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2023年山东省日照市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空In sixth grade, I joined the band program to learn to play the clarinet(单簧管). The first year had gone 1 . But as most students progressed, I seemed to 2 behind. One day, when my teacher told us to perform in class, I was filled with 3 . When I began to play, my rhythms(节奏)were good, but my tone(调)was another 4 . “Didnt you practice your lesson?” the teacher shouted at me. I felt so 5 and my world fell down at once.From then on, I 6 playing the clarinet and I was getting worse. With the new performance coming near, I grew 7 upset. In a moment of panic(惊慌), I asked for sick leave. It was such a(n) 8 way out and I was totally in relief.I continued 9 my lessons until my mum asked me about it. “I want to give up,” said with tears in my eyes. “Why are you 10 , if you really want to give up?” asked mum. She had a(n) 11 and I realized that I really wanted to stay in the band and, by not facing my fears, I had created a black hole that would be difficult to 12 out of. I knew its time to find my way out.The next day I 13 with my other band teacher and told her about my problems. She asked me gently to play for her. I tried, 14 only an unpleasant sound came out he handed me a new reed(簧片). I put it in place and tried again. To my 15 , I could play so well.Hiding from those fears only digs a hole, making a person trapped(陷入困境)inside. After facing up to a fear, one may find life easier and more enjoyable.1AslowlyBquicklyCquietlyDsmoothly2AwalkBfallCstepDmove3AfearBregretCjoyDcourage4AnovelBpieceCstoryDpart5ArelaxedBembarrassedCworriedDnervous6AlovedBkeptChatedDstarted7AfinallyBhopefullyCsuddenlyDincreasingly8AhardBeasyCsillyDpainful9AavoidingBtakingCchoosingDattending10AshoutingBcryingCchangingDasking11ApointBideaCsightDmind12ApushBpullCdrawDclimb13AarguedBplayedCmetDworked14AandBbutCorDso15AsadnessBamusementCsurpriseDdisappointment二、阅读单选When you are tired of buildings, you can visit one of Londons many beautiful parks.Hyde Park first opened to the people of London in the seventeenth century. It is not far from the shops of busy Oxford Street, but it is nice and quiet. In the center is the lake called the Serpentine, and you can take a boat out on the water.There are usually a lot of people at Speakers Corner. Some people come here because they want to tell the world important or interesting thingsabout the government, or science, or the church, or “the end of the world”. They stand at the Corner, and call out to all the people around them. Other people stand and listen, and sometimes laugh too.Kensington Gardens is next to Hyde Park. Here you can see a statue(雕像) of Peter Pan, the famous boy in the book Peter Pan by J. M. Baie. There is also a playground here, called the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground. And the playground has lots of exciting things for children.Regents Park is the home of London zoo. The zoo opened in 1828, and it has animals and birds from all over the world. There is also a theatre in the park. On a summers evening, you can sit out and watch a play by Shakespeare. Or you can see the park from the watertake a boat along the canal(运河) from Camden Lock to Little Venice. In the summer, you can listen to music in the park.St Jamess Park is next to the Mall. It is a small park, but very beautiful, and it is the oldest of the royal(皇家)parks. Lots of birds live on and around the lake in the centre of the park.16Where can you listen to an interesting speech?AIn Hyde Park.BIn Regents Park.CIn St Jamess Park.DIn Kensington Gardens.17What can you do in Regents Park?ASee a statue of Peter Pan.BEnjoy plays or music.CGo boating on the lake.DWatch birds on the playground.18What do we know about St Jamess Park?AIts a very old royal park.BIts far away from the Mall.CIt was built in the 17th century.DIt has a lake called the Serpentine.A hungry fly speeds through a forest. It smells nectar(花蜜)and lands on a green leaf. It starts to drink the sweet liquid(液体). Suddenly, the flys world turns green. The two sides of the leaf close against each other. Long green teeth lock together around it. The fly has been caught by Venus flytrap. There is no way to run away alive.The Venus flytrap is perhaps the most famous killer plant. However, scientists have only recently started to understand how it hunts(猎取)and eats. After years of study, plant scientist Alexander Volkov believes he now knows the Venus flytraps secret. “This,” says Volkov, “is an electrical plant.”There are three small hairs along each of the Venus flytraps two leaves. When an insect touches a hair, it creates an electrical sign
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