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湘少版三年级下册英语连词成句专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. sisterHelenisthismy (.) (写序号)_2. the goes under he fishing tree (.)3. old how are you (?)4. black, is, a, one, The, dog (.)5. my, is, this, classroom (.)6. is, She, Yang Ling (.)7. is for you this (.)8. onisthepearIt. (只填序号)_9. mycolourWhatnowisskirt (写序号)_?10. room, is, the, that, art (?)11. please, Sit, down (, .)12. TV, she, in, watches, morning, the (.)13. is boat my Where (?)14. a dog Its (只填序号)15. MrJonesisThis. (只写序号)_16. pencilbox Where youris17. about yourfamilyWhat(?)(只写序号)18. are , how , you , Amy (, ?)19. aboutWhatyou?(只写序号)20. yourshortMakearms(.)(写序号)21. brotherHemyis. (写序号)_22. thatWhos girl (?)(只写序号)23. desk, on, the,Whats (?)24. some for are noodles Here you (.)25. your,Touch, leg (.)26. Can use pencil your I (?)27. 连词成句。1go, the, lets, to, zoo (.)2pig, is, the, fat (.)3short, the, ruler, is (.)4that, who, is, woman (?)5many, how, eggs (?)28. I, a, knife, fork, and, am, using, (.)29. it, banana, is, a (?)30. 连词成句。1it, yes, is, (, .)2is, it, dog, a, (.)3was, his, Bin-go, name, (.)4there, a, who, was, a, farmer, dog, had, (.)5is, there, chicken, the, a, on, farm(.)31. the Where cat is (?) (只填序号)_32. have, I, Me, a, pencil, too (. .)33. your pencilisyourinbag页码 / 总页数
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