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四年级下册英语期中试卷一、 选出不同类的一个单词。(110=10分)( )1、A libraryB、canteenC、computer( )2、A、lunchB、English classC、music class( )3、A、nineB、first C、one ()4、A、art room B、gymC、light( )5、A、blueB、red C、dress ( )6、A、school B、shirt C、jacket( )7、A、jeansB、whoseC、shorts ( )8、A、 board B、 gym C、 floor( )9、A、dinner B、lunch C、canteen( )10、A、English B、purple C、Chinese二、找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将其序号填入括号内。( ) 1.A. face B.cat C.cake ( ) 2.A.milk B.ice-cream C. rice( ) 3.A. desk B.she C. dress ( ) 4. A. cat B. bag C. class( ) 5. A. white B. six C. pig二、 选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里 ()、students in your class?A 、How manyB、How muchC、How old( )2、We have computer room. A、anB、theC、a( )3、This my friend .A 、are B 、is C、 am( )4、is the art room?It is on the first floor.AWhatB、WhereC、Which( )5Isthis the library?AYes ,it isB No, it isC、Yes, it is not.()6、It is time dinner .A、 toB、 for C、 on( )7、time is it?It is 7:00 A、WhatB、 HowC、 Where()8、cap is it? A 、Who B、 Whose C、 Where()9、Thesehis pants. A、 are B、 is C、 am()10、colour is it?A、HowB、WhereC、What四、看图写单词。(110=10分) s_ s_ T-_ d_ j_五、找出的答句,把答案写在题前的括号里。(110=10分)( )1.Are they monkeys? A. Its blue.( )2.What colour is it ? B. Yes, they are .( )3.Is this the library? C. Thank you.( )4.Your school is cool! D. Its ten oclock. ( )5.Whats time is it now? E. Yes, it is.三 选择填空。(10分)( )1.Its 10 :00.Its time _go to school. A.to B.for C.of( )2.Today is hot,I wear my_A.jacket B.T-shirt C.coat( )3.Look at the clock,what _is it?A.class B.time C.can( )4.Its 9:45.Its time _ music class. A.to B.for C.of( )5.Its cold _ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is六. 连词成句,根据正确格式书写在四线格二每组单词划线部分发音相符打“”,不相符打“”( )1.cake face ( ) 2.bike pig ( )3.we she( )4.nose box ( ) 5.bus cup( )四 英汉互译。(10分)1.English class_ 2.长裤_ 3.watermelon _4.大的_5.playground _6.香蕉_7.colourful _ 8.足球_9.washroom _ 10.裙子_六 连词成句。(10分)1your T-shirt is that ( ? )2. warm it is today (. )3. it colour is what (? )4.two it oclock is ( . )5.computer my is this ( . )三、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内。20%()1、_那) is your computer.A、His B、That C、Hat()2、Is this a teachers desk?Yes_A、it isnt B、is it C、it is()3、What are they? _A、That is a jacket. B、Those are my socks.()4、英语询问“现在几点了”:A、What is it? B、Who is that?C、What time is it? ( )5Where is the computer room? Its on (二楼)_A、the third floor B、the first floor C、the second floor( )6、What is your sister name? _name is Mary.A. Her B. My C. She ( )7、Is this a teachers office? Yes,_ .A. He is B. it is C. she is ( )8What_ is it? Its 4 oclock. A. colour B. time C. class ( )9、What colour are your socks? They _white.A. is B. are C.do( )10、_ is my brown jacket? It is on the chair.A. What B. How C. Where 四、找出相对应的答语。10% ( )1.How many shirts are there on the bed? A. Yes, she is ( )2.What are they? B. Its four oclock.( )3.Is your teacher in the classroom? C. There are two.( )4.What colour is his jacket? D. They are bookspep小学英语四年级下册单元测试题(一)五.选择正确答案填空,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。( ) 1.The library is the second floor A. in B. to C. on.( ) 2. That is _computer room. A. you B. our C. I( ) 3. Is this the art room? _A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am C. Yes, he is.( )4.Is this a_?A.teachers officeB.teacher office C. teachers office( ) 5.Its time _ lunch. A. to B. on C. for( ) 6. Its time _ watch TV.A. for B to C. on( ) 7. Its 10 oclock. Its time to _ . A. go bed B. go to bed C. bed.( ) 8. _ are your baby pants.A. That B. This C. These( )9. Its 5:00. Lets _.A. go home B. go to home C. home( ) 10. What time is it? Its_. A. 8:30 B. red C. yellow六根据汉语意思补全英语单词1.b_ard(写字板)2.f_n(电扇)3.w_ll(墙壁)4.wh_te(白色的)5. th_ee(三)七. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1.That is a _(写字板).2.That is a _ (灯). 3 Its time for _ (数学)class. 4. Its_ (9点钟).5. I like green _ (衬衫).6. Its my _ (夹克衫).7. That is a _ (照片).A. No, it isnt.B. Its 12:00.C. Its on the first floor.D.Fifty-five.E. Its my skirt.八. 在方框中选出相应的答语, 并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. What time is it now?( ) 2. Is that the music room?( ) 3. Where is the washroom?( ) 4. Whose is the skirt?( ) 5.How many students are there in your class?小学英语四年级下册单元测试题五.选择正确答案填空,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。( ) 1.The teachers office is floor A. the first B.first C. on the first.( ) 2. This is _new computers.A. you B. he C.your( ) 3. Is that the TV room? _ .A. Its red. B. Yes, it is. ( )4. That is a _A. teacher desk B. teachers des
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