good signal quality KEY:B217A low pressure annular preventer which is used to direct flow of kick fluids away from the rig floor is called a _. A.dump valve B.deflector C.separator D.diverter KEY:D218A major health hazard of the product tert-butylamine is that it _. A.can be absorbed through the skin B.causes irreversible damage to eye tissue C.is a very unstable product D.All of the above KEY:B219A marine chemist issues gas free certificates and is certified by which organization? A.Mine Safety Appliance Association B.American Chemical Society C.Marine Chemists Association D.National Fire Protection Association KEY:D220A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons. Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun? A.The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic. B.Measurement of time is along the celestial equator. C.The speed of the Earths revolution is not constant. D.There are variations in the Earths rotational speed. KEY:B221A message by flashing light consists of the call,the identity,the text,and the _. A.destination B.answer C.time D.ending KEY:D222A mobile offshore drilling unit must display obstruction lights when it is on the waters over the Outer Continental Shelf and is _. A.under tow B.fixed to the seabed C.underway D.All of the above KEY:B223A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank. When should fog signals be started? A.When the towing vessel enters the fog B.When the drilling rig enters the fog C.When the towing vesse
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