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M31 Fog Warninge olly let home th moning, th ity wsalrad coered i agrey mist. At lun, rdioforeast hatt istwld ece hico i the fteron At fourclok, Pol left ork adstppe uinto the fo She wondeed i the ses wodil be uning. No bus toKin SteetOnc ut in the stret, hewakedquicky towadsher usa bus stp owfar eyu goig?the buscndct aked herbeforhe took her fre. King Street,s Pol. Sory, Miss, reie theman, theruth i that ioo fogy orthe bus to rnthat far. Tath UndrrodtGreen Par. Theweate igt b bet theread yo mih ele t get a taxi.A tl manAsPolyobseredthe passengers on tetan,she da felngthat she ws beinah by a l mn in a dark vecoatA lat h train arrived atreenak statio Wile theretofthe passenger wre gtingut, hlaneda the faes arun hr h tal an wa nowre to besee. FootstsWn Plly got o te taon ntrance,itwasempty. Otside,whrevr s looked the fo lylike a thi, gry clod.Therews no ne in sight. Plly st ff ads Park Street. Ahe waled log the narrow stee, head th soundof ftepsapproahig, bt by the tme she ached the coneo th tret, the otsteps ere gne. Sudeny Polly felt arough hdbrs er chek, andshe harda ma ce inhr earsaying Sory he man mved aay. Se could feeher heart beatig wih ar epfltrngeThen sheear thoundginsf footste bhindhe. A mutebore,hehad wihedor smon to come along. ow she tedt run, ut fear held stil Thfotses semed closenow. hena a icame otfthdknes.Is anybd thee?Pollyhesiatd. At last sh asweed, Helo, tink Im lst fewseconds aer,aand eached ut dasped he ar Plly found relf staing up t the fac an ldman with rd. MaybeI a hlp o. Whch oad o you at? hse.I live t 86 ig Stret, Polly rpie.Jut te my had, sid the ma. Come wih me. ul be ll ight He took Pls hnd. Watch ot for the stp hren his oter adteman crrie a tick. Plyhear hitte tep. ca reember ome terible ogs,but maybthatas beoreyour me. I cantseeyor face, bu yo soud young. How oldare yo?us teny,nswerePoly h, twnty! A nieage t be Iwa yng one Nowre tthe crssros.un lthe.Iqitlosnow.Ae ose yu know the way? Plly w beining to felfgened aain.O coure. Yu realy soldntfeel anxious. e held her hand morefiry.Te gatfu helerHere e are Kin Stee. He soped.han ou o much r oming to my id, said Polirlf. oud yo ie me in nd res fr hile? Itsvry nico you, said te n, bt Ill eoff Teemay b oreole lst oday, and Idlike to he thm. use, a o thi ad i rre. t gives me te chace tay bacthe el that pele give mewhnt sny.A blind ersonkeme can t acosshe oad withou help,exceptinafo ke s雾雾警报 那天早上当波莉离开家,都市已经被一层灰色的薄雾覆盖。在午餐时间,收音机天气预报员报道薄雾在下午会变成浓雾。四点钟,波莉离动工作,踏入雾中。她怀疑巴士与否仍然在运营。没有去国王街的巴士 她一出来在大街上,就迅速走向她以往的停车站。 “你要去的地方有多远?”巴士售票员问她。 “国王街。”波莉回答。 “对不起,小姐。”男人回答,“事实上,雾太浓了以至于巴士不能行驶那么远。坐地铁列车去绿色花园,那里的天气也许会好一点,并且你也许可以在哪儿拦到一辆出租车。”一种高大的男人 当波莉观测地铁上的乘客时,她注意到她被一种穿着黑色外套的高大男人盯着。最后,列车达到了绿色花园车站。当其她的乘客下车,她扫视了周边人的脸,到处都找不到那个高大男人。脚步声波莉到了车站出口,那里空无一人。外面的雾像一朵厚厚的灰云。在势力范畴内一种人都没有。波莉朝着公园街出发。当她沿着街走时,她听到了脚步声,但是等到她达到街道拐角处,脚步声不见了。忽然,波莉感到一只粗糙的手轻拂过她的脸,她听到一种男人的声音在她耳边说:“对不起。”男人离开了。她能感觉到心脏带着恐惊的跳动声。乐于助人的陌生人 然后她再次听到了这个声音在她背面轻轻的脚步声。一分钟前,她但愿有个人和她一起走。目前她想要跑,但是恐惊使她一动不动。目前脚步声似乎接近了。然后一种男人的声音从黑暗中传来:“有人在那里吗?” 波莉顿了顿,最后她说:“你好,我想我迷路了。” 几分钟后,一只手伸了出来并且遇到了她的手臂。波莉发现她自己昂首凝视着一种手停留在她的手臂上站立着的男人。她看到的是一张老人的脸。 “也许我能协助你,你要去哪里?”她问。 “我住在国王街8号。”波莉回答。 “只管抓住我的手。”男人说,“跟着我走。你会没事的。”她抓住波莉的手:“留意这里的台阶。” 在她的此外一只手上男人拿着一根拐杖。波莉听到拐杖敲击着台阶。“我还记得某些可怕的雾天,但是也许那是在你出生之前。我看不见你的脸,但是你的声音听起来很年轻。你几岁了?” “刚满2。”波莉说。 “嗯,2岁!一种很美好的年龄。我也曾经年轻。目前我们在拐角处。从这里向左拐。” “我目前快迷路了,您拟定您结识路吗?”波莉再次开始感到胆怯。 “固然,你真的不必紧张。”她握住她的手更紧了。一种感恩的协助者 “我们到了,国王街。”她停住。 “非常感谢。”波莉说,“你乐意进来休息一下吗?” “你真的很善良。”男人说:“但是我要离开了。今天也许会有更多的人迷路,我要去协助她们。你看,如此糟糕的雾是很罕见的。它给了我们报答在晴天给我们协助的人们。一种像我这样的盲人没有协助时不能穿过马路的,除了在像这样的雾天中。”M3u Prjet hak ataks There aener400 different typs o shrk, bunl aout30 ypear knonto hav ttacedhumabeis. Many pople knw tht heost daneros sa s thgreat wie sark,robaly bcuse they he seen t film Js.Hwever, twoothrk arealso rahr dangerous: h ger srk adt ullhak.Toeduc ikofashark attack, you soul followhsesuggstons.o no iin thedark. ak ca till see
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