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仁爱版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 1 Topic 2 Section C导学案一、学习目标:1. 继续练习一般将来时和一般过去时。2. 了解篮球方面的知识。二、学习重点、难点:other, the other, another 的区别。三、学习链接1.Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world.篮球是美国以及世界其他地方最受欢迎的运动之一。 one of+形容词的最高级+可数名词的复数,意为“最中的其中之一”。the most popular意为“最受欢迎的”,是popular的最高级。(注意:多音节形容词的最高级是在前面加the most ,比较级是加 more.)one of 作主语时,谓语用单数。例如:One of students in Class Three is from Beijing.other,the other, another 和 the others 是近义词,但用法不一样,other意为“另外的,其他的”作限定词,表示泛指,没有范围限定,后接复数可数名词。another意为“又一个,再一个”。也表示泛指,可以用作限定词,后接单数可数名词。也可用作代词,后不接名词。the other意为“二者中的另一个”,表示特指。常见形式“onethe other”。the others 相当于“the other+可数名词复数”,指一个范围内剩余的全部。2.It has a history of over a century.它有一个多世纪的历史。over意为“多于”相当于more than.a history of+数 -意为“(年)的历史”3.At first,it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather.刚开始,它是一种室内运动以便学生们在不好的天气下也能玩耍。At first”起初,起先。”常用于前后变化的对比。点拨:(1) so that 为了,以便 He got up early so that he could catch the early bus. 结果,以致 He left his book at home so that he went back home again.so+形容词/副词+that从句:如此.以致She is so beautiful that everyone likes him 。such+名词短语+that 从句:如此.以致 She is such a beautiful girl that everyone likes him.4.Basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game.篮球是户内运动,也是户外运动。bothand意为“二者都”“既又” 作主语时,谓语用复数。indoor与outdoor是反义词5.The goal is to throw the ball through the other sides basket,and to stop the other team from doing so.(比赛)目标是将球投入对方的篮筐而得分,并阻止对方这样做。此处to throw是动词不定式放在be之后作表语。through 介词,意为“通过,穿过”,指从物体的中间通过、穿过。类似的有across也是介词“通过,穿过”,指从物体表面通过、穿过。 cross是动词,表面经过。Stopfrom doing sth.意为“阻止,阻拦做某事”。Our parents often stop us from watching TV too much.6.You can throw it from any part of the court你可以从球场的任何地方把球投进篮筐 any常用于否定句和疑问句中;用在肯定句中,后接名复或不可数名词,意为“任何,任一”。7.But it is more important for you and the other players to play as a team.但对于你和其他队员来说,团队合作是很重要的。It is+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.意为“(对某人而言)做是样的”。这是一个由it做形式主语的句型,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。8 .A large number of people enjoyed basketball.许多人喜欢篮球。a number of=lots of=many.做主语时,看of后面的名词来决定谓语动词。number前可以用large,great,small等来修饰,以增强或降低数量的程度。但不能用litter来修饰。拓展:the number of 意为“的数量”,后接名复。做主语时,谓语用单数。例如:A number of students are watching the game. The number of students in our school is about 1500.9.How do you score in basketball?在篮球中,你怎样得分? score 进球,得分名词:The final score is 2-1. 最后得分为2比1。动词: No one scored in the first half.没人得分在上半场。How to score:疑问词+不定式一、自习(一)、比一比,看谁先闯过词汇关。I、拼读关:试拼读第131页P13-14的新单词,并将新单词的音标写在课文中新单词旁,听词汇磁带正音,然后课堂上小组内相互拼读。II、记忆关。你准备好了吗?请默写下面的单词。1.发明 2.发明者,创造者 3. 球场 4. 在户外,在野外 5.世纪,百年 6.起初,起先 7室内的 8.变成,成为 9.到里面 10.形成,产生 11.目标,进球得分 12.穿过 13.一边,一侧 14.篮子 15.遵守,跟随 16.例子,样品 17.例如 18.抓住,举办 19.技能 20.作为 ,如同 21.比 22.得分,进球 (二)、阅读教材一. 写出下面动词的过去式come- hold- stop- enjoy- invent- take- can- put- throw- follow- become- score-二. 在文中划出下列短语并翻译1.one of the most popular sports_ _2.a history of over a century 3.at first_ 4.so that _5.come into being _6.in bad weather_ 7.a team sport with two teams of five players each_ _8.throw the ball through the other sides basket_ _ 9.one of the most popular sports_ 10. follow the rules_ 11.throw it with one hand or both hands_12.for example 13.stop the other team from doing so 三、重点句子:1、篮球是美国以及世界其他地方最受欢迎的运动之一。 2、但对于你和其他队员来说,团队合作是很重要的。 二、自疑我想问:_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_三、自探活动一:Listen, read and say活动二:Read and understand 1. Listen to the record and imitate the pronunciation. 2. Read the passage and answer the questions in 1a活动三:do exercise 2 (worke alone)四、自测.单项选择。( )1.John studies hard he can go to college in the future. A. that B.so that C.because D.just( )2Summer holiday is coming.What is your plan the holiday?A.to B.for C.with D.in ( )3.-How delicious the cake is! - Im glad you like it.Would you like to have one ?A.another B. others
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