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米宝宝科技2022年职称英语-职称英语(卫生类)考试题库题目一二三四五六总分得分一.单项选择题(共20题)1. Chronic Diseases: The Worlds Leading Killer Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are ofen the most preventable. Chronic diseases include heart disease,stroke,cancer,diabetes(糖尿病)and lung disorders. The World Health Ognization says chronic diseases lead to about seventeen million early deaths each year.This United Nations agency expects more than three hundred eighty million people to die of chronic diseases by two thousand fifteen. It says about eighty percent of the deaths will happen in developing nations. The WHO says chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia-Pacific area.In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically productive years. In fact, experts say chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people in poorer countries than in wealthier ones. The WHO estimates that chronic diseases will cost China alone more than five hundred thousand million dollars in the next ten years.That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity.Russia and India are also expected to face huge economic losses. Kim Hak-Su is the head of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.Last week in Bangkok he presented a WHO report on the problem. It says deaths from chronic diseases have increased largely as the result of economic gains in many countries. The report details the latest findings from nine countries. They include Brazil, Britain, Canada,China,India and Nigeria.The others are Pakistan,Russia and Tanzania. Mister Kim says infections and parasitic(寄生的)diseases have until recently been the main killers in Asia and the Pacific But he says they are no longer the major cause of death in most countries. Health officials say as many as eighty percent of deaths from Chronic diseases could be prevented. They say an important tool for governments is to restrict the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity. UN officials aim through international action to reduce chronic-disease deaths by twoHealth officials say as many as eighty percent of deaths from Chronic diseases could be prevented. They say an important tool for governments is to restrict the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity. UN officials aim through international action to reduce chronic-disease deaths by two percent each year through two thousand fifteen. They say meeting that target could save thirty-six million lives. That includes twenty-five mllion in Asia and the Pacific. How many people in developing countries will probably die of chronic diseases by 2015?A. More than 17 million.B. More than 380 millon.C. More than 304 million.D. More than 25 million.正确答案:C,2.The Spanish Flu Epidemic If youre worried about the possibility of a coming bird flu epidemic, you can take comfort in the fact that humanity has survived a similar influenza epidemic in the past. Starting its rounds at the end of World War I,the 1918 flu killed an estimated 50 million people. Popularly known as the Spanish Flu, this type of influenza was far worse than your common cold. Normally,influenza only kills those who are more vulnerable to disease,such as newborns,the old or the sick. However,the Spanish Flu was prone to killing the young and healthy. Often it would disable its victims in hours; within a day, they would be dead, typically from extreme cases of pneumonia (肺炎). The Spanish Flu was quite nasty fast-spreading and deadly. It managed to spread across the globe, devastating the world. Then suddenly,after two years ravaging (蹂躏) the Earth,it disappeared as quickly as it had arisen. Despite its nickname, the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain.Its true origins are unknown. Some believe it started in US forts and then spread to Europe as America joined the war; others think that it populated the trenches of the English and the French and eventually broke out in 1918. Regardless of where it started, eventually a fifth of the world population suffered the disease,with a global mortality rate (死亡率)estimated at 2. 5% of the population. Modernity was partly to blame for the quick spread of the disease. It passed throughout the world on trade routes and shipping lines. It hit Northern America,Europe,Asia,Africa and the South Pacific. The war did not help at all the movement of supplies and troops aided the spread of the Spanish Flu,as well as the trench warfare. Imagine the speed at which a virus can spread in a crowded ditch. The fast emergence of the virus in the trenches caused some soldiers to belie
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