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英文求职信范文锦集10篇 人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,突然而已,我们找工作的时间越来越近,此时此刻须要起先写求职信了哦。求职信怎么写才不会一模一样呢?下面是我为大家收集的英文求职信10篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。 英文求职信 篇1April 13,20xx Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084 Ms. Yang: I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University.I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then. Sincerely,Cheng Dan英文求职信 篇2Dear Sir,I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in JobsPower.com.I graduated from the College of Business in June of 1986. Since that time I have been taking night courses at Polytechnics in Sales Techniques and Mass Media Advertising.I have worked as a vehicle salesman for the Ford Co. for the past three years. At present I am their chief salesman and account for over one half of the sales. Before my present employment, I worked for the Chains Deparment Store as a salesclerk in the electrical appliance section. We worked mainly on commission and I was able to earn a substantial amount although I was very young.I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forth-coming at my present position.If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.Sincerely yours,敬啟者:贵公司在 JobsPower.com 刊章广告,徵求推销员一职,我拟应徵,敬请列入考虑。我於一九八六年六月商学系毕业,此后,即在理工学院选读销售技术与大眾媒介广告课程。过去三年,在威廉福特公司担当过汽车推销员,目前担当该公司销售主任,已歷一年半之久。担当此职前,曾在澄士百货公司, 推销电器,以赚取佣金。虽然我仍年青,但自感有实力赚取实际利润。自感目前工作发展无多,拟变更一下目前工作环境,故自信以我个人实力和所受训练,似应获得较佳之工作环境。就以目前这份工作而言,自感将来似无多大进展。倘如阁下情愿接见本人以了解我的实力,我将随时候教。*啟英文求职信 篇3Dear Sir or Madam,My names petrels.Guangxi vocational and technical college of a student.Im 20 years old is a bright and cheerful girl.I majored in international business management at College, majoring in the course of international trade practice, international business negotiations, English for international business, import and export of certified training and a number of related enterprises of economic law.Now Ive a sophomore.In a short time I graduate to face employment problems.Last week, I saw on the Internet you recruit three salesmen.In order to be able to grab this opportunity.I write a letter to your company.I am sincere, work conscientiously, and innovative thinking.Hope you give me a chance, I would never make you regret selecting me.Dear Sir or Madam, thank you for reading my letter.I look forward to hearing from you.!Best wishes for you .Your sincere friend英文求职信 篇4Dear Mr. Morgan,Fillip Stiller advised me of a foreman position thats available at your company. From my enclosed rsum, you will find that my experience meets the requirements youve outlined for the position.As the former manager of a small business, I appreciate the importance of a following that comes from the recommendations of satisfied clients. I am considered a diplomatic manager, which enables me to get along well with clients, supervisors, and staff. My ability to maintain high morale among workers increases retention and contributes to safety, a crucial factor in the success of construction work.I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.Sincerely,Allan EversonEnclosed: rsum英文求职信 篇5Dear Mike,I was interested to hear that your firm is considering ways to acquire more capability regarding international business transactions.As you know, I have worked as an independent consultant these past two years dealing with the business, financial and governmental problems that accompany overseas investments. I have found, however, that companies large enough to have significant international exposure are bombarded by major league players such as:a) the large investment banking houses,b) major law firms,c) consulting firms such as McKinsey and
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