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过去分词表状态集锦先请看下面两道高考题:1. (2005 年全国春)with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. Facing2. (2005年湖南)in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed【解析】 正确答案为1.C 2.A。但许多学生却误选了 D和C,以为Arnold与face,he 与dress是主动关系。其实,这里faced和dressed都已由过去分词转化为形容词,构成系 表结构,此时这种动词已不再强调动作,而是表示状态。它们常呈现“be+过去分词+prep.(by除外)或不定式”形式。为便于学习掌握,笔者现将表示状态的过去分词分类介绍如 下:1.用于“be+过去分词+to”结构中的过去分词常见的有:accustomed/used (习惯),addicted (沉溺于),astonished (惊讶),devoted (致力于),determined (决定),engaged (订婚),exposed (遭受),known (已知),married (结婚),opposed (反对),prepared (准备),related (相关)等。例如: That young man is addicted to drugs .那个年轻人吸毒成瘾。 The matter related to your future cant be taken for granted.和你前途相关的事情不能想 当然。 As is known to all, paper was first made in China.众所周知,纸是中国人发明的。 She is strongly opposed to their plan.她强烈反对他们的计划。 I left the place, determined never to come back again.2.用于“be+过去分词+with”结构中的过去分词常见的有:armed/equipped/furnished (配备),connected (相关),covered (覆盖),crowded (挤满),faced (面对),fed up (厌烦),filled (充满),pleased (高兴),satisfied (满意), tired (劳累)等。 例如: The classroom is crowded with people.教室里挤满了人。 Filled for the moment with extraordinary strength, the wounded boy raised himself completely. 受伤的男孩一下子使出了非凡的力气,(使自己)完全站了起来。 When he woke up, he found the ground covered with snow.他醒来时发现地上尽是雪。4The peaceful meeting ended when the factory sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens.这次和平会谈因该厂放出一群挥舞棍棒穷凶极恶的打手而告终。3. 用于“be+过去分词+in”结构中的过去分词常见的有:absorbed (全神贯注),engaged (从事),involved (参与),lost (陷入),seated(坐在),situated/located (位于)等。例如: Absorbed in his own work, he neglected food and sleep.由于全神贯注于自己的工作,他忘记了吃饭和睡觉。 The guests seated in the front row come from Africa.坐在前排的客人来自非洲。 He is involved in working out a plan.他专心一意地订计划。4. 用于“be+过去分词+about”结构中的过去分词常见的有:concerned (担心;关心),worried (担心)等。 There is no need to be worried about him.没有必要为他担心。 The doctors are concerned about his health.医生们都担心他的健康情况。5,用于“be+过去分词+of”结构中的过去分词常见的有:convinced (相信),informed(了解),tired (厌烦)等。例如: well keep you informed of the latest development.我们随时让你了解最新的发展情况。 She was tired of talking to these people.和这些人谈话,她感到厌烦。金题精练1.in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing2. Mr. Smith,of the speech, started to read a novel.A. tired;boring B. tiring;bored C. tired;bored D. tiring;boring3. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents_. A. worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry4. Dont use words, expressions or phrases only to people with special knowledge.A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known5. Do you know the man in the corner of the room with a notebook in his hand?A. seat B. seated C. seating D. to seat himself6. Last night, I saw Tom in bed,in deep thought.A. lose B. losing C. lostD. to lose7. My daughter,a nice young doctor two years ago, will get married next month.A. got engaged to B. got engaged in C. engaged to D. engaged in8. with her sons progress in his studies, Mrs Brown promised him a new CD the next day. A. Satisfying B. To satisfy C. Satisfied D. She was satisfied9. The manager promised to keep me of how our business was going on.A. to be informed B. on informing C. informed D. informing10. The girl in red is my second daughter.A. dressing B. dressed herself C. dressed D. is dressing(Keys: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. O
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