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中考作文范文.常用过渡词1. 表起始的过渡语:first of all,to begin with* first and foremost, at first, but now.e.g. First and foremost, I think you should get along well with your parents. They are the ones whogive birth to you and love you with all their hearts.English learning was quite difficult for me at first, but I can do it well now.2. 表推进的过渡语: Whats more, Whafs worse, To make things / matters worse,More importantly, On the one hand., on the other hand.; for one thing., for another.; notonly., but also.; In addition, Additionally, as well, also, in other words, besides, furthermore,moreover3. 表总结的过渡语:In short, In a word In generab In brief In conclusion) Insummary. All in all, To sum up, Generally speaking, To draw a conclusion,4. 表列举的过渡语:for example, for instance, such as, like, take sth as anexample, . is the best example for this; My suggestions are as follows. When it comesto.e.g. Not every thing in language learning is interesting. For instance, I hate memorizing thesentence patterns, but I do it because I want to get better grades in writing test.5. 表达自己观点:In my opinion, I think; as far as I am concerned I hold the beliefthat.,From my point of view, From my perspective, As for me6. 表因果的过渡语:for, because of, This is because. . , Thats why.,thus,so, As a result Therefore, the reason why .is that.; thanks to/ because ofVduc to.c.g. She is a great teacher who has knowledge and patience. Therefore, I have no hesitation inrecommending her to you.7. 表转折的过渡语:but, yet, however, after alb in fact, while, on the contrary,instead of, although, otherwise, neverthelesse.g. Some parents express (heir appreciation to these helpful courses at school. On the contrary.others argue that these courses would bring about more stress to students and thus are against thispractice.He was a slow reader, nevertheless he never stopped reading.8. 表时间的过渡语:then, later, intheend, finally, afterwards, after that, sincethen, as soon as, meanwhile, later on, soon, finally写作高频词汇-初高级词汇转化原则:晚词优先;名词短语优先;活用修饰词一、形容词许多;大量的;各种各样的:many/much(1) a (great) number ol7 quite a few + 可数名词互数 + 讷语原形/arc/wcrc(2) a lot of / lots of / masses of / plenty of越来越: more and moreincrcasing(ly)more and more countries: a growing number of countriesWith (he increasingly rapid economic (经济的)growth, more problems are brought to our attention.也:too/also .as well(句末).运用能力。第四档(良好):16-18分较好完成了试题规定的任务。一内容详实,结构清晰,详略得当,过渡自然。比较准确地使用了较为丰富的词汇和语言结构,表达流畅自然,具有较强的语言运用能力。第三(中等):13-15分 基本完成了试题规定的任务。一结构明确,内容较为详实,详略得当。一较为准确地使用了合理的词汇和语言结构,能够比较清楚表达意思,具有一定的语言运用能力。第二档(较差):8-12分未完成试题规定的任务。一文章结构能够基本符合试题写作要求。一词汇和语言结构不能完全满足写作任务的要求,语言不够连贯且错误较多,影响对写作内容的理解。第一档(差):0-7分未完成试题规定的任务。一内容严重缺失,结构详略混乱。24个中考作文话题1 .个人情况3.居住环境5.学校7.情感与情绪9.计划与安排11.购物一词汇和语言不能满足写作任务的要求,语言错漏太多,无法传达有效信息。2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人4. 日常活动6.个人兴趣8.人际交往10.节假日活动12.饮食13.卫生与健康14.安全与救护16.文娱与体育15.天气17.旅游与交通18.通讯19.语言学习20.自然21.世界与环境22.科普知识与现代科技23.历史与社会24.故事与诗歌写作步骤中考写作5步法:审“列“扩-美-查1. 审:1)审文体;2)审要点;3)审时态:4)审人称。2. 列:根据写作要求,分出大段、确定详略、列全要点。1)列框架,定详略:2)列出要点所需的词汇或短语,为接卜来的写作积累素材。3. 扩:1)钱绕每一个要点加入该段的中心句,并围绕中心句进行扩充和阐述:2)将要点的短语或短句扩成一个长句或美句,4. 美:1)选词优美,善用高级词汇:2)句式丰富:句型多变,如:定语从句;状语从句:主语从句:表语从句:常见的谚请或俗语等,写作中同时注意长短句结合。3)书写工整,卷面整洁。4)加入连接词,住文章的逻辑关系更加紧密,过设更加流畅,脉络更加清晰。5. 查:1)查文章是否切题:2)要点是否包含:3)时态和主语是否一致:4)名词单复数是否恰当:5)搭配是否准确:6)大小写、单词拼写和标点符号是否有误。中考写作题材不同模板中考写作表达不同观点型写作模板Paral: Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the fact thatIt*s known to all thatThe topic ofis becoming more and more popular recently.Para2: peoples opinions about. vary from person to person. Some people say thatTothem,While others thinkis a better choice for the following reasons. To beginwith,Whats more,Last but not leastPara3: As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view thatFrom where I stand , it would be better to, becauseI agree with the former / latter. I hold the view that(二)问题解决型写作模板Paral: Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to the problem thatIn recently days, we have to face a problem thatPara2: Faced with this , we should take a series of effective measures to deal with it. For onething , we shouldFor another thing, wed betterBesides,doingis also a goodway.Many ways can help to solve the serious problem, but the following may be the mosteffective. To start with,Another way to solve the problem isFinally,From what we have discussed above, we know that everyone shouldonly in this way,can we(三)阐述利弊型Para.I: Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the fact that.The topic ofis becoming more and more popular recently.Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to.Para.2: Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. First,Whatsmore,Everything has two sides andis not an exception, it hasalso brought a lot of harms
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