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2012 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷( 总分: 102.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 Vocabulary( 总题数: 20,分数: 40.00)1.It was with great effort that thebetween the two families was finally arranged.(分数: 2.00 )A. restorationB. revelationC. retaliationD. reconciliation V解析:解析:句意:通过极大的努力,两家人最终达成和解。 reconciliation 和解;调和。 restoration 恢复;复位。 revelaltion 启示;揭露。 retaliation 报复;反击。2.The police caught the thief on the street andhim into their van.(分数: 2.00 )A. probedB. hustledVC. copedD. smoldered解析:解析:句意:警察当街抓住小偷并把他推进警车里。 hustle 猛推;催促。 probe 探测;调查。 cope 处理,对付;竞争。 smolder 阴燃,闷烧;郁积。3.Ive just received annote telling me that the goods have been dispatched.(分数: 2.00 )A. invoiceB. enquiryC. orderVD. advisory解析:解析: 句意:我刚刚收到一封购货确认书, 得知货物已经发送。 order note 是固定短语, 意思是“购 货确认书”。 invoice 发货单;发票。 enquiry 询问;询盘。 advisory 报告,公告。4. He is a funny-looking man with cheerful face and always encourages free-thinkinginyoung.(分数: 2.00 )A. a, the, /B. a, /, aC. the, the, theD. a, /, theV解析:解析:句意:他长相滑稽,讨人喜欢,并且总是鼓励年轻人思想要活跃。face 作“面子”时为不可数名词;作“脸”时为可数名词,故用不定冠词a。 thinking 作“思想,思考”时不可数;作“想法,见解”时可数,故用零冠词。定冠词 the+ 形容词,表示一类人。5. The government is financing a study of the effects on human of living in a megalopolis. Theunderlined word means.(分数: 2.00 )A. an apartment in a large buildingB. a dangerous part of a city submissionC. an extremely large cityVD. a city with a large police force解析:解析:句意:政府正在为一项关于在特大城市生活对人类影响的研究筹措资金。megalopolis 的意思是“特大都市,人口密集地带”,因此C 项符合词义。6. The unusual design of the new boat is a leap in the dark by the shipbuilders. The underlined phrase means.(分数: 2.00 )A. a product made in secretB. a piece of work full of creativityC. a very big mistakeD. an act without knowing the consequenceV解析:解析:句意:这艘新船的独特设计是造船师们的一次冒险性尝试。a leap in the dark 是固定短语,意思是“冒险的行动,不顾后果的举动”,因此 D 项解释最为贴切。7. The French news agencya statement from the Trade Minister.(分数: 2.00 )A. put outVB. made outC. took output out 出版,发行;公布,发布, come out 出来,出现;开花,发芽;D. came out解析:解析:句意:这家法国通讯社发布了_则贸易部长发表的声明发表。 make out 理解;辨认出。 take out 取出,拿出;扣除;除掉。 出版,发表 ( 主语是书刊或声明的名称 ) 。8.If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, it from your diet.(分数: 2.00 )A. diminishB. abandonC. deleteD. eliminateV解析:解析:句意:如果你认为自己可能对某种食物或饮料过敏, 那就把它排除在你的饮食之外。 eliminate 消除;排除。 diminish 减少;缩小,变小。 abandon 遗弃,放弃。 delete 删除。9.She deserves a bigfor her very efficient co-ordination of the scholarship workers andcamp chore assignments.(分数: 2.00 )A. commendationVB. commentationC. commentaryD. comment 解析:解析:句意:她理应得到表扬,因为她在协调学术工作者的工作和露营杂务的分配上表现得非常高效。 commendation 赞扬;推荐;奖状。 commentation 时事评论。 commentary 评论;注释;评注。 comment 评论,意见;批评。10.Manypurchasers want personal real estate because homes reflect our social standing andfinancial success.(分数: 2.00 )A. perspectiveB. prosperousC. prospectiveVD. prospectus 解析:解析:句意:许多有意购房的人都想拥有自己的房子,这是因为房子反映了我们的社会地位和经济 成就。 prospective 可能的;未来的;预期的。 perspective 观点,远景;透视的。 prosperous 繁荣的, 兴旺的。 prospectus 内容说明书;样本;计划书。11.1837 marks theof the slave trade in the British Empire.(分数: 2.00 )A. abolishment VB. abolishingC. abolishD. oblilition解析:解析:句意: 1837 年标志着大英帝国奴隶贸易的废除。 abolishment 废止,革除;取消。 abolishing 是动名词形式, 而 abolish 是动词形式, 均不符合句法结构。 oblilition 为生造词, 不存在这种拼写形式。12. Thousands of refugees will die if theses supplies dontthem.(分数: 2.00 )A. get through toVB. get around toC. get on toD. get about to解析:解析:句意:如果这些物资不能送达,数以千计的难民将会死亡。get through to把传到;使get on to 转至 (另一话题或活动 ) ;意理解,打通(电话)。get around to 开始考虑做;抽出时间做 识到。 get about to 传播; ( 病后 )走动;旅行。13. We found a hotel room in the end because of a late(分数: 2.00 )A. reservation VB. cancellationC. check-inD. registration解析:解析:句意:由于预订较晚,我们最后才找到一间宾馆客房。reservation 预订,预约;保留。cancellation 取消;删除。 check in 登记人住;签到。 registrataion 登记;注册;挂号。14.Inside, antiques, family paintings and period furniture enhance the elegance and characterinherent in this finelymanor house.(分数: 2.00 )A. proportionedVB. preferentialC. homogeneousD. hallucinating解析: 解析: 句意: 庄园内部, 古董、 家传油画和仿古家具提升了这个雅致均衡的府宅的内在优雅和品质。 proportioned 相称的;均衡的;成比例的。preferential优先的;选择的;特惠的。homogeneous均匀的;同种的。 hallucinate 使产生幻觉。15.Iin the shade like all the other tourists, then Iburned.(分数: 2.00 )A. should be.will not haveB. shouldnt have been.would beC. shouldnt be.wouldnt haveD. should have been.,wouldnt have gotV解析: 解析: 句意: 如果我像其他游客那样待在阴凉的地方, 就不会被晒伤了。 本题考查虚拟语气的用法。should have done sth 表示本该做但实际上未做的事情。 get burned 被晒伤; 被烧伤。 wouldnt have done 表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。16. He speaks the language so well he could easilya German.(分数: 2.00 )A. pass forVB. be passed forC. be passed asD. pass by解析:解析:句意:他德语说得非常好以至于很容易被当作德国人。pass for 被认为,被当作;冒充;被错当成。pass by经过,走过;逝去。此处pass for表示被动,因此选择 A项。17. The pair go shopping together, eat out and have recentlyat a celebrity function.(分数: 2.00 )A. been holdingB. being heldC. heldD. been seen holding V
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