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2019 年高考英语大二轮练习专项强化练八(1)Ever since an accident put him in a wheelchair,Dan has had one dr eam:_1_That is why he was_2_to learn about a piece of research that coul d possibly lead to his_3_ But there are two_4_First, the research may take years before it becomes a treatment.And the second is the most _5_of all considerations: money._6_by love for Dan,friends worked hard through a series of_7_to raise 20, 000 pounds for his future surge ry.Dan felt he could really start looking toward the day when he could tu rn his_8_into a reality.Then he_9_Brecon, a 5-year-old who_10_from cerebral palsy(脑 瘫).Dan read about a new surgical procedure that could allow the little boy to walk_11_But the surgery would_12_more than 60, 000 poun dsmoney Brecons parents were having a_13_time raising.Dan said,Im in pretty much the_14_condition, but it appears t hat Brecon can_15_walk if he gets his surgery, and I cant right now.S o I thought I might as well pass the money on to him.Im incredibly_16 _to everyone who has helped me out, but this boy needs it_17_I do a t the moment.And so he took his dream out of the bank and_18_it over to Brec ons parents, telling them,It would make me very happy to see the_1 9_made to Brecons life. I wanted to help someone whose life could get better, he said. If I can help someone to walk, I will.Even if it means_20_adream t o do it.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。 Dan 因一起事故不能行走了,只 能依靠轮椅行动,他的梦想是有一天能站起来行走。在朋友的帮助下,他 筹集到了手术的钱,但是适合他的治疗方法仍处于研究阶段。 Dan 得知五 岁的脑瘫男孩 Brecon 在手术成功后就能独力行走,便将自己准备动手术的 钱赠给了 Brecon。【核心词汇】lead to导致,造成barrier n.障碍;栅栏con siderati on n. 体谅;考虑因素;考虑a series of 一系列surgical adj.外科的,外科手术用的procedure n.程序,手续 definitely adv朋确地;一定地in credibly adv.非常地;难以置信地1. A.lyingB、walkingC、jumpingD、working解析:根据Ever since an accident put him in a wheelchair可知, 因为一起事故,Dan离不开轮椅了;结合常识可以判断,Dan的梦想是能行 走, walk 意为行走,故 B 项正确。答案: B2. A.angryB、embarrassedC、calmD、excited解析:根据该段最后一句 Dan felt he could really start looking towa rd the day whe n he could turn his_8_into a reality 可知,Dan 开始盼 望着梦想成真的一天,所以当他得知一项能使他康复的研究会感到兴奋。 e xcited 意为兴奋的,故 D 项正确。答案: D3. A.recovery B、achievementC、discoveryD、commitment解析:见第2小题解析。recovery意为康复,故A项正确。答案: A4. A.benefits B 、hopesC、barriersD、experiments解析:根据空处后一句 First,the research may take years before it becomes a treatment以及下文中的And the second is the most_5_of all considerations money可知,Dan 面临两个障碍。barrier 意为障碍, 故 C 项正确。答案: C5A.generousB、 practicalC、valuableD、suitable解析:联系下文并结合常识可知,最实际的考虑因素是钱。 practical 意为实际的,故 B 项正确。答案: B6 A.InspiredB、StressedC、Instructed D 、Motivated 解析:由文意可知,出于对 Dan 的爱,朋友们通过一系列的活动努力 筹集了两万英镑。motivated by意为出于,故 D项正确。答案: D7A.activitiesB、 coursesC、observationsD、competitions解析:见第 6 小题解析。 activities 意为活动,故 A 项正确。 答案: A8 A.research B、dreamC、concernD、possibility解析:根据第一段中的dream并结合文意可知,Dan开始盼望着梦 想成真的一天。dream意为梦想,故B项正确。答案: B9A.spoke ofB、believed inC、thought ofD、heard about解析:由文意可知,他听说了一个五岁的男孩 Brecon 患有脑瘫。 hear about意为听说,故 D项正确。答案: D10A.suffers B 、learnsC、 differs D、survives解析:见第 9小题解析。 suffer from 为固定搭配,意为 (因疾病、痛 苦、悲伤等 )受苦,受难,故 A 项正确。答案:A11A.swiftlyB、 clumsilyC、 unaidedD、untrained解析:根据第四段第一句中的 walk 并结合该句中的 Dan read ab out a new surgical procedure that could allow the little boy to walk 可 知,Dan知道了一种新的外科手术,可以让小男孩独力行走。unaided意为独力的,故 C 项正确。答案: C12A.wasteB、 collectC、 d epositD、require解析:由文意可知,这项手术需要六万多英镑。 require 意为需要, 故 D 项正确。答案: D13A.freeB、busyC、hardD、nice解析:由句意可知, Brecon 的父母正度过一段艰难的时光来筹集这些钱;hard意为“艰难的,故 C项正确。答案: C14A.usualB、sameC、generalD、different解析:根据上文可知, Dan 和 Brecon 的情况一样,他们都不能行走。 same意为相冋的,故B 项正确。答案: B15A.rarelyB、confidentlyC、distinctlyD、definitely解析:由文意可知,虽然 Dan 和 Brecon 的情况一样,但是 Brecon 经 过手术一定能独力行走。definitely意为“明确地,一定地,故D项正确。答案:D16A.friendlyB、 gratefulC、shamefulD、reliable解析:根据该句中的to every one who has helped me out可知,D an感激每个帮助他的人。grateful意为“感谢的,感激的,故 B项正确。答案: B17A. m o re thanB、 rather thanC、less thanD、other than解析:根据上文及文意可知,这个男孩在此刻比 Dan 更需要这笔钱。more than表示(程度上)更强,更多,故 A项符合语境。答案: A18A.castB、spreadC、handedD、distributed解析:由文意可知, Dan 将自己的梦想 (指筹集到的手术费 )从银行中取 了出来,交给了 Brecon的父母。hand over为固定搭配,意为把送交,故 C 项正确。答案: C19A.differenceB、effortsC、damageD、preparations解析:由文意可知,对Brecon的生活起到重要的作用会让 Dan感到很高兴。make the differenee to意为对起作用,故 A项正确。答案: A20A.realizingB、changingC、sacrificing D、recalling解析:根据上文可知,Dan为了让脑瘫的小男孩Brecon接受手术从而 独力行走,将原本自己动手术的钱捐赠给了Breeo n,可知为了帮助别人过上更好的生活,Dan宁愿牺牲自己的梦想。sacrifice意为牺牲,故C项 正确。答案:C(2)My grandfather gave me the world when he gave me his love.He w ould have done anything for me, and he was always_1_to busy himself with some projects meant for my_2_Summer months meant that I could have more fun on my grandfathe rs farm away from the_3_of city life.Only a twenty-minute drive from our home, my mother often m
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