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浙江省东阳中学2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期中试题(扫描版)答案(高二英语)听力:1-5 CABCB6-10 CBCCB11-15 CABAA 16-20 BACAB阅读:21-23 BCA 24-27 DADB 28-30 CBA31-35 CAFDG完形:36. BBDAC ADCAC DBCBD ABCDA语法填空:56. Waving 57. that/which 58. known 59. originally 60. achievements 61. on 62. but 63. follows 64. unbelievable 65. them应用文:A possible version:Dear fellow students,Our school has started a program of garbage classification. Different kinds of garbage are required to be sorted out and placed in different dustbins. Paper can be recycled, while leftovers can be collected as food for pigs or processed as fertilizer for plants. Above all, such harmful things as plastics and used batteries should not be mixed with other wastes.The program is of great benefit. We will be able to save resources by making use of recyclable garbage and harmful things will not pollute our environment after special treatment.Lets work together for a better campus! The Students Union读后续写:A possible version:It was exciting to go to school again but it was no game. Sitting in a classroom full of kids was awkward, even if most of them were respectful and encouraging. During the day, I was still a busy married woman having loads of housework to do. In the evening, I was a hardworking student working on my courses. To my surprise, both Linda and I did very well in night school. I went back again the next semester, and my grades steadily improved. Linda and I saw each other through the time. When I was down, Linda encouraged me. “Mom, you cant quit now!” And when she was down, I encouraged her. I have to say it was a time which was really hard on both of us. But neither of us gave up. At last, I got my diploma. To my surprise, almost all of my classmates voted for me to be class speaker, and I got a $3,000 college scholarship. The unfinished business in my dreams was eventually finished.录音原文:Text 1M: Laura, are you going to Sophias end-of-school party? W: Oh, no! I forgot all about it, Matt. She has one every June, doesnt she? I missed the last one. M: Its a lot of fun. You should really come!Text 2M: Ms. Anthony, this homework is really difficult. Can you give us some help with the answers?W: No, but Ill allow you to work in groups this time. Then one person from each group will present the answers to the class in the end.Text 3W: Sometimes I just wish I were a flower. Look at them getting watered over thereit looks so refreshing! And were here sweating in gym class while Mr. Filbert makes us run like the wind!M: Id rather be a dog, taking a nap in the shade and beating the heat!Text 4W: Where have you been? It is a long time since I saw you last month at the companys dinner party. Have you been away on business?M: No, Ive been away on holiday. My uncle and aunt live in London. I visited them. Text 5W: Tom, I heard you guys study by groups. How big is your study group?M: Well, there were 8 of us to begin with. Then 3 students left. Text 6W: Look around us. Almost everyone is sitting at their tables using their cell phones.M: I never even noticed. W: Thats my point. You didnt notice, because youre so used to it. M: Im hungry. What should we get to eat?W: Look at this. We dont even have to speak to the waitress to order our food. We just select what we want from this electronic tablet.M: Cool! Let me see that.W: I think all this fancy technology is turning us into robots. People dont even communicate in person anymore. Something is wrong with this society.M: Cool! You can play a game on this thing!W: John?M: Hold onYes! A new high score! Sorry, what were you saying?W: Never mind. Text 7 M: Its raining again. Time to fix up the backyard garden. I need to pull the weeds out. And tonight, the temperature will be close to freezing. Ill have to cover the plants so they dont die.W: Thats a lot of work! My garden doesnt need so much care.M: I didnt know you had one. Where is it?W: In my kitchen. I put all my plants by the kitchen window. They get plenty of sunshine, and I remember to water them often. If they were out on the balcony, I would probably forget. M: What do you grow?W: I have some herbs and two different kinds of hot pepper plants. I use these in my cooking. I also have some plants with flowers, just for decoration. M: Our gardens are very different. I have many vegetables and some small fruit trees. Text 8M: What is this book here? I recognize some of the words, but Ive never seen most of them before.W: Thats not mine. It is my sisters. She is taking a French class. M: I didnt know the two languages were so similar.W: Oh, yes. English borrows a lot of words from French, Spanish, and even German.M: Really? Can you give me some examples?W: Restaurant, menu, chef, saladthose are all French words. Th
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